Prediking binne die konteks van 'n sukses-gedrewe samelewing : 'n prakties-teologiese ondersoek

dc.contributor.advisorCilliers, Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDreyer, Christian Hendriken_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology & Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to develop outlines for preaching which is serious about the reality of some people’s experiences of powerlessness within a success‐driven society in which the preaching occurs. These outlines were developed by means of a practical‐theological investigation which took into account some tendencies that were identified during the analyses of a number of sermons and daily devotions. These analyses were done by utilising a theory which was developed by taking into account the experiences of powerlessness of some people. Correlations between the relevant tendencies and the presuppositions and consequences of certain strategical approaches in the church were sought to establish whether possible causes for such tendencies in response to sermons may be found in the strategical approaches. The relevant strategic approaches can be traced back to the American context which is influenced by the success motive of the American dream and the corporate ideology. The presuppositions and consequences of the relevant strategical approaches which correlate with the tendencies that were identified during the analyses of sermons, concern images of God, conceptions about the congregation, ways of using Scripture and preachers’ understanding of their identity. A search was done, in the light of the gospel, to find alternatives for the relevant presuppositions and consequences in order to develop the desired outlines. These alternatives that the gospel offer are of such a nature that the outlines have preaching in mind which comfort, confront and invite to new perspectives in the light of God’s acts and his involvement with people, and are less concerned with controlling or establishing means of controlling, than is the case with the sermons and daily devotions that were analysed.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel om rigtingwysers te ontwikkel vir prediking wat die realiteit van sommige mense se ervarings van magteloosheid ernstig opneem te midde van ’n suksesgedrewe samelewing waarbinne die prediking plaasvind. Die rigtingwysers is ontwikkel deur middel van ’n prakties‐teologiese ondersoek waartydens rekening gehou is met sekere tendense wat geïdentifiseer is tydens die analise van ’n aantal preke en dagstukkies. Die analises is gedoen aan die hand van ’n teorie wat ontwikkel is met inagneming van sommige mense se ervarings van magteloosheid. Daar is verder gepoog om raakpunte te identifiseer tussen die betrokke tendense en die voorveronderstellings en konsekwensies van sekere strategiese benaderings binne die kerk om sodoende aan te dui dat die betrokke strategiese benaderings moontlike oorsake van sekere tendense by preke inhou. Die betrokke strategiese benaderings kan in ’n meerdere of mindere mate teruggevoer word na die Amerikaanse konteks waar hulle deur die sukses‐gedrewenheid van die Amerikaanse droom en die korporatiewe ideologie beïnvloed is. Die voorveronderstellings en konsekwensies van die betrokke strategiese benaderings wat raakpunte toon met die tendense wat by preke geïdentifiseer is, het te doen met Godsbeelde, opvattings oor die gemeente, maniere van Skrifgebruik en predikers se verstaan van hulle identiteit. Daar is verder, in die lig van die evangelie, gesoek na alternatiewe vir die betrokke voorveronderstellings en konsekwensies ten einde die verlangde rigtingwysers te ontwikkel. Die alternatiewe wat deur die evangelie gebied word, is sodanig dat die rigtingwysers prediking in gedagte het wat tot ’n groter mate troos, konfronteer en uitnooi tot nuwe perspektiewe in die lig van God se handelinge en sy betrokkenheid by mense en minder daarop ingestel is om beheer uit te oefen of om maniere te probeer bied waardeur beheer verkry kan word as wat die geval was by die preke en dagstukkies wat geanaliseer is.en_ZA
dc.format.extent250 leaves
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rightsStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPreaching -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Practical Theology and Missiologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Practical Theology and Missiologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.titlePrediking binne die konteks van 'n sukses-gedrewe samelewing : 'n prakties-teologiese ondersoeken_ZA
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