Concrete with improved visibility in low light conditions

dc.contributor.advisorCombrinck, Riaanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMuller, Hanruen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a world where the sun sets at the end of every day, humans are forced to move about in low light conditions, for which they are not specifically adapted to do. This is even more prevalent in modern times where sunset does not mean resting time. When travelling in low light condition, objects which cannot be seen can serve as hazards. With concrete being one of the most popular building materials used for constructing infrastructure, and its inherent material properties which make it less visible in low light conditions, motivates this study to improve the visibility of concrete in low light conditions. Additionally, some materials used to create structures create darkness by blocking natural light which makes travelling within these structures difficult especially in an emergency. This is another inherent property of a concrete matrix which can be improved. This study incorporates and combines different existing concepts to produce a concrete design which would aid in making concrete more visible in low light conditions. These include transparency and luminescent concepts. These concepts can increase the visibility of the concrete as well as enable light to pass or move through the structure, illuminating any dark environments. The study focusses on the use of luminescent materials, in specific luminescent aggregates and luminescent powders, to provide an inherent visibility in low light conditions. To produce translucency, material such as fibre optics, glass and transparent resins are used. Each of the materials considered for this study was also characterised to better understand the behaviour of the material in the conditions in which it would be implemented. The results of this study indicate that by incorporating and combining these concepts in concrete can improve its visibility in low light conditions. In addition, these concepts also serve as a mechanism to alter the aesthetics and the efficiency to some extent of concrete as a building material. The influence on the durability of concrete by the incorporation of these materials was also investigated. The results indicate that the incorporation of limited amounts of these materials have a low impact on the durability of concrete, however with an increase in quantities the impact becomes more significant.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: n ‘n wêreld waar die son ondergaan aan die einde van elke dag, word die mensdom geforseer om te reis of rond te beweeg in lae lig kondisies, waarvoor die mensdom nie noodwendig aangepas is nie. Díe is selfs meer relevant in die moderne tye waar die sons ondergang nie rus-tyd beteken nie. Wanneer daar in lae lig kondisies rondbeweeg word, kan voorwerpe wat nie gesien word nie, dien as gevare. Beton is een van die mees populêre boumateriale wat gebruik word vir die bou van infrastruktuur, maar die inherente materiaal eienskappe maak dit minder sigbaar in lae lig kondisies. Dit maak dus, ‘n studie wat die sigbaarheid van beton in lae lig kondisies ondersoek en moontlik kan verbeter, relevant en nodig. Verder blok sekere materiale, wat gebruik word om strukture op te rig, natuurlike lig. Dit veroorsaak donkerte binne in die struktuur en maak dit moeilik om rond te beweeg in die struktuur, veral tydens ‘n nood situasie. Hierdie is nóg ‘n inherente materiaal eienskap van ‘n beton matriks waarop verbeter kan word. Hierdie studie inkorporeer en bring verskeie konsepte saam om ‘n beton ontwerp konsep voor te bring, wat sal help om beton meer sigbaar te maak in lae lig kondisies. Hierdie konsepte sluit beide deursigtigheids en liggewende konsepte in. Die inkorporasie van hierdie konsepte sal help met die sigbaarheid van beton, asook om lig in staat te stel om deur die struktuur te beweeg. Dit sal dan die gevormde donker omgewing verminder deur beligting te verskaf. Die studie is gefokus om liggewende materiale, in spesifiek liggewende aggregaat en liggewende poeiers, te gebruik om inherente sigbaarheid in lae lig kondisies te lewer. Om deursigtigheid te bekom, is materiale soos optiese vesels, glas en deursigtige harse ingestel. Elke materiaal wat ondersoek is vir hierdie studie was gekenmerk om die gedrag daarvan in die kondisies waarin dit geïmplimenteer gaan word beter te verstaan. Die resultate van die studie wys dat deur die inkorporasie en saambring van hierdie konsepte kan die sigbaarheid van beton in lae lig kondisies verbeter word. Verder, kan dit ook dien as ‘n meganisme om die voorkoms van die beton, sowel as die doeltreffendheid daarvan, te verander. Dit was wel gevind dat met die instelling van hierdie konsepte in die beton, word die duursaamheid van die beton verlaag. Indien daar beperkte hoeveelhede van hierdie materiaal gebruik word, is dit steeds nie aanvaarbaar laag nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent116 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectLuminescent concreteen_ZA
dc.subjectLuminescent substancesen_ZA
dc.subjectConcrete blocksen_ZA
dc.subjectLightweight concreteen_ZA
dc.subjectConcrete constructionen_ZA
dc.titleConcrete with improved visibility in low light conditionsen_ZA
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