Geld die gewone reëls en beginsels van wetsuitleg by die uitleg van belastingwetgewing?

Taljaard, Jochemus Cornelius
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For many years the view of South African courts and academics have been that the literal meaning of words is the cornerstone in regard to the interpretation of legislative provisions. This view has changed drastically over the years and academics and the courts have later accepted that the intention of the legislature is the determining factor in the interpretation of a legislative provision. In recent years the courts have also moved towards a more purposive approach in interpreting legislative provisions. Despite these developments the belief remained with some academics and especially tax practitioners that in the interpretation of fiscal legislation, the literal meaning of words remains the deciding factor in the interpretation of such legislation. In this study, the courts' approach in the interpretation of fiscal legislation, with specific reference to the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 is investigated in order to determine whether a different approach is followed in the interpretation of fiscal legislation in contrast with the interpretation of other legislation. This study first examines the principles applicable in the interpretation of legislation in general and the developments that have taken place over the years. This is necessary in order to set a standard against which the interpretation of fiscal legislation may be measured. The study then examines the courts' approach to the interpretation of fiscal legislation and draws a comparison between the interpretation of fiscal legislation and the interpretation of legislation in general. In this regard the specific theories of interpretation as well as the presumptions of interpretation is considered in detail. From this examination the conclusion is drawn that there are no grounds for distinguishing between the interpretation of fiscal legislation and other legislation in general except for the fact that the concept of equity was never accepted and applied in the context of fiscal legislation whereas it has been in regard to other legislation. The specific reasons for this exception are also discussed in detail. The impact of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa on the interpretation of legislation in general and fiscal legislation in particular is then considered. From this examination the inference is drawn that the Constitution has no impact on the interpretation of fiscal legislation in so far as the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Constitution are not infringed by a taxing provision.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse howe en akademici het vir baie jare die mening gehuldig dat die letterlike betekenis van woorde die hoeksteen van wetsuitleg is. Hierdie siening het oor die jare aansienlik verander en die howe en akademici het later aanvaar dat die bedoeling van die wetgewer die bepalende faktor in die uitleg van enwetsteks is. In afgelope paar jaar het die howe egter 'n meer doeldienende benadering betreffende wetsuitleg begin volg. Ten spyte van hierdie verwikkelinge het die persepsie by sommige akademici en in die besonder belastingpraktisyns bly voortbestaan dat die letterlike betekenis van woorde in die wet steeds die deurslaggewende faktor by die uitleg van belastingwetgewing is. In hierdie studie sal die howe se benadering ten opsigte van die uitleg van belastingwetgewing, met spesifieke verwysing na die Inkomstebelastingwet 58 van 1962 ondersoek word ten einde vas te stel of en ander benadering gevolg word by die uitleg van belastingwetgewing teenoor die benadering wat gevolg word by die uitleg van wetgewing in die algemeen. Die studie ondersoek eers die beginsels van toepassing by die uitleg van wetgewing in die algemeen en die ontwikkeling van hierdie beginsels deur die jare. Hierdie ondersoek is noodsaaklik ten einde en maatstaf te vestig waarteen die uitleg van belastingwetgewing getoets kan word. Die studie ondersoek daarna die howe se benadering ten opsigte van die uitleg van belastingwetgewing en vergelyk die uitleg van belastingwetgewing met die uitleg van wetgewing in die algemeen. In hierdie verband word die onderskeie teoriee van wetsuitleg asook die vermoedens van wetsuitleg in besonderhede ondersoek. Uit hierdie ondersoek word daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar geen grande is om te onderskei tussen die uitleg van belastingwetgewing en wetgewing in die algemeen nie behalwe vir die feit dat die konsep van billikheid nooit in die konteks van belastingwetgewing aanvaar en toegepas is nie. Die spesifieke redes vir hierdie uitsondering word ook in besonderhede bespreek. Die impak van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika op wetsuitleg in die algemeen en belastingwetgewing in die besonder word dan oorweeg. Uit hierdie ondersoek word daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die Grondwet geen impak op die uitleg van belastingwetgewing het nie vir sover die bepalings van Hoofstuk 2 van die Grondwet nie geskend word deur die bepalings van belastingwetgewing nie.
Thesis (MComm) -- Stellenbosch University, 2001
Theses -- Accountancy, Dissertations -- Accountancy, Assignments -- Accountancy, Taxation-- Law and legislation -- South AfricaI -- Interpretation and construction