Techno-economic analysis of the valorisation of brewers spent grains: Production of xylitol and xylo-oligosaccharides

dc.contributor.advisorGorgens, Johann F.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSwart, Lukas Johannesen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Process Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Techno-economic analysis of the valorisation of brewers spent grains: Production of xylitol and xylo-oligosaccharides Brewers’ spent grains (BSG) make up to 85% of breweries’ solid waste produced, and is either sent to landfill or sold as cheap animal feed supplement. Yet a valuable sugar replacer, xylitol, and/or prebiotic xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) can be produced from BSG, which can be used as supplements or in food formulations as low calories sweeteners and texturisers. Both are high value commodities (>US$5/kg) with a projected annual market growth greater than 10%. Hydrothermal fractionation technologies, Liquid Hot Water (LHW) and Steam Explosion (SE) have been reported for extracting a fraction of XOS and xylose (for xylitol production) from BSG. However, the reported autocatalytic LHW processes for BSG use high temperatures (>180 °C) and in low dry matter (dm) concentrations (<11% dm), while no such SE processes have been reported. Therefore, the intensification of hydrothermal treatment (HTT) processes for BSG was investigated, through reductions in both the required temperatures and process water usage, to improve process economics, through screw press dewatering of BSG prior to HTT treatment. Firstly, HTT process intensification for production of XOS was demonstrated in a 1 L LHW batch reactor with a Weiss BSG, raw (15% dm) and screw pressed (25% dm), combined with extremely low acid (ELA) catalyst dosing (5, 12.5 and 20 mg H2SO4/g dry mass). Improved XOS yields (61.4–76.4%) were obtained using >15% dm under reduced temperature conditions (150–170 °C), compared to previous reports with 9–11% dm. Screw pressing BSG enhanced the ELA acidification in LHW HTT with up to 400% more H+ released through the selective removal of dissolved solids, ash, starches and proteins during the screw press dewatering. Secondly, the preferred process conditions from LHW HTT was successfully scaled-up to a 19 L SE reactor, for both Weiss and Malt BSGs, achieving similar and higher XOS yields (>73%) by reducing the water content with a screw press by more than 60%. The preferred process conditions were insensitive to variations of BSG chemical compositions. SE severity adjustment through SO2 catalyst addition could increase the fraction of valuable short chain oligomers (xylobiose and xylotriose) in the isolated XOS, from 7.5% to 25.3%. Economic assessments were conducted from three simulations conducted in ASPEN Plus® of the preferred process configurations, aided with experimental data to improve accuracy of process models. All scenarios showed internal rates of return greater than the hurdle rate (9.7%), at the assumed market price of US$4500/t for both xylitol and XOS. Yet XOS was more favourable with a minimum required selling price (MRSP) of US$2509/t, compared to the more elaborate production process for xylitol (MRSP of US$4153/t). By using an appropriate HTT, a scenario for the combined production of both xylitol and XOS could be defined that achieved the lowest MRSP of US$2182/t. By-products including BSG protein contributed 32.7%, 14.2% and 27.5% to the total process revenue for xylitol, XOS and the combination respectively. Finally, a small scale biorefinery annexed to a large brewery was shown to be viable combining high value products and the HTT process intensification achieved in this study.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegno-ekonomiese analises van die valorisasie van brouer gebruikte graan: Produksie van xilitol en xilo-oligosakkariedes Brouer gebruikte graan (BSG) maak tot 85% van brouerye se geproduseerde soliede afval uit, en word óf na die vullisterrein gestuur, óf as goedkoop dierevoersupplement verkoop. ’n Waardevolle suikerplaasvervanger, xilitol, en/of prebiotiese xilo-oligosakkariede (XOS) kan vervaardig word uit BSG, wat gebruik kan word as supplemente of in voedselformulasies as lae kalorieë versoeters en teksturiseerders. Beide is hoë waarde kommoditeite (>US$5/kg) met ’n geprojekteerde jaarlikse markgroei groter as 10%. Hidrotermiese fraksioneringstegnologieë, vloeistof warm water (LHW) en stoomontploffing (SE) is gerapporteer om ’n fraksie van XOS en xilose (vir xilitolproduksie) uit BSG te ekstraheer. Die gerapporteerde outokatalitiese LHW-prosesse vir BSG gebruik egter hoë temperature (>180 °C) en in lae droë stof (dm)-konsentrasies (<11% dm), terwyl geen sulke SE-prosesse gerapporteer is nie. Daarom is die intensifikasie van hidrotermiese behandeling (HTT)-prosesse vir BSG ondersoek, deur verminderings in beide die vereiste temperature en proses watergebruik, om prosesekonomië te verbeter, deur skroefpersontwatering van BSG voor HTT-behandeling. Eerstens is HTT-prosesintensifikasie vir die vervaardiging van XOS gedemonstreer in ’n 1 L LHW-lotreaktor met ʼn Weiss BSG, rou (15% dm) en skroefgepers (25% dm), gekombineer met ’n uiterse lae suur (ELA)-katalisdosering (5, 12.5 en 20 mg H2SO4/g droë massa). Verbeterde XOS-opbrengste (61.4–76.4%) is verkry deur >15% dm onder verlaagde temperatuurkondisies (150–170 °C), in vergelyking met vorige verslae met 9–11% dm. Deur BSG te skroefpers verbeter die ELA-versuring in LHW HTT met tot 400% meer H+ wat vrygestel word deur die selektiewe verwydering van opgeloste vaste stowwe, as, koolhidrate en proteïene tydens die skroefpersontwatering. Tweedens is die gekose proseskondisies van LHW HTT suksesvol opgeskaal tot ’n 19 L SE-reaktor, vir beide Weiss- en Malt-BSGs, wat soortgelyke en hoë XOS-opbrengste (>73%) bereik het deur die waterinhoud met ’n skroefpers met meer as 60% te verminder. Die gekose proseskondisies was onsensitief vir variasies van BSG chemiese komposisies. SE-intensiteitwysiging deur byvoeging van SO2-katalis kon die fraksie waardevolle kortkettingoligomere (xilobiose en xilotriose) in die geïsoleerde XOS verhoog, van 7.5% tot 25.3%. Ekonomiese assesserings is gedoen uit drie simulasies uitgevoer in ASPEN Plus® van die gekose proseskonfigurasies, ondersteun deur eksperimentele data om die akkuraatheid van die prosesmodelle te verbeter. Alle scenario’s het interne opbrengskoerse groter as die versperringskoers (9.7%) getoon, by die aangenome markprys van US$4500/t vir beide xilitol en XOS. XOS was egter meer gunstig met ’n minimum vereiste verkoopsprys (MRSP) van US$2509/t, in vergelyking met die meer omslagtige vervaardigingsproses vir xilitol (MSRP van US$4153/t). Deur ’n gepaste HTT te gebruik, kon ’n scenario vir die gekombineerde vervaardiging van beide xilitol en XOS gedefinieer word wat die laagste MRSP van US$2182/t bereik het. By-produkte, wat BSG-proteïene insluit, het 32.7%, 14.2% en 27.5% tot die totale prosesinkomste vir xilitol, XOS en die kombinasie onderskeidelik bygedra. Laastens, ’n kleinskaalbioraffinadery langs ’n grootskaalse brouery is in hierdie studie bewys om lewensvatbaar te wees deur hoë volume produkte en die HTT-prosesintensifisering te kombineer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent297 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectXylo-oligosaccharide (XOS)en_ZA
dc.subjectBrewers’ spent grains (BSG)en_ZA
dc.subjectBrewery wasteen_ZA
dc.titleTechno-economic analysis of the valorisation of brewers spent grains: Production of xylitol and xylo-oligosaccharidesen_ZA
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