Training as a tool for SMME development within the youth sector of the KOSH area

dc.contributor.advisorVan Baalen, J.
dc.contributor.authorMoiloa, Moeti Justice
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Dept. of School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: An effort to enhance job creation and to alleviate poverty amongst the youth as an important sector of the South African society has created a need to determine the relevance of training as a way of promoting SMME development in the KOSH area. Training is an important tool for SMME development. Based on the above analysis, the objectives of the study are to assess the relevance of training provided in relation to the economic profile and business opportunities in the KOSH area and to assess the effectiveness of training that is provided by various agencies in the KOSH area. The study also looks into the business and employment opportunities put in place to help youth participation after undergoing training. The study focuses on training as a tool for SMME development within the youth sector of the KOSH area. It mainly deals with the importance of training, which if conducted in a proper manner, should contribute to the development of SMME. While policies and institutions have been put in place to provide technical and business training skills in the KOSH area, targeting both women and youth who aspires to be entrepreneurs, there seem to be not significant expansion of the small business in order to create job opportunities. The status quo remains. Participants from these training programmes are pursuing their traditional form of business and there is little, if any, innovation and diversification in economic activities in this sector. Conclusions based on the study indicate that training should be an integral component for any SMME development strategy. Programmes promoting entrepreneurial culture should target all studying young people, and also those not enrolled at institutions of learning. The private sector seems to be playing a minimal role in the provision of training. This sector's contribution in training programmes, in a partnership with pubic institutions, is lacking. After care services to trainees is not provided for adequately. Planning for effective SMME training in the KOSH area should further take into consideration technology, social, economic, political and institutional factors which are affecting it at the moment.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 'n poging om werkskepping te bevorder en armoede onder die jeug te verlig, as 'n belangrike fokuspunt in die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap, is dit belangrik om te bepaal wat die relevansie van opleiding is ter bevordering van SMME ontwikkeling in die KOSHgebied. Gebaseer op 'n ontleding in die verband is die oogmerke van die studie om 'n waardebepaling te doen ten opsigte van die toepaslikheid van opleiding in die KOSH-gebied, en om die doeltreffendheid van opleiding wat veskaf word deur die onderskeie agentskappe in die KOSH-gebied te evalueer. Die studie fokus op opleiding as instrument vir SMME ontwikkeling. Dit ontleed hoofsaaklik die belang en waarde van die opleiding wat, indien korrek toegepas, kan bydra tot die ontwikkeling van SMME's. Alhoewel beleid en institusionele reelings voorsiening maak vir opleiding in tegniese- en besigheidsvaardighede, en bemarking spesifiek fokus op vrouens en die jeug wat entrepreneurskap bevordering betref; blyk dit dat daar nie beduidende groei is in die skepping van werksgeleenthede nie. Die status quo word gehandhaaf; deelnemers volg hul tradisionele vorme van ondernemerskap of besigheid en daar bestaan min, indien enige vernuwende denke en diversifikasie in ekonomiese aktiwiteite. Samevattings gebaseer op die studie dui daarop dat opleiding 'n integrale element van enige SMME-ontwikkelingstrategie moet wees. Programme ter bevordering van 'n interpreneurskultuur moet gerig wees op beide jongmense in akademiese instellings en die nie-skoolgaande jeug. Vennootskapspogings deur die private- en openbare sektor, skyn te kort te skiet aan koordinering in die verskaffing van opleiding. Die privaat sektor se rol is onvoldoende en daar word nie vir 'n nasorgdiens voorsiening gemaak nie. Beplanning vir effektiewe SMME opleiding in die KOSH-gebied moet verder tegnologiese, sosiale, ekonomiese, politiese, en institusionele faktore in aanmerking neem wat dit tans beinvloed.af_ZA
dc.format.extent45 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPoor -- Employment -- South Africa -- North-Westen_ZA
dc.subjectTraining needs -- South Africa -- North-Westen_ZA
dc.subjectSmall business -- South Africa -- North-Westen_ZA
dc.subjectYouth -- South Africa -- North-West -- Training ofen_ZA
dc.subjectUnemployment -- South Africa -- North-Westen_ZA
dc.subjectSmall, micro and medium enterprisesen_ZA
dc.subjectKlerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein, Hartebeesfonteinen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.titleTraining as a tool for SMME development within the youth sector of the KOSH areaen_ZA
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