Comparison of kinematic, and gait-spatio-temporal factors in ultra-trail runners with zero-drop versus regular-drop shoes

dc.contributor.advisorDe Waal, Simon Jakeen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorLamberts, Robert P.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVenter, Ranelen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHenning, Roberten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medical Health Sciences. Dept. of Exercise, Sport and Lifestyle Medication.en_ZA
dc.description Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Few studies have explored zero-drop (ZD) shoes, with no studies investigating these shoes in trail- and ultra-trail running. The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in relative oxygen uptake related and gait-spatiotemporal variables in a homogenous group of ultra-trail runners wearing ZD shoes versus those wearing regular-drop (RD) shoes. Twenty-nine recreational ultra-trail runners participated in this study: 15 habitually RD runners (age 36 ± 8.9 years; mass 70.48 ± 11.85 kg; height 174.14 ± 7.85 cm), and 14 habitually ZD runners (age 32 ± 9.31 years; mass 75.53 ± 32.99 kg; height 174.5 ± 8.23 cm). Participants ran a VO2 max protocol to determine maximal fitness, as well as to determine treadmill speed at VO2 max (vVO2 max). Thereafter, participants ran a protocol at 70% and 85% of their vVO2 max to determine relative oxygen uptake, gait spatio-temporal variables, ankle kinematics at ground contact and foot strike pattern. All physiological measures were determined by breath-by-breath analysis (COSMED, Rome, Italy), and gait-spatiotemporal measurements were done via the Optogait system (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy) and video interpretation (Kinovea, Belgium). ZD runners displayed a significantly greater VO2 max and VO2 at anaerobic threshold (AT) (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between ZD and RD runners for all the gait-spatiotemporal variables at both 70% and 85% vVO2 max. However, a large effect size for ankle angle was observed for both 70% (d=1.24) and 85% (d=1.11) speeds, indicating that ZD runners (86.54 ± 3.12o) were more dorsiflexed than RD runners (85.81 ± 4.15o) at ground contact. Furthermore, RD runners increased stride length significantly between 70% (202.46 ± 35.14 cm) and 85% (213.36 ± 41.83cm) vVO2 max, while ZD increased cadence significantly (96.83 ± 12.59 to 106.65 ± 20.88 steps.min). The first null hypothesis was rejected, as the VO2 max in the ZD group was significantly higher than the RD group. The second null hypothesis was accepted, as there were no significant differences between the ZD and RD groups for physiological fitness variables at both 70% and 85% vVO2 max. The third null hypothesis was partially rejected, as no significant difference in any of the gait-spatiotemporal variables between ZD and RD ultra-trail runners were observed, barring the distribution in foot strike pattern at 70% vVO2 max, where the ZD (n = 9) runners displayed a significantly higher distribution of MF/FF striking pattern compared to the RD (n = 1) runners. No studies have shown differences in physiological fitness and gait-spatiotemporal variables between ZD and RD ultra-trail runners. These results help runners understand how shoe drop-height affects relative oxygen uptake related variables to make informed choices in shoe selection, namely that runners wearing ZD shoes tend to strike the ground with a MF/FF pattern, as well as to expand the current body of literature regarding trail running. Further studies could investigate the effects of ZD shoes on physiological and gait-spatiotemporal variables in a much larger sample, which should provide a more accurate description of these effects.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Min studies het hardloopskoene met geen hakverskil ondersoek, met geen studies wat hierdie skoene in veldwedlope- en/of ultra-veldwedlope ondersoek het nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verskil in verskeie hardloop ekonomieë en hardlooppartoon tyd-ruimtelike veranderlikes te ondersoek in 'n homogene groep ultra-veldwedloop atlete wat hardloopskoene met geen hakverskil dra teenoor dié wat gewone-hak skoene dra. Nege-en-twintig rekreasie ultra-veldwedloop atlete het aan die huidige studie deelgeneem: 15 wat gewoonlik gewone-hak skoene (GH) gedra het (ouderdom 36 ± 8,9 jaar; massa 70,48 ± 11,85 kg; hoogte 174,14 ± 7,85 cm), en 14 wat hardloopskoene met geen hakverskil (GHV) gedra het (ouderdom 32 ± 9,31 jaar; massa 75,53 ± 32,99 kg; hoogte 174,5 ± 8,23 cm). Op dag een van toetsing het deelnemers 'n VO2 maks protokol uitgevoer om maksimum fiksheid te bepaal, asook om trapmeulspoed by VO2 maks (vVO2 maks) te bepaal. Op dag twee het deelnemers 'n protokol teen 70 en 85% van hul vVO2 maks uitgevoer om hardloop ekonomie (HE), hardloop patroon tyd-ruimtelike veranderlikes, die kinematika van die enkel by grondkontak en voetplasingspatroon te bepaal. Alle fisiologiese maatstawwe is bepaal deur asem-vir-asem analise (COSMED, Rome, Italië), en hardloop patroon ruimtelike metings is gedoen via die Optogait sisteem (Microgate, Bolzano, Italië) sowel as video interpretasie (Kinovea, België). Resultate is in die artikel (Hoofstuk Vier) gerapporteer toon dat ZV hardlopers 'n aansienlik groter VO2 maks en VO2 by die anaërobiese drempel (AD) (p < 0.05) gertoon het. Daar was geen beduidende verskil tussen ZV en GV atlete vir al die hardloop patroon tyd-ruimtelike veranderlikes by beide 60 en 70% vVO2 maks nie. 'n Groot effekgrootte vir die hoek van die enkel is egter waargeneem vir beide 70% (d=1.24) en 85% (d=1.11) spoed, wat aandui dat daar by die ZV atlete (enkelhoek +- SD) meer dorsifleksie was as by die GV atlete (enkelhoek +-SD) by grondkontak. Verder het GV atlete staplengte aansienlik verhoog tussen 70% (gee SL waarde +- SD) en 85% (gee SL waarde) vVO2 maks, terwyl ZV kadens (voor en na waardes) (p < 0.05) verhoog het. Die eerste nulhipotese is verwerp, aangesien die VO2-maks in die ZV-groep aansienlik hoër was as die GV-groep. Die tweede nulhipotese is aanvaar, aangesien daar geen betekenisvolle verskille tussen die ZV- en GV-groepe vir HE-fiksheidsveranderlikes by beide 70 of 85% vVO2 maks waargeneem is nie. Die derde nulhipotese is gedeeltelik verwerp, aangesien geen beduidende verskil in enige van die hardloop patroon tyd-ruimtelike veranderlikes tussen VD en GV ultra-veldwedloop atlete waargeneem is nie, behalwe die verspreiding in voetvalpatroon by 70% vVO2 maks, waar die ZD (n = 9) atlete 'n aansienlik hoër verspreiding van middelvoet (MV) voorvoet (VV) voetvalle in vergelyking met die GV (n = 1) atlete getoon het. Geen studies het verskille in HE en hardloop patroon tyd-ruimtelike veranderlikes tussen ZV en GV ultra-veldweloop atlete getoon nie. Hierdie resultate help hardlopers om te verstaan hoe hakhoogte HE beïnvloed om ingeligte keuses in skoenkeuse te maak, naamlik dat atlete wat ZV-skoene dra geneig is om die grond met 'n MV/VV-voetval te tref, asook om die huidige literatuur oor veldwedlope uit te brei. Toekomstige studies kan die uitwerking van ZD-skoene op HE en hardloop patroon tyd-ruimtelike veranderlikes in 'n veel groter steekproef ondersoek, wat 'n meer akkurate beskrywing van hierdie effekte behoort te verskaf.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvii, 140 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshGait in humansen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMountain runningen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRunning racesen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshUltra runningen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMarathon runningen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRunning -- Physiological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRunning -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRunning shoes -- Design and constructionen_ZA
dc.titleComparison of kinematic, and gait-spatio-temporal factors in ultra-trail runners with zero-drop versus regular-drop shoes en_ZA
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