Shared marking site use in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)

dc.contributor.advisorCherry, Michael en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorJordan, Neil R.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMcNutt, John W.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorClaase, Megan Janeen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Botany and Zoology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2024. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) have recently been shown to use latrines, or shared marking sites (SMSs), which are long lasting communal areas where multiple packs visit to deposit scent marks. The aim of this study is to understand how wild dogs use these locations, and what this behaviour means for communication and territoriality in this species. Chapter one explores seasonal variation in visitation rates across the study period, and aims to determine habitat selection of SMS locations in the landscape. Results indicate a seasonal difference in how often wild dogs visit SMS, with visits significantly decreasing during the annual denning season. Despite this dip in visitation during denning when their ranges are substantially contracted, wild dogs visit SMSs year-round. This supports the theory that SMSs play a key role in territorial advertisement and inter-pack communication in this species. SMSs are more likely to be found closer to roads, while grassland and permanent water areas are not selected for, patterns consistent with our existing knowledge of wild dog movement ecology. The second chapter aims to identify and explore the intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics driving individual scent marking patterns in both the inter- and intra-pack contexts. Dominant wild dogs scent mark more than subdominants, while patterns observed between the sexes appear to be context dependant. Dominant females overmark more than dominant males in the inter-pack context, while the opposite is seen in the intra-pack context. These results are consistent with a resource defence function of wild dog latrines, but suggest that the resource defended may differ between the sexes. Females may be more invested in the physical territory, while males may be more invested in advertising a bonded pair, likely a critical component of communicating with neighbouring packs. The final chapter explores how resident packs may tailor their territorial behaviour in response to rival identity, specifically determining if they exhibit a “dear enemy” or “nasty neighbour” response. Using behavioural data captured from camera traps as a natural experiment, results show that wild dogs generally exhibit a dear enemy response at the group level, but that this response is moderated by pack size, with larger packs exhibiting a nasty neighbour response. Data show individual, wild dogs from larger packs overmark larger groups more than they overmark small groups, while individuals from small packs avoid overmarking large groups. These patterns may be driven by variation in the size of intruding groups representing different threat, and serve to highlight key variables which may be overlooked in scent presentation experiments. Overall, this study provides detailed insights into SMSs use in wild dogs which offer insights into territoriality and communication in this endangered species. This information may be used to assist in their conservation such efforts to manipulate their ranging behaviour artificially using scent.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is onlangs getoon dat Afrika-wildehonde (Lycaon pictus) latrines, of gedeelde merkplekke (SMS'e), gebruik, wat langdurige gemeenskaplike gebiede is waar verskeie pakke besoek word om reukmerke af te lê. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te verstaan hoe wildehonde hierdie liggings gebruik en wat hierdie gedrag vir kommunikasie en territorialiteit in hierdie spesie beteken. Hoofstuk een ondersoek seisoenale variasie in besoeksyfers oor die studieperiode en het ten doel om habitatkeuse van SMS-liggings in die landskap te bepaal. Resultate dui op 'n seisoenale verskil in hoe gereeld wildehonde SMS besoek, met besoeke wat aansienlik afneem gedurende die jaarlikse hokseisoen. Ondanks hierdie afname in besoeke tydens die skuur wanneer hul velde aansienlik ingekrimp is, besoek wildehonde SMS'e die hele jaar deur. Dit ondersteun die teorie dat SMS'e 'n sleutelrol speel in territoriale advertensies en inter-pak kommunikasie in hierdie spesie. SMS'e sal waarskynlik nader aan paaie gevind word, terwyl grasveld en permanente watergebiede nie gekies word nie, patrone wat ooreenstem met ons bestaande kennis van wildehondbewegingsekologie. Die tweede hoofstuk het ten doel om die intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke kenmerke wat individuele reukmerkpatrone in beide die inter- en intra-pak kontekste aandryf, te identifiseer en te verken. Dominante wildehondreuk merk meer as subdominante, terwyl patrone wat tussen die geslagte waargeneem word, konteksafhanklik blyk te wees. Dominante wyfies oormerk meer as dominante mans in die interpakkonteks, terwyl die teenoorgestelde in die intra-pakkonteks gesien word. Hierdie resultate stem ooreen met 'n hulpbronverdedigingsfunksie van wildehondlatrines, maar dui daarop dat die hulpbron wat verdedig word, tussen die geslagte kan verskil. Wyfies kan meer op die fisiese gebied gekonsentreerd wees, terwyl mans meer gekonsentreerd kan wees op die gebied van 'n gekoppelde paar, waarskynlik 'n kritieke komponent van kommunikasie met naburige pakke. Die laaste hoofstukke ondersoek hoe inwonersgroepe hul territoriale gedrag kan aanpas in reaksie op mededingende identiteit en spesifiek bepaal of hulle 'n "liewe vyand" of "nare buurman"-reaksie toon. Deur gebruik te maak van gedragsdata wat van kameralokvalle vasgevang is as 'n natuurlike eksperiment, toon resultate dat wildehonde oor die algemeen 'n dierbare vyandelike reaksie op groepvlak toon, maar dat hierdie reaksie deur pakgrootte gemodereer word, met groter pakke wat 'n nare buurreaksie toon. Data toon individuele, wilde honde uit groter pakke oormerk groter groepe meer as wat hulle klein groepe oormerk, terwyl individue uit klein pakke vermy om groot groepe te oormerk. Hierdie patrone kan gedryf word deur variasie in die grootte van indringergroepe wat verskillende bedreigings verteenwoordig en dien om sleutelveranderlikes uit te lig wat misgekyk kan word in reukaanbiedingseksperimente. Oor die algemeen verskaf hierdie studie gedetailleerde insigte in die gebruik van SMS'e by wildehonde wat insigte bied in territoriaal en kommunikasie in hierdie bedreigde spesie. Hierdie inligting kan gebruik word om te help met hul bewaring, sulke pogings om hul uiteenlopende gedrag kunsmatig te manipuleer deur reuk te gebruik.af_ZA
dc.format.extent105 pages : illustrations (some color)en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrican wild dog -- Behavioren_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrican wild dog (Lycaon pictus) -- Habitaten_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAnimal communication -- Data processingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAnimal behavior -- Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleShared marking site use in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)en_ZA
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