HIV and AIDS and the stigmatisation of woman by men in Nigeria : a pastoral care intervention strategy

dc.contributor.advisorPenxa-Matholeni, Nobuntuen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBwosh, Samuel D.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stigma is known as negative beliefs, feelings and attitudes towards people living with HIV (PLHIV), groups associated with PLHIV and other key populations at higher risk of HIV infection. Stigma and discrimination are major barriers to testing, treatment uptake and adherence. (Odimegwu et al, 2017:2) The above quotation is a clear indication that stigma is a terrible phenomenon that causes set-backs in the fight against HIV and AIDS. This research investigates the role of men in the HIV and AIDS stigmatisation discourse from a pastoral care perspective. It is strongly argued that men are key stakeholders and players in the HIV and AIDS stigmatisation against women in Nigeria. Therefore, the research advances an argument that the utilisation of pastoral care in addressing the role of men in the HIV and AIDS stigmatisation against women, is a necessity. The study discusses at length the concept of stigma. It determined that it is one of the many factors which boost the spread of the HIV and AIDS epidemic. The research also revealed that cultural, political, social, and religious factors sometimes aggravate the situation of women. Harmful cultural practices, especially patriarchy, were discovered to be major vehicles of stigmatisation against women in Nigeria, also increasing women’s vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. The study argues that pastoral care and counselling is the best response to the menace of HIV and AIDS stigmatisation. To elicit information that would assist in arriving at a reliable conclusion, the research employed a qualitative research methodology, using the practical theological framework of Richard Osmer (2008). The study further engaged relevant literature in theology, psychology, and other appropriate disciplines. The motivation for this research emanated from the fact that women, like their male counterparts, are created in the image of God and, therefore, deserve to be treated with love, respect, and a high sense of decorum and propriety at all times, and more so when they are facing the challenge of HIV and AIDS or any illness. The research concludes that HIV and AIDS stigmatisation against women constitutes a significant threat to their fundamental human dignity. Consequently, recommendations are put forward to generate fundamental knowledge and awareness in the church and how it can objectively and urgently address the threat of HIV and AIDS stigmatisation of women by men.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stigma word beskou as negatiewe oortuigings, gevoelens en houdings teenoor mense wat met MIV leef (PLHIV), groepe wat met PLHIV verbind word en ander belangrike groepe met ‘n hoër risiko vir MIV-infeksie. Stigma en diskriminasie is die grootste hindernisse vir toetsing, en aanvaarding en nakoming van behandeling. (Odimegwu et al, 2017:2) [eie vertaling] Bogenoemde aanhaling is 'n duidelike aanduiding dat stigma 'n verskriklike verskynsel is, wat terugslae in die stryd teen MIV/vigs veroorsaak. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die rol van mans in die MIV/vigs-stigmatiseringsdiskoers vanuit 'n pastorale perspektief. Daar word sterk aangevoer dat mans die sleutel-belanghebbendes en rolspelers is in die MIV/vigs-stigmatisering van vroue in Nigerië. Daarom voer die navorsing 'n argument aan dat die gebruik van pastorale sorg noodsaaklik is om die rol van mans in die MIV/vigs-stigmatisering teen vroue aan te spreek. Die studie bespreek die konsep van stigma breedvoerig. Dit bevind dat stigmatisering een van die vele faktore is wat die verspreiding van die MIV/vigs-epidemie bevorder. Die navorsing bring ook aan die lig dat kulturele, politieke, sosiale, en godsdienstige faktore die reeds ontaarde situasie van vroue, soms vererger. Skadelike kulturele praktyke, veral patriargie, dra grootliks by tot stigmatisering van vroue in Nigerië en verhoog ook die kwesbaarheid van vroue vir MIV/vigs. Die studie voer aan dat pastorale sorg en berading die beste reaksie op die bedreiging van MIV/vigs-stigmatisering is. Om inligting te bekom wat lei tot 'n betroubare gevolgtrekking, het die navorsing gebruik gemaak van kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie, en die prakties-teologiese raamwerk van Richard Osmer. Die studie het verder gewerk met relevante literatuur in teologie, sielkunde, en ander toepaslike dissiplines. Die motivering vir hierdie navorsing het voortgevloei uit die feit dat vroue, net soos hul manlike eweknieë, na die beeld van God geskape is en daarom verdien om te alle tye behoorlik en met liefde, respek, en 'n hoë vlak van waardigheid behandel te word, des te meer wanneer hulle die uitdaging van MIV/vigs of enige siekte in die gesig staar. Die ondersoek het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die stigmatisering van MIV/vigs teen vroue 'n fundamentele bedreiging vir hul wesenlike menswaardigheid is. Gevolglik word aanbevelings gemaak om grondige kennis en bewustheid in die kerk te skep, en maniere voorgestel waarop die kerk objektief en dringend die bedreiging van MIV/vigs-stigmatisering teen vroue deur mans, kan aanspreek.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractGABATARWA: Taɓo, wani illa ne da bashi da ƙyau, hali ne da akeji da mutanen da kerayuwa da ciwon kanjamo. Kungiyoyin da sukehulda da ma’aikata da masu cutar Kanjamo suna cikin hatsari mai yawan gaske wajen kamuwa da kwayoyin cutar kanjamo. Tabo na nuna bambanci ko wariya sun zamamanyamanyaabinoshehanyagagwaji, lura, fahimta da riko. (Odumegwuet, 2017:2) Bisa ga zancen da ke bisa, da gaske ne cewa tabo wani gaggarumar abu ne da ke da illa sosai da ke jawo koma baya wajen yaki da yaduwar cutar kanjamo. Wannan bincike ya mai da hankali akan hakkin maza wajen baza tabo da aka tattauna ta a sanin Fastoci. An yi jayayya sosai sosai cewa maza su ne ke kan gaba na tabon cutar kanjamo kan mata a Nijeriya. Don haka, binciken ya ci gaba da nuna muhimmancin ba da shawara ta amfanin da maganar Allah wajen yaki da damuwar tabon cutar kanjamo akan mata. Binciken ta tattauna da zurfi kan tunanin tabo. An tattauna cewa yana daya daga cikin abubuwa masu yawa da ke iza yawan yaɗuwar cutar kanjamo. Binciken ya sake bayyana cewa zancen al’adu, siyasa, rayuwar zaman jama’a da sha’anin addini wani lokaci na kara tsananta yanayin mata. Al’adu da ba ƙyau, musamman al’adun gargajiya da ke ba maza fifiko akan mata, an gano cewa sune kan gaba na sa tabo kan mata a Nijeriya kuma sake kara saka mata kamuwa da cutar kanjamo. Binciken ya nuna cewa masu bada shawara da Fastoci, suke da fada aji akan hatsarin tabo na cutar kanjamo. Yadda ya kamata a iya jawo bayyani da zai iya zama da taimakon kai wa ga karshen bayyani, Bincike yayi amfani da ‘ kwarariyar hanyar bincike da kuma aikin Richard Osmer (2008). Bincike ta jinganta abin adabin ko litattafai da suka dace, ilimin halin ɗan adam da wasu horaswa da ta dace. Muradin wannan bincike ta fito ne, da gasken cewa mata, abokan tarayar maza suke an haliccesu ne a cikin kamani da sifar Allah, don haka, ya cancanci a bi da su cikin kauna, biyayya, da ma’ana sosai da hali mai kyau a kowace lokaci musamman a lokacin da suke fuskantar kalubale. Binciken ta kammala da cewa tabon cutar kanjamo akan mata ya tsara muhimman hakkokin nuna martabansu.Saboda haka, an samo shawarwari da zasu kirkiro sanin muhimman hakkokin a wayar wa membobin Ikilisiya da kai kuma yadda za’ayi hanzari ko gaggawa bayyana hatsairin cutar kanjamo da tabo akan mata da maza.en_ZA
dc.format.extentxvii, 150 pages : illustrations (some color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAIDS (Disease)en_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infectionsen_ZA
dc.subjectAIDS (Disease) in womenen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral counselingen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral careen_ZA
dc.titleHIV and AIDS and the stigmatisation of woman by men in Nigeria : a pastoral care intervention strategyen_ZA
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