Challenges faced by social workers rendering services to adult homeless individuals

dc.contributor.advisorKhosa, Priscaliaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorFroli, Claroen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorViljoen, Claroen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Homelessness is a long existing challenge and social issue that is not limited to specific communities or countries. Unfortunately, statistics for homelessness are poorly documented globally, including South Africa. Homeless individuals globally are in need of intervention from social service professionals, such as emotional support counselling, basic needs services, skills development programmes, job seeking support, and after care support. Homelessness encapsulates many other social issues, as the cause or effect of homelessness is most often related to issues such as substance abuse, unemployment, domestic violence, relationship breakdown, criminal activity, abuse, and previous trauma. However, no studies have been found that identify and discuss the challenges that social workers face when rendering services to adult homeless individuals living in South Africa. Moreover, no priority or urgency is given to the phenomenon of homelessness in policy or legislation documents in South Africa, as there are no specific policies or legislation that focus purely on the issue of homelessness. Currently there is only one document that offers norms and standards to shelters for homeless individuals in the Western Cape. The goal of the study was to gain an understanding of the challenges that social workers face while rendering services to adult homeless individuals. A qualitative approach was utilised, supported by an exploratory and descriptive research design. A snowball sampling method was utilised for the purpose of this study. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect data from eighteen social workers rendering services to adult homeless individuals in the Western Cape. The gathered data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The key findings of the study revealed that social workers experience a variety of challenges when rendering services to adult homeless individuals in the Western Cape. Key challenges identified are uncooperativeness from the clients, safety and security issues, high caseloads, insufficient supervision, insufficient financial support, lack of resources, accommodation for transgender clients, and inadequacy in diagnosing mental health clients. It was found that clients are not always motivated for services, as they will come and use the basic needs services, but not make use of the further interventions possible such as group work sessions, counselling sessions, employment support programmes, and life skills training. It was seen that homeless individuals cannot be forced to take part in any services provided, as they are adults and in control of their own lives. In order to address the challenges identified in this study, it is recommended that the National Department of Social Development employ more social workers and social auxiliary workers to work in the field of homelessness, as this would lower the caseload for social workers. This could also ensure a reduction in the number of administrative tasks required of social workers, making place for more and better direct service delivery. This would also allow more time for in-depth supervision sessions, as social workers would not be pressured to talk about administration related issues. It is also recommended that more finances and resources be made available in order for these organisations to address the social phenomenon of homelessness effectively and efficiently. In night shelters specifically, it is suggested that more attention be given to the sleeping arrangements of transgender clients.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Haweloosheid is ‘n uitdaging en sosiale probleem wat nie beperk is tot spesifieke gemeenskappe of lande nie. Ongelukkig is die statistieke vir haweloosheid wêreldwyd swak gedokumenteer, Suid-Afrika inkluis. Hawelose individue wêreldwyd benodig intervensie van professionele individue, insluitend emosionele ondersteuning berading, basiese behoeftes dienste, vaardigheidsontwikkelingprogramme, hulp met werk soek en nasorgdienste. Haweloosheid omhul talle ander sosiale kwessies, aangesien die oorsaak of gevolg van haweloosheid meestal verband hou met kwessies soos middel misbruik, werkloosheid, huishoudelike geweld, verbrokkeling van verhoudings, kriminele aktiwiteite en trauma. Daar is egter geen studies geidentifiseer wat die uitdagings wat maatskaplike werkers in die gesig staar, wanneer hulle werk met hawelose individue bespreek. Bowendien, geen prioriteit of dringendheid word geskenk aan die verskynsel van haweloosheid in beleide of wetgewings in Suid Afrika nie. Daar is geen spesifieke beleid of wetgewing wat slegs op haweloosheid fokus nie. Daar is slegs een dokument wat norme en standaarde aan nagskuilings vir hawelose individue in die Wes-Kaap bied. Die doel van die studie was om begrip te verkry van die uitdagings wat maatskaplike werkers ervaar wanneer hulle dienste lewer aan hawelose individue. ‘n Kwalitatiewe benadering was benut, tesame met ‘n ondersoekende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp. ‘n Sneeubal-steekproefmetode was gebruik tydens die studie. ‘n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule was benut om die data van 18 maatskaplike werkers wat werk met hawelose individue in te samel. Die data was geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van tematiese inhoudsanalise.Die sleutelbevindinge van die studie het onthul dat maatskaplike werkers ‘n verskeidenheid uitdagings ervaar wanneer hulle dienste lewer aan volwasse hawelose individue in die Wes-Kaap. Sleutelbevindinge sluit in: kliënte wat nie hul samewerking wil gee nie, veiligheid en sekuriteit kwessies, hoë werkslading, onvoldoende supervisie, onvoldoende finansiële ondersteuning, gebrek aan hulpbronne, verblyf vir transgender kliënte en onvoldoende diagnose van geestesgesondheidkliënte. Daar was gevind dat kliënte nie altyd gemotiveerd is vir dienste wat aan hulle gelewer word nie. Die kliënte sal die basiese behoefte dienste gebruik, maar nie verder gebruik maak van verdere intervensie moontlikhede nie. Hierdie dienste sluit in groepwerksessies, beradingsessies, programme vir werksondersteuning en lewensvaardigheidsopleiding. Daar was gesien dat hawelose individue nie geforseer kan word om deel te neem aan dienste nie, aangesien volwassenes in beheer is van hulle eie lewens. Om hierdie geidentifiseerde uitdagings aan te spreek, word daar aanbeveel dat die Nasionale Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling meer maatskaplike werkers en maatskaplike hulpwerkers in die veld van hawelose individue aanstel. Dit sal verseker dat die werkslading van maatskaplike werkers verlaag word. Dit sal ook verseker dat die hoeveelheid administratiewe take verminder kan word en meer ruimte geskep kan word vir direkte dienslewering. Maatskaplike werkers sal nie onder druk geplaas word om te praat oor administratiewe kwessies nie, dus sal daar tyd wees vir meer in-diepte supervisie sessies. Daar word voorgestel dat meer finansies en hulpbronne beskikbaar gemaak word vir hawelose organisasies om die verskynsel van haweloosheid effektief en doeltreffend aan te spreek. In nagskuilings spesifiek word daar voorgestel dat meer aandag gegee moet word aan die slaap reëlings vir transgender kliënte.af_ZA
dc.format.extentvi, 156 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNational Department of Social Developmenten_ZA
dc.subjectHomeless personsen_ZA
dc.subjectStreet people (Homeless persons)en_ZA
dc.subjectSocial workers -- Social servicesen_ZA
dc.subjectShelters for the homelessen_ZA
dc.subjectHomeless adultsen_ZA
dc.subjectHomeless peopleen_ZA
dc.subjectEmergency housing for the homelessen_ZA
dc.subjectHomeless persons sheltersen_ZA
dc.subjectHomeless sheltersen_ZA
dc.subjectHomelessness -- Services foren_ZA
dc.subjectTranssexuals -- Housingen_ZA
dc.titleChallenges faced by social workers rendering services to adult homeless individualsen_ZA
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