Reliability of reinforced concrete shear resistance

dc.contributor.advisorRetief, J. V.
dc.contributor.authorHuber, U. A.
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The lack of a simple rational mechanical model for the shear resistance behaviour of structural concrete members results in the use of simplified empirical methods in codified shear design methods with a limited range of applicability. This may lead on the one hand to insufficient reliability for members on the boundary of the range of applicability and on the other hand to over-conservative designs. Comparison of the provision for shear resistance design of the South African code of practice for the design of concrete structures SANS 10100: 2003 with other related codes shows differences in the design variables taken into account and procedures specified to calculate shear resistance. The thesis describes a systematic evaluation of the reliability performance of the shear performance of reinforced concrete sections subjected to shear only, and in combination with flexural moments, designed with SANS 10100: 2003. Both sections with and without provision for shear reinforcement are considered. A representative range of parametric conditions are considered in the evaluation. Punching shear is not considered in the present review. Shear design as specified by SANS 10100 is compared to the provisions of the closely related British code for the structural use of concrete BS 8110, Eurocode 2 for the design of concrete structures EN 1992 and the American bridge design code AASHTO LRFD. The reliability performance of the shear design method for beams of SANS is considered in terms of a probabilistic shear resistance model, uncertainties in the basic variables such as material properties, geometry and modelling uncertainty. Modelling uncertainty is determined by comparing predicted values with published experimental results. Keywords: structural concrete; shear resistance; shear design; reliability; design codes; code compansonen_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tekortkoming van eenvoudige rasionele modelle vir skuif gedrag van strukturele gewapende beton lei tot die gebruik van vereenvoudigde empiriese metodes in gekodifiseerde skuif ontwerp met 'n beperkte omvang van gebruik. Dit mag lei tot onvoeldoende betroubaarheid vir ontwerp situasies, maar ook tot oorkonserwatiewe ontwerpe. Vergelyking van voorsienings vir skuifweerstand ontwerp in die SANS beton kode, SANS 10100: 2003 en ander verwante kodes toon verskille in ontwerp veranderings en metodes aan vir die berekening van skuifweerstand. Hierdie tesis beskryf die stelselmatige bepaling van betroubaarheids prestasie van die skuifgedrag van gewapende beton snitte ontwerp volgens SANS. Beide snitte met en sonder skuifbewapening word behandel. 'n Verteenwoordigende bestek van skuif ontwerp parameters word in ag geneem in die beoordeling van die betroubaarheid. Pons skuifword nie hier in ag geneem nie. Skuif ontwerp soos voorgeskryf deur SANS 10100 word verlyk met die ontwerp methodes van die Britse beten kode, BS 8110, die Europese beton kode, Euronorm Eurocode 2 en die Amerikaanse brug kode AASHTO LRFD. Die betroubaarheids prestasie van die skuif ontwerp metode vir SANS word bepaal deur middel van 'n probablistiese skuif ontwerp model. Modelonsekerheid is vir die doeleindes bepaal deur vergelyking met gepubliseerde eksperimentele resultate. Sleutelwoorde: strukturele beton; skuifweerstand; skuif ontwerp; betroubaarheid; ontwerp kodes; kode vergelyking.af_ZA
dc.format.extent188 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectReinforced concreteen_ZA
dc.subjectShear (Mechanics)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleReliability of reinforced concrete shear resistanceen_ZA
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