The Sunday service as a space of nurture towards an alternative masculinity in a context of a lower income white Afrikaans community

dc.contributor.advisorCilliers, Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Staden, Neeltjeen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Men have been experiencing a crisis in masculinity for a number of years now. Lower income white Afrikaans men experience this crisis in a unique way. Performance, especially in the area of work, as well as being able to provide for one‟s family, are integrally related to masculinity. This study takes place in the field of practical theology with an eye on the Sunday service, as practised in the Dutch Reformed Church, as a whole. The study is concerned with the question of how the Sunday service can be used as a space where an alternative masculinity can be nurtured. In this study the researcher makes use of qualitative empirical research in the form of a half-structured interview schedule to ascertain how men in a specific lower income community experience the Sunday service in times of questions about masculinity when in a situation of work loss. The researcher focuses on two areas when speaking about the Sunday service, namely preaching and liturgy. In the interviews the researcher not only finds out about men‟s experiences, but also about their needs with regards to experiences and messages of lament and hope in preaching and liturgy. Although hope is preached during Sunday services, there is little experience of lament. There is, however a need to lament before God and this can be expanded in Dutch Reformed liturgy. A need, coupled by an experience results in a message of hope received. In the next stage a detailed look is given at the Sunday service as a whole, in terms of preaching and liturgy. Different types of preaching are studied, as well as different elements of liturgy. The researcher focuses on a need to reclaim lament in both preaching and liturgy as a way of creating a space for bring one‟s feelings and emotions before God, but also as a way of finding hope. Prophetic and eschatological preaching are ways of bringing lament into preaching. It sees the present in light of the end where God brings everything to fulfilment. In liturgy, lament is reclaimed in music and song and facilitated in rituals. The rediscovery and reclamation of lament is central to the nurture of an alternative masculinity. There are many ways of doing this in the preaching and liturgy of a Dutch Reformed congregation. The researcher gives a few practical suggestions on how to bring lament into the Sunday service.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mans ervaar al vir jare 'n krisis in manlikheid. Die mans van 'n laer inkomste werkersklas ervaar hierdie krisis op 'n unieke manier. Om veral in die area van werk te presteer en vir jou gesin te sorg, is kwessies wat integraal deel is van 'n man se ervaring van sy manlikheid. Hierdie studie vind plaas in die veld van praktiese teologie, met 'n oog op die erediens in sy geheel, soos dit in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk beoefen word. Hierdie tesis is bemoeid met die vraag oor hoe die erediens gebruik kan word as a ruimte waar 'n alternatiewe manlikheid gekoester kan word. In hierdie studie maak die navorser gebruik van kwalitatiewe empiriese navorsing in die vorm van 'n half-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule om vas te stel hoe mans in „n spesifieke laer inkomste gemeenskap die erediens ervaar ten tyde van vrae oor hulle manlikheid in 'n situasie van werksverlies. Wanneer die navorser oor die erediens praat, fokus sy op twee areas, naamlik prediking en liturgie. In die onderhoude vind die navorser nie net uit oor mans se ervarings van die erediens nie, maar ook oor hulle behoeftes wanneer dit by ervarings en boodskappe van lament en hoop in die prediking en liturgie kom. Alhoewel daar wel oor hoop in die erediens gepreek word, is daar min ervarings van lament. Daar is wel 'n behoefte om voor God te lament en dit kan uitgebrei word in die liturgie. 'n Behoefte, gekoppel aan 'n ervaring loop uit op 'n boodskap van hoop. In die volgende fase word daar op 'n gedetailleerde wyse na die erediens as 'n geheel, in terme van prediking en liturgie, gekyk. Verskillende tipes prediking word bestudeer, sowel as verskillende elemente van die liturgie. Die navorser fokus op 'n behoefte om lament in beide prediking en liturgie te herwin as 'n manier om 'n ruimte te skep om 'n persoon se gevoelens en emosies voor God te bring, maar ook as 'n manier om hoop te vind. Profetiese en eskatologiese prediking is maniere om lament in die prediking in te bring. Dit sien die hede in die lig van die einde wanneer God alles tot vervulling bring. In die liturgie word lament herwin deur musiek en sang gefasiliteer deur rituele. Die herontdekking en herwinning van lament is van groot belang in die koester van 'n alternatiewe manlikheid. Daar is baie maniere om dit in die prediking en liturgie van 'n Nederduitse Gereformeerde gemeente te doen. Die navorser gee 'n paar praktiese voorstelle oor hoe om lament in die erediens in te bring.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 132 leaves : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSunday serviceen
dc.subjectMasculinity -- Religious aspects -- Christianityen_ZA
dc.subjectMen (Christian theology)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Practical Theology and Missiologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Practical Theology and Missiologyen_ZA
dc.titleThe Sunday service as a space of nurture towards an alternative masculinity in a context of a lower income white Afrikaans communityen_ZA
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