Outcomes of laparoscopic abdominal cerclage in Aevitas Fertility Clinic in South Africa from 2018-2022 : a retrospective study

dc.contributor.advisorSiebert, Thomas Ignatiusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMbungu, Nomapheloen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMed) -- Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: BACKGROUND: Cervical insufficiency (CI) is an important cause of recurrent miscarriages and spontaneous preterm delivery. Preterm delivery is associated with significant neonatal morbidity and mortality. CI and its associated devastating pregnancy outcomes can be treated by cervical cerclage, a surgical reinforcement of cervical competency. Transabdominal cerclage (TAC) has emerged as a superior approach to the conventional transvaginal cerclage (TVC), particularly after previous failed TVC. In TAC, laparoscopic approaches offer several advantages that may contribute to improved outcomes. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate surgical complications following laparoscopic abdominal cerclage (pre and post conception) at Aevitas Fertility Clinic. Secondary objectives were to assess pregnancy outcomes at 24 to 34 weeks of gestation and beyond 34 weeks of gestation, and to evaluate pregnancy complications following laparoscopic abdominal cerclage. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed of all women who underwent either pre-conception or post-conception laparoscopic TAC at Aevitas Fertility Clinic over a period of 3 years. The charts of all patients (n= 18) who had laparoscopic TAC were retrieved from Aevitas Health ONE (electronic hospital data system) for evaluation and telephone interviews were conducted using a questionnaire for further information. RESULTS: The mean age at the time of presentation was 34.5 ± 3.7 years and BMI was 31.4 ± 6.5 kg/m2. More than half the patients had a previous TVC, 55.6% (10/18) . The majority of patients had successful laparoscopic TAC , 94.4 % (17/18) and only one case had a conversion to laparotomy due to large uterine size. The majority of women had preconception transabdominal cerclage, 83.3% (15/18) and 16.7% (3/18) had postconception TAC. There were no surgical complications in the pre-conception group and only one patient had a surgical complication in the post-conception group. None of the women had obstetric complications in the post- conception group and one patient had a 2nd trimester miscarriage in the pre-conception group. In pregnancy outcomes, 20% (3/15) had spontaneous pregnancy and 20% (3/15) conceived through assisted reproductive therapy (ART) and the remainder, 46.6% (7/15) were still in progress (either awaiting spontaneous pregnancy or undergoing assisted reproductive therapy), while 13,3% (2/15) decided to be child free (discontinued), respectively. Of the 6 pregnant patients, 4 patients (66.7%) delivered successfully, one patient (16.7%) had an intra-uterine death at 32 weeks and one (16.7%) had a miscarriage at 16 weeks’ gestation. Of the 4 successful deliveries, 3 deliveries (75%) were at term (37, 39 and 39+ weeks gestation), and one (25%) was a preterm delivery at 28 weeks gestation, due to preterm labour. CONCLUSION: In this small cohort, laparoscopic TAC by an experienced surgeon was feasible and safe. The very low rate of surgical and obstetric complications and encouraging obstetric outcomes reinforce the value of laparoscopic TAC. More robust evidence with prospective studies is required to properly define the effectiveness of laparoscopic TAC.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: AGTERGROND: Servikale inkompetensie is ‘n belangrike oorsaak vir herhalende miskrame en spontane voortydse kraam. Voortydse kraam veroorsaak betekenisvolle neonatale mortaliteit en morbiditeit. Servikale inkompetensie kan behandel word met ‘n transvaginale servikale sluitsteek (TSS), wat ‘n chirurgiese manier is om die serviks meer kompetent te maak. ‘n Meer onlangse benadering is ‘n trans-abdominale sluitsteek (TAS), wat beter uitkomste gee as ‘n transvaginale sluitsteek, veral na ‘n vorige vaginale sluitsteek wat misluk het. Vir TAS is daar meer voordele in ‘n laparoskopiese benadering. DOELWITTE: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om chirurgiese komplikasies van TAS te evalueer, beide vir inplasing voor of na bevrugting, by die Aevitas Fertiliteits Kliniek. ‘n Tweede doelwit was om die swangerskapsuitkomste te evalueer vir 24-34 weke en na 34 weke, asook om komplikasies van ‘n laparoskopiese TAS te beskryf. METODES: Hierdie was ‘n retrospektiewe kohort studie, uitgevoer op alle vrouens wat pre-of postbevrugting laparoskopiese TAS ontvang het by Aevitas Fertiliteits Kliniek oor ‘n tydperk van 3 jaar. Daar was 18 pasiente betrokke en hulle kliniese notas is elektronies verkry vanaf die Aevitas Health ONE™ sisteem. Die notas is deurgegaan en pasiente is telefonies gekontak om ‘n vraelys in te vul. RESULTATE: Die gemiddelde ouderdom was 34.5 ± 3.7 jaar en liggaamsmassaindeks (LMI) was 31.4 ± 6.5 kg/m2. Meer as helfte van die gevalle het voorheen ‘n TSS gehad- 55.6% (10/18). Die oorgrote meederheid het ‘n suksesvolle laparoskopiese TAS gehad- 94.4 % (17/18) en slegs een geval moes via laparotomie gedoen word weens ‘n groot uterus. Die meeste steke was voor swangerskap ingeplaas- 83.3% (15/18) en 16.7% (3/18) na bevrugting. Daar was geen komplikasies in die groep wat voor bevrugting ingeplaas is nie en slegs een komplikasie in die groep na bevrugting. Geen van die vrouens in die post-bevrugting groep het verloskundige komplikasies gehad nie. Daar was een miskraam in die pre-bevrugting groep. Rakende swangerskapsuitkomste, 20% (3/15) het spontaan swanger geraak en 20% (3/15) met kunsmatige bevrugting. Die res was nog in die proses van swangerskapsbeplanning, 46.6% (7/15) terwyl 13,3% (2/15) besluit het om nie weer kinders te kry nie. Van die ses swangerskappe het 4 suksesvol verlos (66.7%) en een pasient (16.7%) het ‘n intra-uteriene sterfte gehad op 32 weke en een (16.7%) ‘n miskraam op 16 weke. Van die 4 suksesvolle swangerskappe het drie (75%) op voltermyn (37, 39 and 39+ weke), gekraam en daar was een (25%) voortydse kraam op 28 weke. GEVOLGTREKKING: In hierdie betreklike klein groepie was laparoskopiese TAS susksevol wanneer dit uitgevoer is deur ‘n ervare chirurg. Die lae voorkoms van chirurgiese en obstetriese komplikasies bevestig die waarde van laparokopiese TAS. Nog meer studies is nodig om die volle effektiwiteit van laparoskopiese TAS te bepaal.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 36 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshLaparoscopic surgery -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshUterine cervix incompetence -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPregnancy -- Complications -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMiscarriage -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleOutcomes of laparoscopic abdominal cerclage in Aevitas Fertility Clinic in South Africa from 2018-2022 : a retrospective studyen_ZA
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