Harmonic interaction between weak AC systems and VSC-based HVDC schemes

dc.contributor.advisorVermeulen, H. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMouton, H. du T.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKrige, Ernsten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The implementation of the Caprivi Link Interconnector (CLI) High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) scheme in 2010 connecting the weak Namibian and Zambian Alternating Current (AC) transmission networks via overhead line is based on Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology. This world-first combination of attributes presents a unique opportunity to study harmonic interaction between weak AC systems and VSC-based HVDC schemes. Relatively few publications exist that focus on AC and DC harmonic interaction and very few refer to VSC HVDC schemes. Because weak AC systems are much more prone to harmonic distortion than strong AC systems, there is a clear motivation for more detailed work in this field. In order to understand the context wherein AC and DC harmonic interaction exists, the fields of AC power system harmonic analysis and resonance, VSC switching theory, HVDC scheme configurations, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques and frequency domain analysis techniques are discussed. This thesis then presents the concept of Harmonic Amplitude Transfer Ratio (HATR) by a theoretical analysis of AC and DC harmonic interaction due to the fundamental component, as well as harmonic interaction due to scheme characteristic harmonics and is compared to the simulation results obtained from different software solutions. Simulation and modelling techniques for AC and DC harmonic interaction are discussed including AC and DC systems modelling. The theoretical results and simulation results are compared to the results obtained from a real life case study on the CLI HVDC scheme where a harmonic resonance condition occurred. The correlation of these three sets of results confirms the validity of the theories presented and possible mitigation of the case study resonance problems is explored. The results and conclusion highlight a variety of interesting points on harmonic sequence components analysis, VSC zero sequence elimination, AC and DC harmonic interaction due to the fundamental component and the HATR for different PWM methods, AC and DC harmonic interaction due to scheme characteristic harmonics, modelling techniques and mitigation for the resonance conditions experienced in the analysed real life case study.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van die Caprivi Skakel Tussenverbinder (CLI) hoogspannings- gelykstroom (HSGS) skema in 2010 wat die swak Namibiese and Zambiese Wisselstroom (WS) transmissienetwerke verbind via „n oorhoofse lyn is gebasseer op Spanningsgevoerde-omsetter tegnologie. Hierdie wêreld-eerste kombinasie van eienskappe verskaf „n unieke geleentheid om harmoniese interaksie tussen swak WS stelsels en Spanningsgevoerde-omsetter Hoogspannings GS stelsels te bestudeer. Relatief min publikasies wat fokus op WS en GS harmoniese interaksie bestaan, en baie min verwys na Spanningsgevoerde-omsetter Hoogspannings GS skemas. Omdat swak WS stelsels baie meer geneig is tot harmoniese verwringing as sterk WS stelsels, is daar „n duidelike motivering vir meer gedetaileerde werk in hierdie veld. Om die konteks te verstaan waarin WS en GS harmoniese interaksie bestaan, word die velde van WS kragstelsel harmoniese analise en resonansie, Spanningsgevoerde-omsetter skakelteorie, Hoogspannings GS skema opstellings, Pulswydte Modulasie (PWM) tegnieke, en frekwensiegebied analiese tegnieke bespreek. Hierdie tesis stel dan die konsep van Harmoniese Amplitude Oordragsverhouding voor deur „n teoretiese analise van WS en GS harmoniese interaksie na aanleiding van die fundamentele komponent, asook harmoniese interaksie a.g.v. harmonieke wat die stelsel kenmerk en word vergelyk met die simulasieresultate verkry uit verskilllende sagteware oplossings. Simulasie- en modelleringstegnieke vir WS en GS harmoniese interaksie word bespreek insluitend WS- en GS stelselmodellering. Die teoretiese resultate en simulasieresultate word vergelyk met die resultate wat verkry is uit „n werklike gevallestudie op die CLI HSGS skema waar „n harmoniese resonansie toestand voorgekom het. Die ooreenkomste tussen hierdie drie stelle resultate bevestig die geldigheid van die teorieë soos uiteengeset voor, en die moontlike verbetering van die gevallestudie resonansie probleme word verken. Die resultate en samevatting beklemtoon „n verskeidenheid punte aangaande harmoniese volgorde-komponent analiese, Spanningsgevoerde-omsetter zero-volgorde uitskakeling, WS en GS harmoniese interaksie na aanleiding van die fundamentele komponent en die Harmoniese Amplitude Oordragsverhouding vir verskillende PWM metodes, WS en GS harmoniese interaksie na aanleiding van skema-kenmerkende harmonieke, modelleringstegnieke, asook verbetering van die resonansie toestande soos ervaar in die analise van die werklike gevallestudie.af
dc.format.extent155 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectHigh voltage direct currenten_ZA
dc.subjectVoltage source convertersen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electrical engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Electrical engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectOverhead electric linesen_ZA
dc.titleHarmonic interaction between weak AC systems and VSC-based HVDC schemesen_ZA
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