Framework to manage change complexity when introducing high voltage technology to automotive production lines

dc.contributor.advisorSchutte, C.S.L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDirkse-van Schalkwyk, T.G.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOtto, Willem Liebrechten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Manufacturing has evolved over the centuries, shifting from one manufacturing paradigm to the next. Competition is now truly global, with companies needing to adapt to market requirements and needing to adopt new technologies at an ever-increasing pace. Mega-trends like climate change, the ever-increasing demand for mobility and the threat of Peak Oil, are driving change in the automotive sector to new heights – particularly in the directions of e-mobility solutions. These changes, together with the current manufacturing paradigm of ‘Mass Customisation’ are bringing constantly increasing levels of complexity to manufacturing plants around the world. There often remains a gap though, between the inherent values of a technology and the ability of organisations to effectively put it to work. With mounting global competition the gap between a technology’s promise and achievement is a major concern for all companies. Despite the globally competitive nature of automotive manufacturing and its importance for industry, there is no framework currently whereby automotive manufacturers can introduce complex technological changes safely, effectively and efficiently. Daimler AG recently decided to introduce Hybrid vehicles to the East London factory of its subsidiary, Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA). The C350e would pioneer ‘high-voltage automotive manufacturing’ in South Africa as it would be the first hybrid vehicle mass manufactured in the country. The new variant would introduce to MBSA a powerful Lithium-Ion battery, capable of producing 60kW and operating at a potentially lethal 300 Volt. The factory was given less than a year to prepare and to integrate this dangerous new technology at a level meeting the stringent international safety and quality standards of Mercedes-Benz. No local automotive OEM had any experience with ‘high voltage automotive manufacturing’ prior to the implementation decision taken in Germany and the safety risk initially prompted significant resistance in the South African factory. The risk and the associated resistance had to be carefully managed by the Implementation Team against the backdrop of a lack of applicable safety legislation in the country. Prompted by the introduction of Hybrid Vehicles in Mercedes-Benz South Africa’s East London plant and by the likelihood of further Hybrid and eventually full Electric Vehicle production in South Africa, this study sought to create a framework for the safe, effective and efficient introduction of high voltage technology. The author sought to firstly obtain through a Literature Study a holistic understanding of Change Management and Complexity Management, as well as Implementation Theory within the context of High Voltage automotive technologies. The aim being to develop a conceptual framework to introduce High Voltage technological change in production lines of automotive manufacturers. The conceptual framework was verified against all research requirements and then validated with data from Mercedes-Benz South Africa’s pioneering C350e Plug-in Hybrid Project. The Implementation Framework for Automotive Technology conceptualised, verified and validated in this study is the first practical and measurable framework specifically aimed at the automotive industry and provides unique guidance for manufacturers in introducing High Voltage technology into their production lines.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Namate vervaardiging deur die eeue heen ontwikkel het, het dit van die een vervaardigingsparadigma na die volgende oorgeskakel. Mededinging vind nou werklik wêreldwyd plaas, en ondernemings moet by die markvereistes aanpas en nuwe tegnologieë teen ’n al hoe sneller pas aanwend. Mega-tendense soos klimaatsverandering, die toenemende vraag na mobiliteit en die bedreiging van piek-olie, dryf verandering in die motorvoertuigsektor tot nuwe hoogtes – veral in die rigting van e-mobiliteitsoplossings. Hierdie veranderings, tesame met die huidige vervaardigingsparadigma van ‘massa-pasmaking’, lei tot verhoogde kompleksiteitsvlakke by vervaardigingsaanlegte oor die wêreld heen. Daar bly egter steeds ’n gaping tussen die inherente waardes van ’n tegnologie en organisasies se vermoë om dit effektief te laat werk. Met die toenemende wêreldwye mededinging is die gaping tussen die belofte en die sukses wat ’n tegnologie bied, ’n groot bron van kommer vir maatskappye. Ondanks die wêreldwye mededingende aard van motorvoertuigvervaardiging en die belang daarvan vir die nywerheid, is daar tans geen raamwerk waarvolgens motorvoertuigvervaardigers ingewikkelde tegnologiese veranderings veilig, effektief en doeltreffend kan instel nie. Daimler AG het onlangs besluit om hibriedvoertuie by die Oos-Londense fabriek van sy filiaal Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA) bekend te stel. Die C350e moes ’n baanbreker vir ‘hoëspanningsmotorvoertuigvervaardiging’ in Suid-Afrika wees, aangesien dit die eerste massavervaardigde hibriedmotorvoertuig in die land sou wees. Die nuwe variant wat by MBSA bekendgestel sou word, beskik oor ’n kragtige litiumioonbattery wat 60 kW lewer en teen ’n potensieel lewensgevaarlike 300 Volt werk. Die fabriek het minder as ’n jaar gehad om vir hierdie gevaarlike nuwe tegnologie voor te berei en dit te integreer op ’n vlak wat aan die streng internasionale veiligheids- en gehaltestandaarde van Mercedes-Benz voldoen. Geen plaaslike vervaardiger van oorspronklike toerusting (original equipment manufacturer [OEM]) het enige ervaring gehad van ‘hoëspanningsmotorvoertuigvervaardiging’ vóór die implementeringsbesluit wat in Duitsland geneem is nie, en die veiligheidsrisiko het aanvanklik aansienlike weerstand in die Suid-Afrikaanse fabriek veroorsaak. Die implementeringspan moes die risiko en die gepaardgaande teenstand sorgvuldig bestuur, gegewe die agtergrond van ’n gebrek aan gepaste veiligheidswetgewing in die land. Gesien die bekendstelling van hibriedvoertuie by MBSA se Oos-Londense aanleg, en die moontlikheid van verdere hibried- en uiteindelik volledig elektriesevoertuig-vervaardiging in Suid-Afrika, was hierdie studie daarop gemik om ’n raamwerk te skep vir die effektiewe en doeltreffende bekendstelling van hoëspanningstegnologie. Die outeur poog eerstens om deur middel van ’n literatuurstudie, ’n holistiese begrip van veranderings- en kompleksiteitsbestuur, sowel as ’n implementeringsteorie, binne die konteks van hoëspanningvoertuigtegnologie te bekom. Die doel is om ’n konsepsuele raamwerk te ontwikkel waarvolgens hoëspannings- tegnologiese verandering in die vervaardigingslyne van motorvoertuigvervaardigers ingestel kan word. Die konsepsuele raamwerk is ooreenkomstig al die navorsingsvereistes geverifieer en daarna ooreenkomstig data van MBSA se baanbrekers- C350e-inprophibriedprojek gevalideer. Die Implementeringsraamwerk vir Motorvoertuigtegnologie wat in hierdie studie gekonsepsualiseer, geverifieer en gevalideer is, is die eerste praktiese en meetbare raamwerk wat spesifiek op die motorvoertuigbedryf gemik is en bied unieke leiding aan vervaardigers wat betref die bekendstelling van hoëspanningstegnologie in hul produksielyne.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHigh voltagesen_ZA
dc.subjectManufacturing plants -- Automotiveen_ZA
dc.subjectHybrid vehicleen_ZA
dc.subjectElectric vehicles -- Manufacturing -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleFramework to manage change complexity when introducing high voltage technology to automotive production linesen_ZA
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