Congenital and genetic disruptions of human ocular motility and alignment – phenotypic / genotypic bi-directional algorithm

dc.contributor.advisorMeyer, Daviden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOystreck, Darren Ten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Facult of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Surgical Sciences: Ophthalmologyen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Our understanding of congenital and genetic disruption to human ocular motility and alignment has expanded significantly over the past 15 years due in large part to advances in genetics. This has permitted identification of many underlying genetic causes in several conditions and provided new insight into the development and function of the oculomotor system. However, this information has also disturbed current classification systems based almost exclusively on ocular motility characteristics resulting in a knowledge gap between clinicians and researchers. As part of a team of researchers from several institutions a series of studies were conducted to better elucidate the clinical and genetic features in a large heterogeneous group of subjects with known or suspected congenital or genetic disorders affecting ocular motility and alignment. This dissertation is the outcome of this work. It also provided an opportunity to assess the value of the orthoptic evaluation by critically evaluating ocular motility and alignment patterns in this population. The main objective was to identify key patterns that can be used to predict underlying genotypes. This could provide a more rapid, cost effective approach to these disorders and better define the role for the general ophthalmologist in the investigation. This work spans over a decade and resulted in 47 publications that provide key pieces to the expanding body of knowledge in this field. Several publications served as reviews for knowledge translation for the ophthalmologist and one focuses on summarizing the orthoptic evaluation. In total 845 enrolled subjects received orthoptic evaluations. This included 40 different diagnoses and 25 different genes with mutations identified. The orthoptic information in these subjects formulated part of all research team publications. Despite only scratching the surface of the entire domain of genetic ocular motility and alignment disorders, this is likely is the largest and broadest collection of diagnoses in one report. A new classification scheme is proposed, one that is based on the underlying pathomechanisms accounting for disruption to ocular motility and alignment. A simplified clinical approach has been developed for the general ophthalmologist to utilize key orthoptic assessments as aids in appropriately classifying encountered subjects. This is important as each diagnostic category of conditions generally requires different investigations and management. This research also identified significant phenotypic overlap in genetically distinct disorders and phenotypic variability in the same genetic disorder. Therefore it is concluded that orthoptic features in isolation cannot be used to reliability predict the underlying genotype. The addition of information from other medical specialties improves this prediction. However, due to the currently small number of genotyped individuals in many of these rare disorders, more research is required before definitive genotype-phenotype spectrums can be identified. It is also emphasizes the need for standardization of the orthoptic assessment and reporting of the findings to ensure that similarities and differences be identified accurately.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vordering met die kennis van genetika het ons instaat gestel om oor die afgelope 15 jaar beter insig te verkry in kongenitale en genetiese defekte in menslike okulêre motiliteit en belyning. Ons is in staat gestel om onderliggende genetiese oorsake in verskeie toestande te identifiseer sowel as om nuwe insigte te verskaf in die ontwikkeling en funksie van die okulomotoriese sisteem. Aangesien huidige klassifikasiesisteme byna uitsluitlik basseer is op oog motiliteitseienskappe, het hierdie nuwe kennis ‘n gaping gelaat tussen klinici en navorsers. As deel van ‘n span navorsers vanuit verskeie inrigtings is ‘n reeks studies gedoen om die kliniese en genetiese eienskappe van ‘n groot heterogene group persone met bekende, of vermoede genetiese toestande van die oogmotiliteits en belyningssisteem beter te verklaar. Hierdie proefskrif is die uitkoms van daardie werk. Dié navorsing het ook die geleentheid geskep om krities die waarde van ortoptiese evaluasies te ondersoek deur okulêre motiliteit en belyningspatrone in hierdie populasie te beskryf. Die hoofdoel was om sleutelpatrone te identifiseer wat gebruik kan word om onderliggende genotipes te voorspel. Hierdie bevindinge kan ‘n vinnige en koste effektiewe benadering tot hierdie toestande wees en kan ook die rol van die algemene oftalmoloog in hierdie toetse vergemaklik. Hierdie proefskrif dek meer as ‘n dekade se werk en het 47 publikasies tot gevolg gehad wat almal stukkies in die legkaart van kennis in die veld verteenwoordig. Verskeie publikasies dien as oorsigsartikels om die bestaande kennis aan te bied aan oftalmoloë en een fokus op die ortoptiese ondersoek metodiek. Vir dié studie is 845 patiente ortopties ondersoek. Die groep sluit 40 verskillende toestande en 25 verskillende geïdentifiseerde genes met hulle mutasies in. Die ortoptiese inligting van al die pasiënte was deel van die navorsingsgroep se publikasies. Hoewel daar duidelik net op die oppervlakte van die omvang van die genetiese oogmotiliteits en belynings toestande gekrap is, is hierdie waarskynlkik die grootste en wydste versameling van diagnoses in een verslag. ‘n Nuwe klassifikasie sisteem word voorgestel. Dis gebasseer op onderliggende patologiese meganismes wat verantwoordelik is vir defektiewe oogbelyning en motiliteit. ‘n Vereenvoudigde kliniese ondersoeksisteem is ontwikkel vir die algemene oftalmoloog waar sleutelpunt ortoptiese ondersoeke help om die korrekte klassifisering van pasiënte te bevestig. Hierdie sisteem is belangrik, want elke kategorie van toestande vereis verskillende ondersoeke en hanterings strategië. Hierdie navorsing het ook betekenisvolle oorvleueling identifiseer in toestande wat geneties ooreenstem. Ortoptiese bevindinge kan dus nie met absolute betroubaarheid gebruik word om onderliggende genotipes te indentifiseer nie. Addisionele inligting van ander mediese spesialiteite verbeter egter die voorspelbaarheid. Omdat daar in vele gevalle van hierdie baie raar toestande nog te min genotipering gedoen is, is daar addisionale navorsing nodig voordat onbetwisbare genotipe-fenotipe korrelasies gedoen kan word. Die belang van standardisering van die ortoptiese assessering en rapportering van bevindinge word beklemtoon ten einde te verseker dat verskille akkuraat identifiseer kan word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent241 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCongenital diseasesen_ZA
dc.subjectOcular motilityen_ZA
dc.subjectOculomotor systemen_ZA
dc.titleCongenital and genetic disruptions of human ocular motility and alignment – phenotypic / genotypic bi-directional algorithmen_ZA
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