The value of intervening for intimate partner violence in South African primary care : project evaluation
Joyner, Kate
Mash, Robert James
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BMJ publishing group
Objectives: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is an
important contributor to the burden of disease in
South Africa. Evidence-based approaches to IPV in
primary care are lacking. This study evaluated a project
that implemented a South African protocol for
screening and managing IPV. This article reports
primarily on the benefits of this intervention from the
perspective of women IPV survivors.
Design: This was a project evaluation involving two
urban and three rural primary care facilities. Over
4e8 weeks primary care providers screened adult
women for a history of IPV within the previous
24 months and offered referral to the study nurse. The
study nurse assessed and managed the women
according to the protocol. Researchers interviewed the
participants 1 month later to ascertain adherence to
their care plan and their views on the intervention.
Results: In total, 168 women were assisted and 124
(73.8%) returned for follow-up. Emotional (139,
82.7%), physical (115, 68.5%), sexual (72, 42.9%)
and financial abuse (72, 42.9%) was common and 114
(67.9%) were at high/severe risk of harm. Adherence
to the management plan ranged from testing for
syphilis 10/25 (40.0%) to consulting a psychiatric
nurse 28/58 (48.3%) to obtaining a protection order
28/28 (100.0%). Over 75% perceived all aspects of
their care as helpful, except for legal advice from
a non-profit organisation. Women reported significant
benefits to their mental health, reduced alcohol abuse,
improved relationships, increased self-efficacy and
reduced abusive behaviour. Two characteristics
seemed particularly important: the style of interaction
with the nurse and the comprehensive nature of the
assessment. Conclusion: Female IPV survivors in primary care
experience benefit from an empathic, comprehensive
approach to assessing and assisting with the clinical,
mental, social and legal aspects. Primary care
managers should find ways to integrate this into
primary care services and evaluate it further.
The original publication is available at
Publication of this article was funded by the Stellenbosch University Open Access Fund.
Publication of this article was funded by the Stellenbosch University Open Access Fund.
Intimate partner violence (IPV), Rural primary care facilities, Violence against women
Joyner, K. & Mash, R. J. 2011. The value of intervening for intimate partner violence in South African primary care : project evaluation. BMJ Open, 1(2), e000254, doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000254.