Techno-economic assessment and optimisation of a carnot battery application in a concentrating solar power plant.

dc.contributor.advisorMcGregor, C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRedelinghuys, Louw Gysberten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The techno-economic assessment as well as optimisation of a Carnot battery application in a parabolic trough concentrating solar power (CSP) plant is conducted. A computational techno-economic model of the Carnot battery is developed and verified with reasonable accuracy. The model entails electric resistive heating integrated with the thermal energy storage of the CSP plant. During solar thermal charge cycles, potentially abundant solar photovoltaic grid electricity is stored as thermal energy. Stored energy is discharged during periods of lower solar thermal supply to promote baseload power generation. A fundamental techno-economic understanding of the CSP Carnot battery is developed. Charging costs, together with low round-trip efficiencies, can inhibit the system’s economic viability. Nonetheless, the CSP plant displays increased potential for baseload power generation once retrofitted. This enhances its continuity of inertial support and reduces intermittent power generation. The standard solar-thermal charge-discharge cycles are inherently suited for ideal time-shifting of surplus electricity, more so during summer than winter. Multi-objective optimisation determines the optimum thermal energy storage capacity for heater integration. The mathematical significance of optimisation results is explored via Pareto fronts and energy-cost curves. In general, the storage capacity is inversely related to the installed heater capacity at which the latter overcharges energy. At this point, electrical energy is stored at the expense of underutilised solar thermal energy. Plants with larger solar fields are more prone to overcharge, yielding less capacity for optimally allocated heaters. This could present a barrier to technical synergy.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMINGS: Die tegno-ekonomiese assessering sowel as optimisering van ’n Carnot-battery toepassing in ’n paraboliese trog gekonsentreerde sonkragaanleg (GSK) word uitgevoer. ’n Tegno-ekonomiese berekeningsmodel van die Carnot-battery word ontwikkel en as redelik akkuraat bevestig. Die model behels elektriese weerstandsverhitters wat met die aanleg se termiese energie-opbergingseenheid geïntegreer word. Vanuit die kragnetwerk word moontlike oortollige fotovoltaïese elektrisiteit tydens sontermiese laaisiklusse as termiese energie gestoor. Hierdie energie word tydens periodes van sontermiese onderverskaffing ontlaai, met die doel om basislading elektrisiteit op te wek. ’n Fundamentele tegno-ekonomiese begrip van die GSK Carnot-battery word ontwikkel. Laaikostes en lae omskakelingsdoeltreffendheid kan ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid inhibeer. As ’n Carnot-battery toon die GSK-aanleg nietemin meer potensiaal vir basislading elektrisiteitsopwekking. Dit bevorder die kontinuïteit van traagheidsondersteuning en verminder afwisselende kragopwekking. Die standaard sontermiese laai-ontlaai siklusse is inherent gepas vir ideale tydverskuiwing van oortollige energie, veral meer tydens somer as winter. Meerdoelige optimisering word benut om die optimale termiese energie stoorkapasiteit vir verhitter toevoeging te bepaal. Die wiskundige betekenis van optimiseringsresultate word deur middel van Pareto-fronte en energie-koste kur-wes verken. In die algemeen is die stoorkapasiteit omgekeerd eweredig aan die verhitterkapasiteit waarby laasgenoemde energie oorlaai. Hier word elektriese energie ten koste van onderbenutte sontermiese energie gestoor. Aanlegte met groter sonvelde is meer vatbaar vir oorlading en bevat minder kapasiteit vir optimale verhitter integrasie. Hierdie eienskap kan tegniese sinergie bemoeilik.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxiii, 136 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectConcentrating Solar Power (CSP)en_ZA
dc.subjectCarnot batteryen_ZA
dc.subjectThermal Energy Storageen_ZA
dc.subjectRenewable Energyen_ZA
dc.subjectSolar concentratorsen_ZA
dc.titleTechno-economic assessment and optimisation of a carnot battery application in a concentrating solar power plant.en_ZA
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