The influence of pollinators and herbivores on daisy flower colour community assembly patterns, plant species distributions and flower colour evolution in Namaqualand, South Africa
dc.contributor.advisor | Ellis, Allan G. | en_ZA | | Kemp, Jurene Ellen | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Botany and Zoology. | en_ZA | | 2018-11-19T07:27:20Z | | | 2018-12-07T06:50:43Z | | | 2018-11-19T07:27:20Z | | | 2018-12-07T06:50:43Z | | | 2018-12 | |
dc.description | Thesis ((PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2018. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plant species with flowers that are not phenotypically specialized are usually considered to interact randomly with the available pollinator species. Because such plants are considered generalist in their pollination interactions, they have received much less attention than those with complex specialised morphologies. However, plants with conserved generalist floral morphologies may still strongly filter the community of flower visitors through traits such as complex flower colour signals. In my dissertation, I explored how various pollinators and herbivores interact with flower colour, and what the outcomes of these interactions are in terms of community assembly, plant species distributions, and floral trait evolution. Particularly, I focus on the diverse communities of daisies (Asteraceae) that annually flower en-masse in Namaqualand, South Africa. Because these daisies are highly reliant on pollination for persistence, we might expect selection for increased pollination efficiency and decreased floral herbivory. In chapter 2, I assessed how flower colour patterns are assembled into communities. I found that daisy species within communities tend to share the same bulls-eye colour pattern, which suggests that evolutionary convergence, ecological filtering or facilitation is important in structuring communities. Further, I used bipartite interaction networks to confirm the role of pollinators in community assembly processes, and I showed that communities are dominated by a single pollinator species that interacted most strongly with the overrepresented flower colour pattern. In chapter 3, I built on the findings from chapter 2, and asked whether pollinators have divergent colour preferences. I identified two dominant fly pollinator species that frequently visited different dominant flower colours. Colour preference experiments showed that Megapalpus capensis had a strong preference for orange flowers, whereas Corsomyza nigripes had a strong preference for white flowers. Next, I quantified the densities of these two pollinator species independent from focal plant species in 100 communities, and I showed that pollinator densities are associated with the dominant flower colour in communities. In chapter 4, I investigated the influence of herbivores on flower colour evolution. Many daisy capitula are only open for a few hours a day, and I modelled the reflectance spectra in multiple herbivore visual spaces of the petal surfaces that are exposed when daisies are closed. I showed that closing daisies tend to have cryptic lower petal surfaces, and I confirm my findings by conducting a series of experiments with herbivores. In chapter 5, I assessed whether selection by various agents has resulted in the evolution of narrow pollination niche breadths. I calculated pollination niche breadths for all the daisy species in the networks from chapter 2, and showed that most daisy species interact with fewer pollinator species than expected under random visitation. Further, ecological specialization was associated with various visual signalling and reward-related traits. I conducted transplant experiments across a pollinator diversity gradient whilst altering plant competition, and showed that one Gorteria diffusa morphotype had a narrow fundamental niche that was not influenced by community context. My findings challenge the prevailing perception of the generalised pollination systems of daisies, and I highlight the importance of flower colour in pollinator foraging choices and pollination niche breadth evolution. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plantspesies met blomme wat nie fenotipies gespesialiseerd is nie, word dikwels aangeneem om lukrake interaksies met die beskikbare bestuiwers te hê. Omdat sulke plant as niespesialiste beskou word, het hulle aansienlik minder navorsingsaandag ontvang as plante met komplekse gespesialiseerde morfologieë. Ten spyte hiervan, kan plante met bewaarde niespesialis blommorfologieë steeds sterk die gemeenskap van blombesoekers filter deur ander eienskappe, soos komplekse blomkleurseine. In my skipsie het ek ondersoek hoe verskeie bestuiwers en herbivore in interaksie tree met blomkleur, en wat die uitkomstes van hierdie interaksies is in terme van gemeeskapsvergadering, plantspesieverspreidings, en blomeienskap-evolusie. Ek fokus op die diverse madelief-gemeenskappe (Asteraceae) wat jaarliks in hul massas blom in Namakwaland, Suid-Afrika. Omdat hierdie plante uiters afhanklik is van bestuiwers vir hul voortbestaan, kan ons moontlik verwag dat seleksie ten gunste is van verhoogte bestuiwingseffektiwiteit en verlaagte blomskade. In hoofstuk 2 het ek ondersoek hoe blomkleurpatrone in gemeenskappe vergader. Ek het gevind dat plantspesies binne hierdie gemeenskappe neig om dieselfde patroon te deel, en dit stel voor dat evolusionêre konvergensie, ekologiese filtering of fasilitering belangrik is in die strukturering van hierdie gemeenskappe. Verder het ek interaksienetwerke gebruik om die rol van bestuiwers in gemeenskapsvergaderingsprosesse te bevestig, en ek het gewys dat gemeenskappe gedomineer wod deur ‘n enkele bestuiwerspesie wat gereeldste die dominante kleurpatroon besoek. In hoofstuk 3 het ek ondersoek of verskillende bestuiwers uiteenlopende kleurvoorkeure het. Ek het eers twee dominate bestuiwers geïdentifiseer. Kleurvoorkeureksperimente het aangedui dat Megapalpus capensis ‘n sterk voorkeur vir oranje blomme het, waarteenoor Corsomyza nigripes ‘n sterk voorkeur vir wit blomme het. Volgende het ek die digthede van hierdie twee bestuiwerspesies in 100 gemeenskappe gekwantifiseer, en ek het gewys dat hierdie digthede geassosieer is met watter blomkleur dominant is in ‘n gemeenskap. In hoofstuk 4 het ek die invloed van herbivore op blomkleurevolusie ondersoek. Baie madeliefblomme is slegs vir ‘n paar ure daagliks oop, en ek het die refleksiespektra van die blomoppervlaktes wat sigbaar is wanneer blomme toe is, gemodelleer in die visuele sisteme van verskeie herbivore. Ek het gewys dat blomme wat snags toemaak neig om kriptiese onderste blomblaaroppervlaktes te hê, en ek het my bevindinge bevestig deur om eksperimente met herbivore te doen. In hoofstuk 5 het ek ondersoek of seleksie deur die bogenoemde agente gelei het tot die evolusie van nou nisbreedtes. Ek het die bestuiwingsnisbreedtes van al die plantspesies in die netwerke van hoofstuk 2 bereken, en gewys dat nisse nouer is as wat verwag word onder lukrake bestuiwersbesoeke. Ek het ook gewys dat nisbreedtes geassosieer is met verskeie visuele seine en beloningsverwante eienskappe. Ek het oorplantingsekperimente gedoen oor ‘n bestuiwersdigtheidsgradiënt terwyl ek plantkompetisie verander het, en dit het gewys dat een Gorteria diffusa morfotipe ‘n fundamentele nou nisbreedte het wat nie deur gemeenskapskonteks beïnvloed word nie. My bevindinge daag die algemene beskouing uit van ongespesialiseerde bestuiwingsisteme in madeliefspesies, en ek lig die belangrikheid van blomkleur in bestuiwersvoedingskeuses en bestuiwingsnisbreedte evolusie uit. | af_ZA |
dc.format.extent | 211 pages : illustrations | en_ZA |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en_ZA | en_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Daisies (Asteraceae) -- Namaqualand -- South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Daisy flowers -- Pollinators | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Daisy flowers -- Herbivores | en_ZA |
dc.subject | UCTD | en_ZA |
dc.title | The influence of pollinators and herbivores on daisy flower colour community assembly patterns, plant species distributions and flower colour evolution in Namaqualand, South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |