A prospective, cross-over randomized controlled trial to determine whether end stage renal disease patients receiving chronic renal replacement therapy at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital are more likely to have an improved lipid profile after including plant sterols as part of their dietary intake for eight weeks

dc.contributor.advisorPotgieter, S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorNaicker, S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRibeiro, Nicole Pereiraen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Global Health. Human Nutrition.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : INTRODUCTION: Dyslipidemia, specifically raised total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, is very common amongst end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. The cholesterollowering effectiveness of plant sterol therapy as recommended by the various guidelines for treating dyslipidemia in ESRD patients receiving renal replacement therapy (RRT), has not been fully tested in this population group. The aim of this study was to assess whether ESRD patients receiving RRT at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) are more likely to improve lipid profiles during eight weeks of including plant sterols as part of their dietary recommendations. METHODS: Adult hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients attending CMJAH who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. The 20 week trial was a randomised, double-blind, prospective cross-over trial - whereby the primary researcher, randomly selected two groups based on HD or PD treatment modality being received to either receive ‘Tub A’ (test: Floro Proactive, Unilever, South Africa) or ‘Tub B’ (control: Floro extra light). Weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC, where applicable) were measured, lipograms and activity levels were evaluated, dietary assessments were completed using 24-hour recall. RESULTS: Of the 89 patients who signed informed consent, only 73 completed the trial, this was controlled for those who consumed the specified 25g per day further reducing the number of participants evaluated to 49 (n=27 and n=22 for PD and HD participants’ respectively). The mean age was 39±10.5 and 42±12.2 years for PD and HD respectively and the mean duration of RRT was 6 years for HD (range 1-16 years) and 4 years for PD (range 1-10 years). The most of the HD and PD participants had a normal BMI, and most of the HD participants had a normal waist circumference. Majority of the participants were classified as moderately active. The mean dietary requirements for cardioprotective effects as recommended by the guidelines were not adequately met for PD and HD groups respectively in terms of protein 81% (78-81%) and 73% (73-74%) protein per ideal body weight) respectively and total energy 88% (78-92%) and 72% (72-75%) total energy per ideal body weight), and fat 82% (78-82%) and 113% (112-113%) total fat, 101% (98-101%) and 111% (111-112%) saturated fat, 117% (104-117%) and 131% (131-136%) polyunsaturated fat, and 41% (39-41%) and 43% (43-45%) monounsaturated fat) and carbohydrates 107% (106-107%) and 90% (90-92%) for percentage carbohydrate intake with 58% (58-60%) and 67% (67-71%) of the required fibre. The average total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels at baseline of participants were 4.79±1.39 mmol/l and 3.51±0.79 mmol/l; 3.00±1.07 mmol/l and 1.95±0.64 mmol/l; 0.99±0.33 mmol/l and 1.06±0.05 mmol/l; and 1.74±0.94 mmol/l and 1.07±0.49 mmol/l for PD and HD participants respectively. There was no statistically significant association between total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels of participants and the appropriate use of the respective margarines (test versus control). In turn the test margarine had a non-significant positive association with reduced total cholesterol (p=0.66 and p=0.16) and LDL cholesterol (p=0.89 and p=0.57) in ESRD patients receiving PD or HD respectively. Body mass index, waist circumference, activity level and extent of dietary compliance in accordance to the guidelines did not play a significant role in the change in total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels of participants. DISCUSSION: Overall dietary assessment illustrated that their habitual intake was not appropriate for cardioprotective effects regarding fibre and fat. This could have decreased the efficacy of the sterolenriched margarine when incorporated into their habitual dietary intake, and resulted in a decrease in HDL cholesterol levels. ESRD patients may be hyper-responders, as the inclusion of the phytosterol-enriched margarine did show a trend towards decreasing both total and LDL cholesterol levels, even though not statistically significant.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : INLEIDING: Dislipidemie, of meer spesifiek verhoogde totale cholesterol en lae digtheid lipoproteïen (LDL) cholesterol vlakke is baie algemeen by pasiënte wat presenteer met eindstadium nierversaking (ESNV). Die effek van die insluiting van cholesterol-verlagende plantsterole, soos aanbeveel deur verskeie riglyne vir die behandeling van dislipidemie in ESNV pasiënte wat dialise ontvang, is nie ten volle getoets in hierdie studiepopulasie nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of ESNV pasiënte wat dialise by Charlotte Maxeke Akademiese Hospitaal in Johannesburg (CMJAH) ontvang, meer geneig is om verbeterde lipiedprofiele te toon nadat plantsterole vir agt weke as deel van hulle dieetinname ingesluit is. METODES: Volwasse hemodialise (HD) en peritoneale dialise (PD) pasiënte wat behandeling ontvang by CMJAH en wat aan die insluitingskriteria voldoen het, is ingesluit in die studie. Die 20 weke studie was 'n ewekansig geselekteerde, dubbel blinde, oorkruis kliniese prospektiewe studie. Die primêre navorser het twee groepe ewekansig gekies, gebaseer op HD of PD behandelingsmodaliteit om óf Floro Proactive, Unilever, Suid-Afrika of Floro ekstra lig margarien te ontvang. Gewig, lengte, liggaamsmassa-indeks (LMI) en middelomtrek (MO) is gemeet, lipogramme en aktiwiteitsvlakke is geëvalueer en dieetinname is bepaal deur die gebruik van die 24-uur herroep metode. RESULTATE: Van die 89 pasiënte wat die ingeligte toestemmingsvorm onderteken het, het 73 die studie voltooi. Die gemiddelde ouderdom was 39 ± 10,5 en 42 ± 12,2 jaar vir PD en HD onderskeidelik en die gemiddelde duur van dialise was 6 jaar vir HD en 4 jaar vir PD. Die meeste van die HD en PD deelnemers het 'n normale LMI en die meeste van die HD pasiënte het 'n normale middelomtrek gehad. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers is as matig aktief geklassifiseer. Die gemiddelde dieetaanbevelings om hartsbeskermende effekte teweeg te bring, soos aanbeveel deur die riglyne was nie voldoende vir die HD en PD groepe onderskeidelik in terme van proteïen (73% (73-78%) en 81% (78-81%) proteïen per ideale liggaamsgewig) en die totale energie (72% (72-88%) en 88% (78-92%) van die totale energie per ideale liggaamsgewig), en die verskillende bronne van vet (113% (112-113%) en 82% (78-82%) versadigde vet, 131% (131-136%) en 117% (104-117%) poli-onversadigde vet, en 43% (43-45%) en 41% (39-41%) van die mono-onversadigde vet) en koolhidrate (90% (90-92%) en 107% (106-107%) vir die persentasie koolhidraat inname met 67% (67-71%) en 58% (58-60%) van die vereiste vesel) nie. Die gemiddelde totale cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol en trigliseriede vlakke van die deelnemers was by basislyn 4,79 ± 1,39 mmol / l en 3,51 ± 0,79 mmol / l; 3,00 ± 1,07 mmol / l en 1,95 ± 0,64 mmol / l; 0,99 ± 0,33 mmol / l en 1,06 ± 0,05 mmol / l; en 1,74 ± 0,94 mmol / l en 1,07 ± 0,49 mmol / l onderskeidelik vir PD en HD deelnemers. Daar was geen statisties beduidende verband tussen totale cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol en trigliseriede vlakke van die deelnemers en die toepaslike gebruik van die onderskeie margariene (toets versus kontrole) nie. Die toetsmargarien het wel 'n nie-beduidende positiewe assosiasie met 'n verlaging in totale cholesterol en LDL cholesterol in ESNV pasiënte wat onderskeidelik HD of PD ontvang gehad. LMI, middelomtrek, aktiwiteitsvlak en 'n dieet wat in ooreenstemming met die riglyne is, het nie 'n beduidende rol in die verandering in totale cholesterol en LDL-cholesterol vlakke van deelnemers gespeel nie . BESPREKING: Die algehele dieetassessering het getoon dat die deelnemers se gewoontelike inname nie geskik is vir hartsbeskermende effekte ten opsigte van vesel en vet nie. Dit kon wel die doeltreffendheid van die steroolverrykte margarien beïnvloed het. ESNV pasiënte kan moontlik voordeel van insluiting van plantsterole in die dieet hê, seine dat die plantsteroolverrykte margarien wel ‘n tendens getoon het om totale en LDL cholesterol vlakke te verlaag, al was dit nie statisties beduidend nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 109 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectChronic renal replacement therapyen_ZA
dc.subjectKidneys -- Diseases -- Patients -- Nutrition -- Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospitalen_ZA
dc.subjectLow density lipoproteinsen_ZA
dc.subjectCholesterol levelsen_ZA
dc.titleA prospective, cross-over randomized controlled trial to determine whether end stage renal disease patients receiving chronic renal replacement therapy at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital are more likely to have an improved lipid profile after including plant sterols as part of their dietary intake for eight weeksen_ZA
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