Die invloed van buurt- en streekwinkelsentrums op sentrale sakekerne

dc.contributor.advisorWelch, C. Toden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLouw, Deliaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography & Environmental Studies .
dc.descriptionThesis (MS en S) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The urban environment is a physical expression of man's social and cultural needs. Over time, changes took place in demographic, recreation, trade and work patterns, with subsequent changes in the physical expression of the urban environment. Certainly the greatest contributing factor to this change is communication and technological development. Private vehicle ownership for example led to urban sprawl with the consequence that home and workplace have become further divorced from each other. In response a culture of commuting developed with urbanites being forced to travel daily between the periphery and town centre. As a result traffic congestion on roads that cannot handle the volume has led to the congestion of existing roads serving the central area and the development of what Victor Gruen (1965) has described as the controlled shopping centre. The controlled shopping centre can be seen as a product of the late twentieth century. The function and location is a direct result of contemporary lifestyles and cultural patterns. Although vehicle ownership and subsequent urban sprawl led to shopping centre development, a range of other factors reinforced the growth of this retail distribution element. These factors are mostly symptomatic of the deterioration of our cities' central business districts. Congested access roads, a lack of parking, a general unattractive environment, and reduced range and variety of goods forced people out of the central business areas and caused neighbourhood and regional shopping centres to become more attractive options. It is however of paramount importance that the vitality of the central business areas is maintained, as it serves as the traditional shopping areas of lower income groups. To ensure the vitality of the area, it is of absolute importance that the purchasing power of middle and high income groups be maintained, as these are the groups that stimulate capital investment in the area. In doing so, equal opportunities for all sectors of the community are provided.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die stedelike omgewing is 'n fisiese uitdrukking van die mens se kulturele en sosiale behoeftes. Met verloop van tyd het veranderinge in demografiese-, ontspannings-, handel-, en werkspatrone plaasgevind met 'n gevolglike verandering in die fisiese uitdrukking van die stedelike omgewing. Seker die grootste bydraende faktor tot hierdie verandering was die van kommunikasie en tegnologiese ontwikkeling. Private motor besit het gelei tot stedelike sprei en mense se woon en werkplek het verder verwyderd geword van mekaar. Gevolglik het 'n "pendelkultuur" vanaf die periferie na die stadsentrum ontstaan. Kongestie op paaie (wat nie die nodige kapasiteit kon dra nie), het aanleiding gegee tot die ontwikkeling van wat Victor Gruen (1965) beskryf as die beheerde winkelsentrum. Die beheerde winkelsentrum kan gesien word as 'n produk van die laat twintigste eeu. Die funksie en ligging daarvan is 'n direkte gevolg van die kontemporere leefwyse en kulturele patrone. Alhoewel motorbesit, met gevolgde stedelike sprei aanleiding gegee het tot winkelsentrumontwikkeling, is daar ook ander faktore wat tot die gewildheid daarvan bygedra het. Hierdie faktore is meestal simptomaties van die agteruitgang van stede se sentrale sake gebiede. Faktore soos bedelary, onaantreklike omgewing, tekort aan parkering, verkeerskongestie en tekort aan spesialiteitswinkels, is wat mense uit die sentrale sake gebiede dryf en veroorsaak dat buurtsentrums en streekwinkelsentrums 'n aantrekliker opsie word. Dit is egter van uiterste belang dat die lewenskragtigheid van sentrale stadsgebiede behou word, aangesien dit die tradisionele inkoopgebied van laer inkomste groepe is. Om die lewenskragtigheid van die gebied te verseker, is dit van kardinale belang dat die koopkrag van middel en hoer inkomste groepe behou word, aangesien dit hierdie groepe is wat kapitaal in die gebied instoot. Sodoende sal daar gelyke geleenthede aan aIle sektore van die gemeenskap gebied word.
dc.format.extent96 pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCentral business districts -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectCentral business districts -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Planningen_ZA
dc.subjectShopping -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectRetail trade -- Location -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectShopping centers -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectShopping centers -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectRegional shopping centers -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectNeighborhood shopping centers -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public and development managementen_ZA
dc.titleDie invloed van buurt- en streekwinkelsentrums op sentrale sakekerneaf_ZA
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