Out-of-plane strength and stiffness prediction of SA pine cross-laminated timber

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa recently adopted a slightly adapted version of ANSI PRG 320:2019 as a standard for performance-rated cross-laminated timber (CLT) – with a local code number of SANS 8892:2020. In ANSI PRG 320:2019 and SANS 8892:2020 there is a table containing unfactored resistance values for standardized CLT layups manufactured with different grades of timber in both the major and the minor strength directions. The grades of timber used in the laminations to produce the unfactored resistance tables are those available in the United States of America and, therefore, this table does not apply to the South African standard as different species of timber under different conditions are used here. Most importantly, South Africa uses a different structural timber grading system. The use of locally grown species to manufacture CLT will ensure that CLT becomes economically feasible and competitive as a high-value green alternative for reinforced concrete. Optimal design will only be possible if sufficient knowledge of local species, and how they perform in the context of CLT, is available. In this study, the locally grown SA pine was used to manufacture CLT specimens which were evaluated for bending and shear stiffness and strength, in both the major and minor strength directions. Bending evaluation was done at a span:thickness ratio of thirty with a 4-point bending test. Shear evaluation was done at a span:thickness ratio of six with a 3-point bending test. The specimens tested consisted of two 3-layer layups with respective thicknesses of 66 mm and 138 mm; these layups relate to layer thicknesses achievable by using the smallest and largest commonly available timber-lamella thicknesses in South Africa. A total of ten specimens for each layup, test and orientation combination were evaluated. The experimentally obtained results were then compared to analytically predicted stiffness results from the most widely used analytical predictive models, namely the shear-analogy and gamma methods. Where possible, all the input parameters for the predictive modelling were determined beforehand to make predictions as specific and accurate as possible. It was found that the shear-analogy method is more broadly applicable and can be used for all span:depth ratios, while the gamma method only produced accurate predictions of bending stiffness for long span:thickness ratios where the percentage of shear deformation was small. Based on the comparisons presented in this thesis, the shear analogy was chosen and used to create an unfactored resistance table for 3- and 5-layer layups using South African-strength class and lamination thickness as inputs. The thinner 66 mm CLT specimens had significantly higher bending and shear strength, and higher bending stiffness when compared to the 138 mm CLT. High rolling-shear strength values were found when compared to values found in literature for European spruce. The main outcomes of this work were (a) the proof that the shear-analogy method was a more broadly applicable prediction model for CLT lay-ups and (b) the creation of unfactored resistance tables for 3- and 5-layer layups using South African pine CLT. Future work should include the determination of rolling- shear modulus and strength of the SA pine resource, with a larger number of specimens from various regions and grades. Furthermore, the influence of layups on mechanical properties should be explored when comparing 5-layer layups to the 3-layer layup. Ways of increasing the effective stiffness of CLT plates in the out-of-plane configuration should be explored, with one such example being the addition of ribs in the long-span direction to increase stiffness.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het onlangs 'n effens aangepaste weergawe van ANSI PRG 320:2019 as 'n standaard vir prestasiegegradeerde kruisgelamineerde hout (CLT) aanvaar – met 'n plaaslike kodenommer van SANS 8892:2020. In ANSI PRG 320:2019 en SANS 8892:2020 is daar 'n tabel wat ongefaktoriseerde weerstandswaardes bevat vir gestandaardiseerde CLT-opstellings wat met verskillende grade hout in beide die hoof- en die kleinsterkterigtings vervaardig word. Die houtgrade wat in die laminerings gebruik word om die onverwerkte weerstandstabelle te vervaardig, is dié wat in die Verenigde State van Amerika beskikbaar is en daarom is hierdie tabel nie van toepassing op die Suid-Afrikaanse standaard nie aangesien verskillende houtsoorte onder verskillende toestande hier gebruik word. Die belangrikste is dat Suid-Afrika 'n ander strukturele houtgraderingstelsel gebruik. Die gebruik van plaaslik gekweekte spesies om CLT te vervaardig sal verseker dat CLT ekonomies haalbaar en mededingend word as 'n hoëwaarde groen alternatief vir gewapende beton. Optimale ontwerp sal slegs moontlik wees indien voldoende kennis van plaaslike spesies, en hoe hulle presteer in die konteks van CLT, beskikbaar is. In hierdie studie is die plaaslik gekweekte SA denne gebruik om CLT-monsters te vervaardig wat vir buig- en skuifsterkte en styfheid geëvalueer is, in beide die hoof- en kleinsterkterigtings. Buig-evaluering is gedoen teen 'n span:dikte-verhouding van dertig met 'n 4-punt buigtoets. Skuif-evaluering is gedoen teen 'n span:dikte verhouding van ses met 'n 3-punt buigtoets. Die monsters wat getoets is, het bestaan uit twee 3-laag opleggings met onderskeie diktes van 66 mm en 138 mm; hierdie opleg hou verband met laagdiktes wat bereik kan word deur die kleinste en grootste algemeen beskikbare hout-lameldiktes in Suid-Afrika te gebruik. 'n Totaal van tien monsters vir elke opleg-, toets- en oriëntasiekombinasie is geëvalueer. Die eksperimenteel verkry resultate is dan vergelyk met analities voorspelde styfheid resultate van die mees gebruikte analitiese voorspellende modelle, naamlik die skuif-analogie en gamma metodes. Waar moontlik is al die insetparameters vir die voorspellende modellering vooraf bepaal om voorspellings so spesifiek en akkuraat moontlik te maak. Daar is gevind dat die skuif-analogie-metode wyer toepaslik is en vir alle span:diepte-verhoudings gebruik kan word, terwyl die gamma-metode slegs akkurate voorspellings van buigstyfheid vir lang span:dikte verhoudings opgelewer het waar die persentasie skuifvervorming klein was. Gebaseer op die vergelykings wat in hierdie tesis aangebied word, is die skuif-analogie gekies en gebruik om 'n ongefaktoriseerde weerstandstabel vir 3- en 5-laag-opleggings te skep deur Suid-Afrikaanse sterkteklas en lamineringsdikte as insette te gebruik. Die dunner 66 mm CLT monsters het aansienlik hoër buig- en skuifsterkte gehad, en hoër buigstyfheid in vergelyking met die 138 mm CLT. Hoë rolskuifsterktewaardes is gevind in vergelyking met waardes gevind in literatuur vir Europese spar. Die hoofuitkomste van hierdie werk was (a) die bewys dat die skuif-analogiese metode 'n breër toepaslike voorspellingsmodel vir CLT-opleggings was en (b) die skepping van ongefaktoriseerde weerstandstabelle vir 3- en 5-laag-opleggings deur gebruik te maak van South Afrikaanse denne CLT. Toekomstige werk moet die bepaling van rolskuif-modulus en sterkte van die SA dennehulpbron insluit, met 'n groter aantal eksemplare van verskeie streke en grade. Verder moet die invloed van opleggings op meganiese eienskappe ondersoek word wanneer 5-laag opleggings met die 3-laag loplegging vergelyk word. Maniere om die effektiewe styfheid van CLT-plate in die buite-vlak-konfigurasie te verhoog, moet ondersoek word, met een so 'n voorbeeld die byvoeging van ribbes in die langspanrigting om styfheid te verhoog.
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.