Risks of lifestyle-related chronic disease : an investigation of a private insurance company in South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorKoen, Neleneen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorIversen, Per Oleen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHess, Alicia Renataen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Global Health. Human Nutrition.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction: Non-communicable diseases(NCDs) are increasing. The workplace provides an ideal environment to tackle this concern by implementing wellness programmes. These programmes can assist employers to reduce health risks of NCDs and its possible effect on productivity. In South Africa a scarcity of data exists to formulate intervention programmes that benefits the health of the workforce. The dietetic profession with its skill sets may also play an important role in assisting with the reduction of NCDs, especially in the workplace. Aim: To identify the possible health risks for NCDs within a private insurance company and determine whether these health risks could influence productivity. Furthermore, to assess the view of the participants on the role of the dietetic profession in the prevention of NCDs. Design: An observational, cross sectional descriptive study with an analytical component. Methodology: Validated survey tool was distributed to N=590 participants via web survey link, SurveyMonkey® to collect quantitative data. Data analysis of n=99 completed responses was used which implied a response rate of 16.8%. Qualitative data of opened-ended questions were also included. An overall Health and Wellbeing(HWB) score was calculated by adding and then averaging all ten sub-index scores, giving equal weight to each of the ten areas. A partial waiver of consent was used. Census was done. The survey was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Participants: Private insurance company in South Africa which included both males and females aged 18 to 65 years. All who had access to the Internet were invited to participate voluntarily. Results: Modifiable risks factors identified were obesity(n=40;43%); physical inactivity(n=72;73%); and low fibre, fruit and vegetable intake. Males 76%(n=18) were overweight or obese and 46%(n=31) of females were obese and 25%(n=17) overweight. Fifty-two percent(52%) consumed 2 to 3 portions of fibre/day, (51%) 1 to 2 vegetables portions/day and 44% occasionally consumed fruit/day. Most (n=73;74%) did not smoke and (59%) did not drink alcohol. There was positive correlation(r=0.23) between body mass index(BMI) and relative absenteeism and negative correlation(r=-0.23) between physical activity. Most(n=99;89%) agreed that dieticians could play a role in the prevention of NCDs. A lower quartile HWB score of 52.1 was utilised as cut-off to define poor health status. The overall HWB score was 47.1(n=99) which showed poor health status of both sexes and total employees. Conclusion: The findings perpetuate the increasing concern of developing NCDs. It was also shown that productivity can be impacted by risk factors such as obesity and physical inactivity. Therefore, the employers of the private insurance company can use the baseline information to formulate intervention programmes. Policies can be established to encourage healthier food choices and physical activities to decrease the risk for NCDs within the company. The dietetic profession is also given the opportunity to play an even greater role in improving and preventing NCDs in the workplace. This study has also added to the volume of data which can be built upon in future studies.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Nie-oordraagbare siektes(NOS) is aan die toeneem. Die werkplek bied 'n ideale omgewing om hierdie saak te ondersoek deur die implementering van werkplek-welstand programme. Laasgenoemde bied werkgewers die geleenthede om gesondheidsrisiko's van NOS te verminder, asook die moontlikheid om die produktiwiteit van die arbeidsmag te beinvloed. In Suid-Afrika is daar tans 'n tekort aan data wat gebruik kan word om intervensieprogramme te formuleer wat gesondheid van werknemers kan bevoordeel. Die vaardighede wat gepaard gaan met die dieetkunde professie kan grootliks bydra tot die vermindering van NOS, veral in die werkplek. Doel: Om die moontlike gesondheidsrisiko's vir NOS in ‘n privaat maatskappy te identifiseer asook die effek op produktiwiteit. Verder, om die opinie van die deelnemers te evalueer aangaande die rol wat dieetkundiges kan speel in die voorkoming van NOS. Studie-ontwerp: ‘n Beskrywende dwarsdeursnitstudie met ‘n analitiese komponent. Metode: 'n Gevalideerde opname-instrument was uitgereik aan N=590 deelnemers via ‘n web-opname skakel, Survey Monkey® vir die insameling van kwantitatiewe data. Analise van n=99 voltooide opnames was uitgevoer, wat ‘n deelname-koers van 16.8% opgelewer het. Kwalitatiewe data van oop-einde vrae was ook ingesluit. 'n Algehele Gesondheid en Welstand(GW) telling was bereken deur die optel en verkry van die gemiddelde van al tien sub-indeks tellings wat 'n gelyke gewig gee aan elk van die tien areas. Gedeeltelike kwytskelding van toestemming was gebruik. ‘n Census is gedoen. Die opname was geanaliseer deur beide beskrywende en afleibare statistiek. Deelnemers: 'n Private versekeringsmaatskappy in Suid-Afrika wat beide mans en vroue tussen 18 en 65 jaar was ingesluit. Almal met toegang tot die Internet was vrywillig uitgenooi om deel te neem. Resultate: Veranderlike risiko’s geïdentifiseer was vetsug(n=40;43%), fisiese onaktiwiteit (n=72;73%), en lae vesel, vrugte en groente inname. Van die mans was 76%(n=18) oorgewig of vetsugtig, terwyl 46%(n=31) vroue vetsugtig en 25%(n=17) oorgewig was. Twee-en-vyftig persent(52%) het ’n inname van 2 tot 3 porsies vesel/dag, (51%) verbruik 1 tot 2 groente porsies/dag en 44% verbruik soms vrugte/dag. Meeste(n=73;74%) rook nie en nege-en-vyftig(59%) persent drink nie alkohol nie. Daar was ’n positiewe korrelasie(r=0.23) tussen liggaamsmassa-indeks(LMI) en relatiewe afwesigheid en negatiewe korrelasie(r=-0.23) tussen fisiese aktiwiteit. Die meeste deelnemers(n=99;89%) het ingestem dat dieetkundiges 'n rol kan speel in die voorkoming van NOS. ’n Algehele laer kwartiel GW-telling van 52.1 was gebruik as afsnyding om ‘n swak gesondheidstatus te definieer. Die algehele GW-telling was 47.1(n=99), 45.2 vir vroue en 48.8 vir mans. Dit gee aanduiding tot swak gesondheidstatus vir beide geslagte en die werknemers as ‘n geheel. Gevolgtrekkings: Die bevindings toon voortdurende kommer ten opsigte van die toenemende ontwikkeling van NOS. Produktiwiteit kan deur risikofaktore soos vetsug en fisiese onaktiwiteit beinvloed word. Die basislyn-inligting kan derhalwe deur die werkgewers van die private versekeringsmaatskappy gebruik word om intervensieprogramme te formuleer. Beleide kan ingestel word om gesonde voedsel-keuses en fisiese aktiwiteite aan te moedig om die risiko vir NOS binne die maatskappy te verminder. Die dieetkunde beroep bied ook ‘n geleentheid om ‘n veel groter rol in die verbetering en voorkoming van NOS in die werkplek. Hierdie studie het ook inligting verskaf wat vir verder ontwikkeling in toekomstige studies gebruik kan word.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxii, 174 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectNon-communicable diseases -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEmployee health promotion -- South Africa -- Planningen_ZA
dc.subjectOccupational health services -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleRisks of lifestyle-related chronic disease : an investigation of a private insurance company in South Africaen_ZA
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