Uitdagings aan onderwysleiers in gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse platteland

dc.contributor.advisorDe Klerk, J.
dc.contributor.authorVan Heerden, Marianne
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Unique demands are made on management of combined schools in the Southern Cape because it must accommodate seven to eighteen year old learners, each with their specific needs. This includes the adolescent who has to adapt to several changes in his/her own body as well as in the environment. Elementary and middle schools in Japan and the USA have restructured to be more effective by accommodating the specific needs of the learners, as well as the demands which the society in the twenty-first century will make on learners. The success of these schools encouraged high schools to adopt a more personal nature in the relationship between adults and learners and to prepare learners for jobs which would be very different from those of a few years ago. There are quite a few aspects in favour of combined schools, for example, fewer learners, a long relationship with the school and a close relationship between school and community. These aspects should be used to their fullest to ensure that these schools remain the "good" schools they were in the past. Criteria for being effective schools are changing drastically and combined schools cannot just rely on their previous success for growth. A generation of learners with a unique nature and of whom unique demands will be made in the future are entering these schools. Schools will have to provide more than mere subject knowledge. Learners must receive education in character, ethics, self-discipline and stress management. Schools will have to be managed from a new paradigm to accomplish these aspects. Change can only happen when people change and that would create a new culture. When schools are managed from a principle-centered paradigm, people are empowered to experience private and public victories. It is then possible to align the managerial and organizational levels with the values embedded in the school mission.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word besondere eise aan die bestuur van gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse platteland gestel aangesien leerders van sewejarige tot agtienjarige ouderdom, elk met sy besondere behoeftes, geakkommodeer moet word. Dit sluit ook die adolessente in wat by verskeie veranderings in hulle eie lewens en die omgewing moet aanpas. In Japan en die VSA het veral die laerskole begin herstruktureer om skole meer effektief te maak deur die behoeftes van leerders aan te spreek, veralook ten opsigte van die eise wat die samelewing van die een-en-twintigste eeu aan leerders sal stel. Hulle sukses het ook hoërskole aangespoor om aanpassings te maak, veral ten opsigte van die skepping van In meer persoonlike aard van die verhoudings tussen leerders en volwassenes, en die voorbereiding van leerders vir In arbeidsmark wat drasties verskil van enkele jare gelede. Gekombineerde skole het baie faktore wat kan veroorsaak dat hulle effektiewe skole kan wees, byvoorbeeld min leerders, In lang verbintenis van die met die skool en In sterk band tussen skool en gemeenskap. Daar moet egter doelbewus beplan word om hierdie aspekte te benut sodat verseker kan word dat hulle ook in die toekoms die "goeie" skole kan bly wat hulle in die verlede was. Kriteria vir effektiewe skole is besig om drasties te verander en gekombineerde skole kan nie net op ou suksesse voortbou nie. In Geslag leerders met In unieke aard en aan wie unieke vereistes in die toekoms gestel gaan word, betree nou die skole. Skole moet meer as net vakkennis oordra. Karakteropvoeding, etiek, selfdissipline en streshantering is aspekte wat binne die skoolkurikulum aangespreek moet word. Om bogenoemde suksesvol te laat wees, moet daar vanuit In nuwe paradigma bestuur word. Verandering kan net plaasvind indien mense verander en daar sodoende 'n nuwe kultuur in skole gevestig word. Wanneer daar vanuit 'n beginselgesentreerde paradigma bestuur word, word mense bemagtig om eers privaat oorwinnings en dan publieke oorwinnings te behaal. Dis dan moontlik om die bestuurs- en organisatoriese vlakke in lyn met die waardes van die missie van die skool te bring.af_ZA
dc.format.extent114 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSchool management and organization -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hopeen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational leadershipen_ZA
dc.subjectSchool personnel management -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Rural -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRural schools -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational change -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleUitdagings aan onderwysleiers in gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse plattelandaf_ZA
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