Veerkragtigheidskenmerke van gesinne met ’n adolessente middelmisbruiker

dc.contributor.advisorGreeff, A. P.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMasters, Roxanneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Families are often confronted with some type of crisis during their family life cycle, and the presence of an adolescent substance abuser in the family could result in a family crisis. Most studies focus on the negative implications of substance abuse (Flisher, Parry, Evans, Muller, & Lombard, 2003; Parry et al., 2004). More recently, however, researchers have begun to move away from the pathogenic approach to a more strengths-based approach. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate which factors are associated with family resilience in families with an adolescent substance abuser. Given the complexity of resilience, the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin & McCubbin, 1988) was operationalised in this study to identify which variables could be associated with family resilience. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used to gather data from a convenience sample of 50 families drawn from the Western Cape, South Africa. In order to control for gender effects, mothers who had in their families an adolescent substance abuser were encouraged to represent their respective families. A biographical questionnaire and seven quantitative self-report questionnaires were completed by each participant. Pearson product-moment correlations were calculated for the quantitative data in order to determine which independent variables (family factors) were associated with the dependent variable (family adaptation). A best-subsets multiple regression analysis was done to determine the linear combination of family characteristics (indicators) that correlates maximally with family adaptation (outcome variable). Thematic analysis was used to identify patterns or themes within the qualitative data during the qualitative data analysis. The results indicate that the level of family adaptation is better the higher the supportive patterns of communication in the family unit; and that the level of family adaptation is lower the more negative communication patterns are present. The results also indicate that family hardiness, the degree to which families use problem-solving and behaviour strategies during crises, and the use and maintenance of different routines and activities facilitate family adaptation. The qualitative results indicate that spirituality or religion, support from extended family, friends or neighbours, clear positive family communication, maintaining hope and a positive outlook, and the acceptance of the adolescent as part of the family contribute the most to family adaptation. The findings of this study could be used to improve the understanding of qualities that help families to adapt, and interventions and services based on these results may provide a meaningful contribution in the adaptation of families who find themselves in similar situations. This study not only is important to broaden the current literature on family resilience in this development phase, but also to help fill the void in current research.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit gebeur gereeld dat gesinne gedurende een of ander ontwikkelingstadium met ʼn krisis gekonfronteer word. So sal die teenwoordigheid van ’n adolessente middelmisbruiker in ’n gesin op moontlike gesinskrisisse dui. Die meerderheid studies fokus op die negatiewe implikasies van middelmisbruik (Flisher, Parry, Evans, Muller, & Lombard, 2003; Parry et al., 2004). Navorsers het egter onlangs begin weg beweeg vanaf die patogeniese benadering na ’n meer sterkte-gebaseerde benadering. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om ondersoek in te stel na faktore wat geassosieer kan word met gesinsaanpassing in gesinne met ʼn adolessente middelmisbruiker. Gegee die kompleksiteit van veerkragtigheid is die Veerkragtigheidsmodel van Gesinstres, Verstelling en Aanpassing (McCubbin & McCubbin, 1988) in hierdie studie geoperasionaliseer om veranderlikes te identifiseer wat met gesinsveerkragtigheid geassosieer kan word. ʼn Kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik om data vanuit ’n doelgerigte steekproef van 50 gesinne woonagtig in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika in te samel. Om vir die effek van geslag te kontroleer, is ma’s aangemoedig om namens die gesinne as verteenwoordigers aan die studie deel te neem. ʼn Biografiese vraelys en ook sewe selfbeskrywingsvraelyste is deur elke deelnemer voltooi. Vir die kwantitatiewe data is Pearson produkmoment-korrelasies bereken om te bepaal watter onafhanklike veranderlikes (gesinsfaktore) met die afhanklike veranderlike (gesinsaanpassing) verband hou. ʼn Beste substel regressieontleding is gedoen om die liniêre kombinasie van gesinskenmerke (voorspellers) wat maksimaal met gesinsaanpassing (uitkomsveranderlike) korreleer, te bepaal. Tematiese ontleding is in die kwalitatiewe data-ontleding gebruik om patrone of temas binne die kwalitatiewe data te identifiseer. Die resultate dui daarop dat die vlak van gesinsaanpassing beter is hoe hoër die ondersteunende patrone van kommunikasie in die gesinseenheid is; en dat die vlak van gesinsaanpassing laer is hoe meer opruiende patrone van kommunikasie in die gesin teenwoordig is. Verder dui die resultate ook aan dat gesinsgehardheid, die mate van probleemoplossings- en gedragstrategieë wat die gesin gedurende krisisse gebruik, en die gebruik en handhawing van verskillende roetines en aktiwiteite ook gesinsaanpassing fasiliteer. Die kwalitatiewe resultate dui daarop dat spiritualiteit of geloof, ondersteuning van die uitgebreide familie, vriende of bure, duidelike positiewe gesinskommunikasie, die behoud van hoop en ’n positiewe uitkyk, en aanvaarding van die adolessent as deel van die gesin die meeste tot gesinsaanpassing bygedra het. Die bevindinge kan nuttig gebruik word om begrip te verbeter van kwaliteite wat gesinne help om aan te pas. Intervensies en dienste wat op hierdie bevindinge gebaseer is, behoort ʼn betekenisvolle bydra te lewer in die aanpassing van gesinne wat hulle in soortgelyke omstandighede bevind. Die studie is nie net belangrik om die kennisbasis oor gesinslewe in hierdie ontwikkelingsfase te verbreed nie, maar ook om ʼn leemte in bestaande navorsing aan te vul.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuse -- Families -- Resilienceen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuse -- Family relationshipsen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuse -- Adolescentsen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuse -- Families -- Adaptabilityen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuse -- Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleVeerkragtigheidskenmerke van gesinne met ’n adolessente middelmisbruikeraf_ZA
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