Flooding during reflux condensation of steam in an inclined elliptical tube

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South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering
In this erperimental inuestigation the pressure drop is measured between the headers located at the ends of an in,clined air-cooled elliptical tube in which refl,ur condensation of steam occurs. The cross-section of the 7 m long tube has a height of g7 mm (major aris) and a width of 16 mm (minor ads). Steam temperatures are in the range of 45o C to 65o C. The pressure drop can be predicted accurately using the Z apke- I(rri g er pressure drop model applicable to refl,ur condensers. At a certain steam fl,ou, rate a sudden sharp increase in the pressure drop occurs. This phenoTne?t,on is lcnowrt, &s fl,ooding. The rneasured aapour uelocities at fl,oodin,g agree well with the ualues predicted by the Zapke-Krciger fl,ooding correlation. The erperimental results also show that flooding has a detrimental effect on the thermal effectiueness of Ihe elliptical tube.
CITATION: Schoenfeld, P. D. & Kroger, D. G. 2000. Flooding during reflux condensation of steam in an inclined elliptical tube. R&D Journal, 16(1):1-8.
The original publication is available at https://www.saimeche.org.za
Condensation, Steam engineering
Schoenfeld, P. D. & Kroger, D. G. 2000. Flooding during reflux condensation of steam in an inclined elliptical tube. R&D Journal, 16(1):1-8.