The consequences of a successful estoppel defence : a constitutional analysis

dc.contributor.advisorBoggenpoel, Zsa-Zsaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCloete, Clireesh Terryen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Law. Dept. of Public Law.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The consequences attributed to estoppel at common law ordinarily entail the suspension of the owner’s rei vindicatio and hedged possession in favour of the successful estoppel raiser. However, remarks made in the Supreme Court of Appeal judgment, Oriental Products (Pty) Ltd v Pegma 178 Investments Trading CC and Others 2011 (2) SA 508 (SCA), have caused uncertainty in this regard. The uncertainty concerns the question whether the traditional position of suspension and hedged possession subsequent to the case now result in compulsory loss and acquisition of ownership. In light of this uncertainty, this dissertation considers and analyses the consequences ascribed to the situation where a bona fide purchaser successfully raised estoppel against the rei vindicatio, and the question whether development in this regard could be justified based on comparative, policy and constitutional analysis. The dissertation revealed that if the judgment of Oriental Products indeed implies that the estoppel defence automatically results in ownership acquisition, the most suitable category for the acquisition from a doctrinal perspective would be original, rather than derivative acquisition of ownership. Instead of maintaining acquisition of ownership as a consequence of estoppel in its defence form, it is argued that the development of a completely new self-standing mode of original acquisition based on the requirements of estoppel is supported by comparative, policy and constitutional considerations. From a comparative perspective, constructs like estoppel found in foreign jurisdictions give rise to the same issues that estoppel in South African law does, especially when considering whether ownership acquisition via the defence is possible. This finding exposed that it may not be wise to ascribe ownership acquisition consequences to estoppel in its defence form. Strong policy reasons that prefer and justify the development of a new and self-standing mode of original acquisition of ownership in the context of estoppel, as opposed to the uncertain traditional position were found. Significantly, the study showed that this development might be mandated given the current uncertain traditional position being inconsistent with section 25 of the Constitution. Development of a new self-standing mode of acquisition of ownership that complies with the requirements of estoppel would not only pass constitutional muster but would also allow for the old debate around the consequences of a successful estoppel defence to finally be settled.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenregtelik is die gevolge van estoppel gewoonlik die opheffing van die rei vindicatio van die eienaar en besitsverskansing vir die persoon wat slaag met haar beroep op estoppel. Opmerkings in die Hoogste Hof van Appèl uitspraak: Oriental Products (Pty) Ltd v Pegma 178 Investments Trading CC and Others 2011 (2) SA 508 (HHA) het egter onsekerheid oor die presiese gevolge van estoppel laat ontstaan. Dit is onduidelik of die tradisionele gevolge van die opheffing van die rei vindicatio en besitsverskansing noodwendig tot verlies en verkryging van eiendomsreg aanleiding gee. Vervolgens oorweeg hierdie verhandeling die regsgevolge in omstandighede waar ʼn bona fide koper slaag met sy of haar beroep op estoppel teen die rei vindicatio, met spesifieke oorweging of regsontwikkeling op hierdie gebied geregverdig is, gebaseer op ʼn regsvergelykende, beleids- en grondwetlike analise. Hierdie verhandeling bevind dat indien die uitspraak in Oriental Products wel impliseer dat estoppel as verweer noodwendig tot eiendomsverkryging aanleiding gee, die eiendomsverkryging uit ʼn teoretiese oogpunt eerder as ‘n vorm van oorspronklike as afgeleide eiendomsverkryging beskou moet word. Nogtans word, op sterkte van regsvergelykende, beleids- en grondwetlike oorwegings aan die hand gedoen dat ʼn nuwe, afsonderlike vorm van oorspronklike eiendomsverkryging behoort te ontstaan wanneer die beroep op estoppel slaag. Dit blyk dat dieselfde regsteoriese probleme met soortgelyke regsfigure in oorsese regstelsels ondervind word, veral rakende die oorweging of eiendomsverkryging uit die regsfigure behoort te spruit. Bevindinge in hierdie ondersoekrigting dui daarop dat eiendomsverkryging moontlik nie ʼn wenslike gevolg van estoppel in die vorm van ʼn verweer behoort te wees nie. As gevolg van die onsekere gevolge van estoppel soos vervat in die tradisionele posisie, word daar bevind dat sterk beleidsoorwegings bestaan ten guste van die ontwikkeling van ʼn nuwe en afsonderlike vorm van eiendomsverkryging in hierdie verband. Verder bevind hierdie studie dat tot die mate waartoe die onsekere, tradisionele posisie strydig met artikel 25 van die Grondwet is, regsontwikkeling noodsaaklik is. ʼn Nuwe, afsonderlike vorm van eiendomsverkryging geskoei op die vereistes van estoppel sou grondwetlike ondersoek deurstaan. Regsontwikkeling in die rigting voorgestel, met ʼn nuwe vorm van eiendomsverkryging, sal die ou strydvraag rondom die gevolge van ʼn suksesvolle verweer van estoppel finaal beëindig.af_ZA
dc.format.extent410 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEvidence (Law)en_ZA
dc.subjectEstoppel -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleThe consequences of a successful estoppel defence : a constitutional analysisen_ZA
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