Mokotaba le kgohlano ho Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda

dc.contributor.advisorZulu, N. S.
dc.contributor.authorChaka, Ponny Piet
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004.en_ZA
dc.descriptionExamines theme and conflict in the drama Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda, which was translated into Sesothoen_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines theme and conflict in the drama Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda, which was translated into Sesotho by M.W. Tsiu, and published by Unisa Press, in 2002 in Pretoria. This drama book has five plays. Chapter 1, introduces the aims of study, problem identification as well as the organization of study. Chapter 2, deals with literature review on theme and conflict. Chapter 3, is the analysis of theme and conflict in Se kgitlile lejwe. Chapter 4, analyses theme and conflict in Re tla binela fatshe la bontate. Chapter 5, is the analysis of theme and conflict in Mantswe a tebileng a a /la. Chapter 6, is the analysis of theme and conflict in Lera/la. Chapter 7 analysis of theme and conflict in Tsela. Chapter 8, deals with conclusion about theme and conflict in Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda. It is found that in these five plays, Zakes Mda try to make us aware about the events in the past in South Africa, a political system in which white people had power over black people and made them live separately. We learn from these plays how should we live together and happily.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die tema en konflik in drama boek Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda, soos dit vertaal is in Sesotho deur M.W. Tsiu, en uitgegee is deur Unisa Press, in 2002 in Pretoria. Hierdie dramaboek bevat vyf toneelstukke. Hoofstuk 1, stel die doel van die studie voor, identifiseer probleme, asook die organisasie van die studie. Hoofstuk 2, hou verband met teorlee en metodes wat in die studie gevolg word. Hoofstuk 3, ondersoek die tema en konflik in Se kgitlile lejwe. Hoofstuk 4, ondersoek die tema en konflik in Re tla binela fatshe la bontate. Hoofstuk 5, ondersoek die tema en konflik in Mantswe a tebileng a alia. Hoofstuk 6, ondersoek die tema en konflik in Leralla. Hoofstuk 7, ondersoek die tema en konflik in Tsela. Hoofstuk 8, gee die gevolgtrekking van die studie, met tema en konflik in Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda. Dit bied 'n opsomming van die belangrikste bevindinge van die studie.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractThuto ena e reretswe ho hlahloba mokotaba Ie kgohlano bukeng va lakes Mda, e leng, Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mda, e fetoletsweng Sesothong ke M.W. Tsiu, mme va phatlalatswa ka selemo sa 2002, ke Unisa Press, Pitoria. Buka ena e na Ie ditshwantshiso tse hlano. Tshwantshisong ka nngwe ho tlo shebanwa Ie mokotaba, ho boelwe ho shebanwe Ie kgohlano. Kgaolo va 1, ke selelekela sa thuto ena ka bophara. Mona ho hlaha nalane va lakes Mda ha kqutshwanyane, sepheo Ie hlophiso va mosebetsi ona. Kgaolo va 2, e hlahisa diteori tse tla sebediswa ho manolla mokotaba Ie kgohlano ditshwantshisong tsena tsa lakes Mda. Kgaolo va 3, ho hlahlojwa tshwantshiso va, Se kgitlile lejwe, moo ho shejwang mokotaba Ie kgohlano. Kgaolo va 4, ho hlahlojwa tshwantshiso va, Re tla binela fatshe la bontate, moo ho shejwang mokotaba Ie kgohlano. Kgaolo va 5, ho hlahlojwa tshwantshiso va, Mantswe a tebileng a a /la, moo ho shejwang mokotaba Ie kgohlano. Kgaolo va 6, ho hlahlojwa tshwantshiso ve, Lera/la, moo ho shejwang mokotaba Ie kgohlano. Kgaolo va 7, ho hlahlojwa tshwantshiso va, Tsela, moo ho hlahlojwang mokotaba Ie kgohlano. Kgaolo va 8, ke qeto, mme ho tlo shejwa hore na mokotaba Ie kgohlano di fihletswe, mme bohlokwa ba ditaba ke ho sheba ka moo mawala a dingolwa a sebedisitsweng ka teng; tsela eo mokotaba 0 fihletsweng ka ona Ie tsela eo kgohlano e hlahang ka teng. Qeto e fihlellwang ke hore lakes Mda 0 re elelliswa ka diketsahalo tsa nakong va kgethollo, mme thuto eo re e fumanang ke va hore re tshwanetse ho phela ha mmoho Ie ka kgotso.sot
dc.format.extent89 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMda, Zakes -- Criticism and interpretationen_ZA
dc.subjectMda, Zakes. -- Plays. Selectionsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Southern Sotho literatureen_ZA
dc.titleMokotaba le kgohlano ho Ditshwantshiso tsa Zakes Mdasot
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