Evaluation of the youth development programme at Swartland Municipality

dc.contributor.advisorBurger, A. P. J.
dc.contributor.authorSogwagwa, Manelisien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Swartland Municipality is situated in the West Coast of the Western Cape Province as one of the thirty municipalities in the province. Swartland Municipality, like other municipalities, is faced with socio-economic challenges such as crime, unemployment and low levels of education. although the unemployment rate is not so high when compared with some of the municipalities in the province, Swartland amongst other challenges is faced with the problem of access to tertiary education. As a result the agricultural sector dominates as the main economic activity. As part of the effort to address some of its socio-economic challenges, Swartland Municipality’s Youth Development programme was established in partnership with Umsobomvu Youth Fund and named Youth Advisory Centre (YAC). It was established mainly to uplift the living conditions of youth in Swartland by assisting them with career guidance advice, CV writing, and to start own businesses. To achieve this two officials were employed, one as Career Guidance Advisor, and the other one as an Outreach Officer. These two officials had the same duties but the Outreach Officer was appointed mainly to bring services to Swartland areas which are far from where the Youth Advisory Centre is located. However, to ensure that the programme achieves its goals, programme evaluation has to be carried out. Programme evaluation assists in determining the programme’s shortcomings and the areas that need improvement. In this study programme evaluation has been carried out to determine if what is planned gets implemented, and the extent to which programme plans are achieved. In doing so, the researcher used the YAC’s plans, reports, Swartland Municipality annual reports and held semistructured interviews with two senior officials of Swartland Municipality who are involved in the YAC and with the two appointed YAC officials mentioned above. These data collection instruments provided the researcher with the information on what the YAC planned and what it achieved from July 2006 to April 2009. The researcher analysed this data and found that not all YAC plans and reports were available and some contradictions existed in targets between YAC plans, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Swartland Municipality and Umsobomvu, and Swartland Municipality’s Annual reports. Despite these findings, it was found that the YAC plans correspond with the YAC results reported; therefore the YAC has been implementing its plans. Although the YAC did not meet all of its targets, the difference between the planned outputs and achieve outputs was not big. On the basis of these findings, the researcher recommended that there should be an integrated planning process to set up YAC’s performance standards and the YAC has to improve its performance in most of its key outputs, especially in supporting the youth in business development and opportunities.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Swartland Munisipaliteit is aan die Weskus van die Wes-Kaap Provinsie as een van die dertig munisipaliteite in die provinsie. Soos ander munisipaliteite, staar Swartland Munisipaliteit sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings soos misdaad, werkloosheid en lae vlakke van opvoeding in die gesig. Swartland staar, onder andere, die uitdaging van toegang tot tersiêre opvoeding in die gesig, alhoewel die werkloosheidsyfer nie so hoog is as dit met dié van ander munisipaliteite in die provinsie vergelyk word nie. Gebrek aan toegang tot tersiêre opvoeding veroorsaak dat die landbousektor oorheers as die hoof ekonomiese aktiwiteit wat die meeste van die mense in die Swartland gebied in diens neem. Swartland munisipaliteit se Jeugontwikkelingsprogram is in samewerking met die Umsobomvu Jeugfonds as deel van die inisiatief om van die sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings aan te spreek gestig en die Jeug Raadgewende Sentrum (JRS) het tot stand gekom. Dit is hoofsaaklike gestig om die lewensomstandighede van die jeug in Swartland te verbeter deur hulle by te staan met loopbaanvoorligting, die skryf van CV’s en om hul eie besighede op die been te bring. Twee beamptes is aangestel om hierdie doelwit te bereik, een as Loopbaan Voorligting Raadgewer en die ander as Uitreikbeampte. Hierdie twee beamptes het dieselfde pligte, maar die uitreikbeampte is hoofsaaklik aangestel om dienste wat ver vanaf die Jeug Raadgewende Sentrum geleë is, nader aan die Swartland areas te bring. ’n Evaluasie moet uitgevoer word om te verseker dat die program sy doelwitte bereik. Programevaluering het ten doel om die program se tekortkominge en die areas vir verbetering te bepaal. Programevaluasie is in hierdie studie uitgevoer om te bepaal of dit wat beplan is, geïmplementeer word, en in watter mate die program planne verwesenlik word. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van JRS planne, verslae en Swartland Munisipaliteit se jaarverslae. Semi-gestruktureede onderhoude is met twee senior beamptes van die Swartland Munisipaliteit wat by die JRS betrokke is, en die bogenoemde aangestelde JRS beamptes gevoer. Hierdie data insameling instrumente het aan die navorser die inligting gegee oor wat die JRS beplan en wat dit vanaf July 2006 Tot April 2009 vermag het. Die navorser het hierdie data ontleed en gevind dat nie alle JRS planne en verslae beskikbaar was nie. Daar was ook teenstrydighede in doelwitte tussen JRS planne, die Oorenkoms Memorandum tussen Swartland Munisipaliteit en Umsobomvu en Swartland Munisipaliteit se Jaarverslae. Ten spyte van hierdie bevindings is daar bevind dat die JRS planne met die JRS resultate soos gerapporteer in die verslae ooreenstem, dus het die JRS hul planne geïmplementeer. Die JRS het egter nie al die doelwitte bereik nie, maar die verskil tussne die beplande en werklike uitsette was nie groot nie. In die lig van hierdie bevindings stel die navorser voor dat daar geïntegreerde beplanning moet wees om die JRS se prestasie standaarde op te trek, en die JRS moet hul prestasie in die meeste van die sleutel uitsette verbeter, veral in die ondersteuning van die jeug in besigheidsontwikkeling en geleenthede.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectYouth -- Social conditions -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectUnemployed youth -- Services for -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subject.otherSchool of Public Leadershipen_ZA
dc.titleEvaluation of the youth development programme at Swartland Municipalityen_ZA
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