A deep inquiry into poor households food security status and foodways : evidence from four urban and rural households in Maseru District, Lesotho

dc.contributor.advisorEven-Zahav, Etaien_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorKelly, Candiceen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMahamo, Lerato Agnes Sabinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Food insecurity remains one of Lesotho’s most pressing challenges, hindering the country’s economic and social development. The state of food insecurity in the country is being significantly altered by health-related phenomena, including the nutrition transition, the “multiple burden of malnutrition”, and very high HIV/AIDS prevalence. This challenge is further complicated by mounting environmental pressures, land degradation and the advent of climate change. Adding to this picture are socio-economic stressors such as persistent and widespread poverty, low economic growth, rapid urbanisation and concomitant livelihood changes. In order to develop successful food security interventions, it is essential that the realities and needs of poor, food-insecure households be well understood. It is particularly important to identify whether and how the distribution and level of household food insecurity vary across geographical locations and settlement patterns. The main objective of the present study was to explore the multiple meanings of food security through the lived experiences of rural and urban households in Maseru, Lesotho. Interrogating assumptions around the rural and urban dimensions of food insecurity, the study used a mixed methods research approach that combined participant observation, in-depth, semi-structured interviews, and a robust household survey developed for the purpose of assessing food insecurity in the two regions. The findings from the quantitative survey provided a valuable snapshot of participating urban and rural households’ food insecurity status, while the ethnographic exploration of food and foodways in these households allowed for a deeper analysis of the complex processes involved in what it means and how it feels to be food insecure. The themes that emerged from the data were divided into four categories: current practices (around food availability, access and utilisation), gender roles, farming traditions and household coping strategies. The survey findings reveal that all the sampled households, in both urban and rural regions, are severely food insecure. All the participants suggested that they occasionally lacked sufficient quantities of safe, nutritious and preferred food, with one of the urban households experiencing this lack more frequently. While some similarities emerged in the drivers as well as the consequences of food insecurity in urban versus rural Maseru, the primary factors governing food insecurity varied across the two regions. The study identified variations not only in food insecurity determinants and experiences across the two regions but also within households in the same region. These variations are partly the result of a complex interweaving of elements from both “modern” urban food systems and “traditional” rural food systems, which were found to co-exist within each region in Maseru. More generally, these variations call for context-specific conceptual framings and policy responses. Despite the persistent levels of food insecurity in Maseru, this study suggests that the opportunities for supporting and enhancing the food security of the poor are embedded in households’ everyday lives and food practices. The findings highlight the significance of devising food security measures that take into consideration the shifting economic, social and cultural food practices of the poor in both rural and urban regions.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Voedselonsekerheid bly een van Lesotho se grootste uitdagings: dit hou die land se ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkeling terug. Die stand van voedselonsekerheid in dié land word beduidend beïnvloed deur gesondheidsverwante kwessies, insluitend die voedingsoorgang, die veelvoudige las van wanvoeding, asook die baie hoë voorkoms van MIV/VIGS. Hierdie uitdagings word verder bemoeilik deur toenemende druk op die omgewing, grondaftakeling en die koms van klimaatsverandering. Bydraend hiertoe is sosio-ekonomiese stresfaktore soos aanhoudende en wydverspreide armoede, lae ekonomiese groei, versnelde verstedeliking en gepaardgaande veranderinge in hoe mense ’n bestaan maak. Om suksesvolle ingrypings vir voedselsekerheid te ontwikkel is dit noodsaaklik dat die werklikhede en behoeftes van mense in arm, voedselonsekere huishoudings goed verstaan word. Dit is veral van belang om te identifiseer hoe en waar die patrone en verspreiding van huishoudelike voedselonsekerheid oor geografiese liggings en nedersettingspatrone heen verskil. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die veelvuldige betekenisse van voedselsekerheid te ondersoek deur middel van die ervarings van landelike en stedelike huishoudings in Maseru, Lesotho. Ten einde aannames oor die landelike en stedelike dimensies van voedselonsekerheid te toets, het die studie die gemengde-metode benadering gevolg – ʼn kombinasie van deelnemerswaarneming, diepgaande, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ʼn robuuste huishoudelike opname – met die oog op die beoordeling van voedselonsekerheid in dié twee streke. Die bevindinge van die kwantitatiewe opname het ʼn waardevolle blik gebied op die deelnemende stedelike en landelike huishoudings se voedselonsekerheid, terwyl die etnografiese verkenning van voedsel en voedselweë in hierdie huishoudings ʼn dieper analise moontlik gemaak het van die ingewikkelde prosesse betrokke by wat dit beteken en hoe dit voel om blootgestel te wees aan voedselonsekerheid. Die temas wat uit die data na vore gekom het, is in vier kategorieë verdeel: huidige praktyke (betreffende voedselbeskikbaarheid, -toegang en -gebruik), genderrolle, landboutradisies en huishoudings se strategieë om hul omstandighede te hanteer. Die bevindinge wys dat al die huishoudings in die studie – in sowel stedelike as landelike gebiede – erg voedselonseker is. Al die deelnemers het aangedui dat hulle soms onvoldoende hoeveelhede veilige en voedsame kos van hul keuse gehad het, met een huishouding in die stedelike omgewing wat dít meer gereeld ervaar. Ondanks ooreenkomste tussen landelike en stedelike Maseru wat sowel die oorsake as gevolge van voedselonsekerheid betref, verskil die primêre faktore wat voedselonsekerheid in die twee gebiede beïnvloed. Die studie het variasies geïdentifiseer – nie net ten opsigte van wat voedselonsekerheid bepaal en hoe dit in die twee gebiede ervaar word nie, maar ook binne huishoudings in dieselfde gebied. Hierdie verskille is gedeeltelik die gevolg van die komplekse vervlegting van beide “moderne” stedelike voedselsisteme en “tradisionele” landelike voedselsisteme, wat saam in albei gebiede van Maseru aangetref is. In die algemeen vra hierdie variasies vir konteksgebonde konseptuele formulering en beleidsreaksie. Ten spyte van volgehoue vlakke van voedselonsekerheid in Maseru, stel hierdie studie voor dat die geleenthede om arm mense te ondersteun en hul voedselsekerheid te verbeter in hul alledaagse lewens, huishoudings en voedselgebruike aangespreek moet word. Die bevindinge beklemtoon die belang van voedselsekerheidsmaatreëls wat die wisselende ekonomiese, maatskaplike en kulturele voedingspraktyke van arm mense in beide landelike en stedelike gebiede in ag neem.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 131 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectFood security -- Maseru (Lesotho)en_ZA
dc.subjectHouseholds -- Economic aspects -- Maseru (Lesotho)en_ZA
dc.subjectFood -- Cultural aspects -- Maseru (Lesotho)en_ZA
dc.subjectFood -- Social aspects -- Maseru (Lesotho)en_ZA
dc.subjectFoodways -- Maseru (Lesotho)en_ZA
dc.titleA deep inquiry into poor households food security status and foodways : evidence from four urban and rural households in Maseru District, Lesothoen_ZA
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