The impact of the quintile funding system in reducing apartheid-inherited inequalities in education

dc.contributor.advisorSlade, Bradley V.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAdams, Gretchenen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Law. Dept. of Public Law.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The apartheid government created a separate and unequal system of schooling for learners based on racist and discriminatory laws. The education system during the apartheid era was characterised by the gross inequality in the funding of education for different races, the segregated curricula and standards of education, and limited access for Black learners to tertiary education This meant that there was an unequal distribution of educational opportunities for learners from different races. This study particularly focusses on the funding inequalities in education for Black and White learners during the apartheid era. During the South African transition to democracy, education became an integral part of the transformation of society along egalitarian lines. In this light, the South African government implemented various laws and policies to regulate the funding of basic education in public schools. One of these policies, and the focus of this study, is the quintile funding system. The quintile funding system attempts to redress the past inequalities in the funding of Black and White schools. This thesis investigates the impact of the quintile funding system on reducing apartheid-inherited inequalities in the education system in South Africa. This study will unpack the inequalities in education that was created by the apartheid government as this forms the basis for the arguments that will be presented by this study. For this study to determine the impact of the quintile funding system, it is necessary to explore the current basic education system in South Africa. This will be done by analysing the right to a basic education as guaranteed by section 29(1)(a) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. Furthermore, this study will unpack the quintile funding system and analyse the impact of this system on reducing apartheid-inherited inequalities in the education system. This study will determine the impact of the quintile funding system by determining whether the South African government is in compliance with its constitutional and international obligation to provide all learners with economic access to basic education in public schools. It is argued that the quintile funding system has had a major impact on reducing apartheid-inherited inequalities by providing learners with economic access to basic education in public schools, but that the quintile funding system cannot on its own, achieve the aim of establishing an equal level of education across the country.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die apartheidsregering het ‘n aparte en ongelyke skoolstelsel vir leerders geskep wat gebaseer was op rassistiese en diskriminerende wette. Gedurende die apartheidsera was die skoolstelsel gekenmerk deur die growwe ongelykheid in die finansiering van onderwys vir die verskillende rasgroepe, die gesegregeerde leerplanne en standaarde van onderwys, en die beperkte toegang van Swart leerders tot tersiêre opleiding. Dit het beteken dat daar ‘n ongelyke verspreiding van opvoedkundige geleenthede was vir leerders van verskillende rasse. Hierdie studie fokus op die finansieringsongelykhede in onderwys vir Swart en Wit leerders tydens die apartheidsera. Tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse oorgang na demokrasie het onderwys ‘n onontbeerlike hulpmiddel geword om mense te bemagtig. Sodoende het onderwys ‘n integrale deel van die transformasieproses geword. In lig hiervan het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering verskillende wette en beleide geϊmplementeer om die befondsing van basiese onderwys in publike skole te reguleer. Een van die beleide, en die fokus van hierdie studie, is die kwintielfinansieringsstelsel. Hierdie finansieringsstelsel poog om die ongelykhede van die verlede in die onderwysstelsel reg te stel. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die impak van die kwintielfinansieringsstelsel op die vermindering van die oorerflike ongelykhede in die onderwysstelsel van die apartheidsera in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie sal die ongelykhede in die onderwysstelsel tydens die apartheid era uiteensit aangesien dit die basis vorm van die argumente wat deur hierdie studie aangebied word. Vir hierdie studie om die impak van die kwintielfinansieringsstelsel te bepaal, is dit van belang om die huidige basiese onderwysstelsel in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Dit sal gedoen word by wyse van die ontleding van die reg op basiese onderwys wat deur artikel 29(1)(a) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 gewaarborg word. Die kwintielfinansieringsstelsel sal ook duidelik uiteengesit word, en die impak van hierdie stelsel op die vermindering van die onderlykhede in die onderwysstelsel, wat deur apartheid geërf is, sal ontleed word. Hierdie studie sal die impak van die kwintielfinansieringsstelsel bepaal deur vas te stel of die Suid-Afrikaanse regering sy grontwetlke en internasionale verpligtinge nakom om alle leerders ekonomiese toegang te gee tot basiese onderwys in publieke skole. Daar sal geargumenteer word dat die kwintielfinansieringsstelsel ‘n groot invloed gehad het op die vermindering van ongelykhede wat deur apartheid geërf was deur om te verseker dat alle leerdersaf_ZA
dc.format.extent161 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectApartheid -- Education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational equalization -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectQuintile funding systemen_ZA
dc.subjectRight to education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleThe impact of the quintile funding system in reducing apartheid-inherited inequalities in educationen_ZA
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