Alternative methods of material handling within a reconfigurable manufacturing station.

dc.contributor.advisorBasson, A. H.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDeacon, Matthew Marcen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis contributes to evaluating methods of material handling within a reconfigurable manufacturing station, as alternative to a six degree of freedom articulated robot arm. This research follows the design process of formulating the design requirements, considering different concepts and evaluating them, designing a selected concept in detail, validating the concept using test data and then applying the concept to a broader application. A few material handling methods are briefly considered before focusing on the use of a Cartesian robot. Different configurations of a Cartesian robot were considered. As part of the design analysis, a model was developed which allows for the input of various station parameters and provides an estimate of the station’s throughput and cost. This estimation model was implemented in MathCAD and split into two parts: a throughput estimate and a cost estimate. The inputs into the model are the process module configuration and the target kinematics. The model includes load and force calculations for each axis and component selection, as an input to the cost estimate. A control system was developed, based on the PROSA architecture and implemented in C#. The design and implementation of this control system is discussed in this thesis. To be able to validate the research results, a case study is used as an example implementation of the material handling method. However, the design is not limited to the case study, but rather provides a model for any process station with similar transport requirements. The model was validated using a test setup in the Automation Laboratory that uses Festo components. The model therefore only provides for Festo components at this stage, but can easily be expanded upon if other manufacturers are to be considered. After the model was validated, it was applied to the case study, including drive selection, to provide an estimate throughput and cost. These estimates are then compared to previous research that used a six degree of freedom articulated arm robot for a similar case. Other applications, different from the case study, of the model are also discussed.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis dra by tot die evaluering van metodes vir materiaalhantering binne ‘n herkonfigureerbare vervaardigingstasie, deur alternatiewe tot ‘n ses vryheidsgraad geartikuleerde robot arm te oorweeg. Hierdie navorsing volg die ontwerpproses van formulering van ontwerpvereistes, oorweging van verskillende konsepte, ontwerp van ‘n gekose konsep in detail, validasie van die konsep deur gebruik te maak van toetsdata en dan die konsep toe te pas tot ‘n breër toepassing. ‘n Paar materiaalhanteringsmetodes word vlugtig oorweeg voor daar gefokus word op die gebruik van ‘n Cartesiese robot. Verskillende konfigurasies van ‘n Cartesiese robot word oorweeg. As deel van die ontwerpsanalise is ‘n model ontwikkel wat toelaat vir insette van verskeie stasie-parameters, en voorsien gevolglik ‘n beraming van die stasies se deurset en koste. Hierdie beramingsmodel is in MathCAD geïmplementeer en opgedeel in twee dele: ‘n deursetskatting en kosteskatting. Die insette tot die model is die proses-module-konfigurasie en die teiken kinematika. Die kosteskatting sluit in die las-en kragberekeninge vir elke as en komponent keuse as inset vir die kosteskatting. ‘n Beheerstelsel is ontwikkel, gebaseer op die PROSA argitektuur en geïmplementeer in C#. Die ontwerp en implementering van hierdie beheerstelsel was bespreek in hierdie tesis. Om instaat te wees om die navorsingsresultate te valideer is ‘n gevallestudie gebruik as ‘n voorbeeld implementering van die materiaalhanteringsmetode. Die ontwerp is egter nie beperk tot die gevallestudie nie, maar kan voorsiening maak vir ‘n model vir enige prosesstasie met soortgelyke vervoervereistes. Die model is gevalideer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n toetsopstelling in die Outomatisasie Laboratorium, deur gebruik te maak van Festo komponente. Die model voorsien daarom net vir Festo komponente op die stadium, maar kan maklik uitgebrei word as ander vervaardigers oorweeg moet word. Na die model gevalideer is, is dit toegepas op ‘die gevallestudie; met inbegrip van die keuse van aktueerders, om ‘n geskatte deurset en koste te bepaal. Hierdie skattingswaardes is dan vergelyk met vorige navorsing wat ‘n ses vryheidsgraad geartikuleerde arm robot gebruik as ‘n soortgelyke geval. Toepassings van die model, vir gevalle wat van die gevallestudie verskil, word ook bespreek.af_ZA
dc.format.extent102 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHandling of materialsen_ZA
dc.subjectAutonomous robotic systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectManufacturing industry--Costsen_ZA
dc.subjectManufacturing industriesen_ZA
dc.titleAlternative methods of material handling within a reconfigurable manufacturing station.en_ZA
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