Developing a performance measurement system for policing : South African Police Service

dc.contributor.advisorSchwella, Erwin
dc.contributor.authorJansen van Vuuren, Eugene
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadershipen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although terms such as input, output, outcomes, productivity, quality, efficiency and effectiveness represent measures of performance, they also measure different aspects of performance. The question of the relevance of the measurement of performance for the South African Police Service (SAPS) invariably arises. The following three questions have, therefore, been formulated: • What is the relevance of performance measurement for the SAPS? • Which performance measurement determinants must be addressed and integrated into the process of performance measurement in the SAPS? • How could performance measurement improve the rendering of service? The purpose of the exploratory study was to provide a conceptual framework for performance measurement by developing a systematic and comprehensive performance measurement system (model) for the SAPS which will have longterm advantages for both the SAPS and the customers and/or communities they serve. The key aims were, "therefore, threefold: • To ensure that the SAPS is fulfilling its mission and accomplishing targeted results. • To measure police performance (successes) in respect of input, output, outcomes, effectiveness and efficiency which will have a direct impact on the combating of crime and is of value to customers and/or communi ties served by the police. • To compare a newly developed and pilot-tested model with the present performance measurement initiative used by the SAPS to prove that the new model has promise. Face-to-face and focus group interviews were conducted with 16 English and Welsh individuals. In addition, face-to-face and focus group interviews were also conducted with 12 police officials of the SAPS in order to determine the current state of affairs regarding police performance measurement. As part of the inductive study and to focus on the formulated questions and purpose, as well as to account for the data, three hypotheses were formulated for this study. The newly developed model will, therefore, enable the establishment of the extent to which: • Resources (human and physical) could be used effectively and efficiently by focussing on performance measurement. • Police operations and activities could be improved on an ongoing basis by focussing on targeted results. • Police operations and activities will have a positive impact on the combating of crime. A conceptual performance measurement framework was developed which reflects the fulfilment of the SAPS's mission and the accomplishment of targeted results. This model also measures the performance (successes) of the SAPS in respect of input, output, outcomes, effectiveness, and efficiency. Twenty police stations of one police area in the Western Cape were selected for the pilot-testing of the newly developed performance measurement system for the SAPS. After the model had been successfully piloted, it was compared with the performance measurement system used by the SAPS at present. The proposed model achieved a substantial higher mark in comparison with the present process/system used in the SAPS. Finally, the new performance measurement system for the SAPS that consists of the following performance measurement determinants namely, strategic direction, performance framework, performance measures, strategy-institutionalizing and performance assessment provides an important building block in the process of analysing the quality of service. In conclusion, according to this exploratory study the newly developed performance measurement system for the SAPS shows that the SAPS can apply the model, in its current format, fully and optimally. However, some shortcomings connected to the model, have been identified.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel terme soos insette, produksie (uitsette), gevolge (resultate), produktiwiteit, 'kwaliteit, doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid maatstawwe van werkverrigting verteenwoordig, meet dit ook verskillende aspekte van werkverrigting. Die vraag na die toepaslikheid van die meet van werkverrigting vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) tree telkens na vore. Die volgende drie vrae is derhalwe geformuleer: • In watter mate is die meet van werkverrigting op die SAPD van toepassing? • Aan watter beslissende faktore vir die meet van werkverrigting moet aandag geskenk word en watter van hierdie faktore moet in die proses van die meet van werkverrigting in die SAPD geïntegreer word? • Hoe kan die meet van werkverrigting dienslewering verbeter? Die doel met die verkenningstudie was om 'n voorstellingsraamwerk vir die meet van werkverrigting te verskaf deur 'n stelselmatige en omvattende stelsel (model) vir die meet van werkverrigting vir die SAPD te ontwikkel wat langtermynvoordele sal inhou vir die SAPD, sowel as die kliënte en/of gemeenskappe wat dit bedien. Die sleuteldoelwitte is daarom drievoudig: • Om te verseker dat die SAPD sy missie ten uitvoer bring en die beoogde resultate bereik. • Om die werkverrigting (suksesse) van die Polisie met betrekking tot insette, produksie, resultate, doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid te meet wat 'n direkte invloed op die bekamping van misdaad sal hê en ook van waarde is vir kliënte en/of gemeenskappe wat die Polisie bedien. • Om die nuutontwikkelde en voorafgetoetse model te vergelyk met die metode wat die SAPD tans gebruik om werkverrigting te meet om te bewys dat die nuwe model belofte inhou. Persoonlike onderhoude is met 16 Engelse en Walliese persone gevoer en fokusgroepsbesprel<.ings is gehou. Persoonlike onderhoude is ook met 12 polisiebeamptes van die SAPD gevoer en fokusgroepsbesprekings is gehou om die huidige stand van sake oor die meet van werkverrigting in die Polisie te bepaal. As deel van die verkenningstudie en om op die gestelde vrae en doel te fokus, asook om 'n verldaringvir die data te gee, is drie hipoteses vir hierdie studie geformuleer. Die nuut ontwikkelde model sal dus die mate van die volgende kan bepaal: • Hulpbronne (menslik en fisies) doeltreffend en doelmatig benut word deur op werkverrigting te fokus. • Polisie-operasies en -aktiwiteite op 'n deurlopende grondslag verbeter kan word deur op die beoogde resultate te fokus. • Polisie-operasies en -aktiwiteite 'n positiewe invloed op die bekamping van misdaad sal hê. 'n Voorstellingsraamwerk vir die meet van werkverrigting is ontwikkel wat die uitvoeringvan die missie van die SAPD en die bereikingvan beoogde resultate weerspieël. Hierdie model meet ook die werkverrigting (suksesse) van die SAPD met betrekking tot insette, produksie, gevolge, doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid. Twintig polisiestasies van een polisie-area in die Wes-Kaap is gekies vir die vooraftoetsing van die nuutontwikkelde stelsel vir die meet van die werkverrigting vir die SAPD. Nadat die model suksesvol getoets is, is dit vergelyk met die stelsel wat tans deur die SAPD gebruik word om werkverrigting te meet. Die voorgestelde model het 'n aansienlike hoër punt behaal in vergelyking met die stelsel wat tans in die SAPD gebruik word. Laastens bied die nuwe stelsel wat werkverrigting in die SAPD meet en wat bestaan uit die volgende bepalings vir die meet van werkverrigting, naamlik strategiese rigting, raamwerk vir werkverrigting, maatstawvve vir werkverrigting, strategiese institusionalisering en waardebepaling van werkverrigting 'n belangrike bousteen in die ontledingsproses van kwaliteit diens. Sammevattend toon die nuutontwikkelde stelsel VIr die meet van werkverrigting in die SAPD volgens hierdie verkenningstudie dat die SAPD die model in sy huidige formaat ten volle en optimaal kan toepas. 'n Paar tekortkomings met betrekking tot die model is egter geïdentifiseer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent385 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPerformance standards -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPolice -- South Africa -- Rating ofen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganizational effectiveness -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public and development managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public and development managementen_ZA
dc.titleDeveloping a performance measurement system for policing : South African Police Serviceen_ZA
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