Preaching God within the Korean Context? : a practical-theological investigation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In Christian sermons, we tend to grasp the infinite God through human language. Inevitably, preachers form certain kinds of God-images in their minds. These can either serve a positive or negative function when preaching about God to the congregation. Other factors come into play in this process that should not be neglected, such as the surrounding socio-cultural elements, which too impact on the preacher’s God-images. This study therefore set out to uncover the dominant God-images in Korean sermons; investigate the socio-cultural causes for these commonly held God-images; and lastly, it aimed to provide theological perspectives/suggestions as a way forward. Osmer’s (2008) practical theological approach was employed as the theoretical framework underpinning this study. Each chapter focused on a specific task, namely: the descriptive-empirical task, the interpretive task, the normative task, and the pragmatic task. Chapter 2 explored the 24 selected sermons and performed the analysis through the Heidelberg Method. Three predominant God-images emerged from the analysis, namely: “powerful”, “vacated”, and “cliché-lised”. Chapter 3 then scrutinised three social contexts (economic materialism, religious activism, and rapid modernisation) and six cultural elements (bok, Che-myen, Confucian moralistic trends, karma, utilitarianism, and ppalli-ppalli) that have particularly impacted on the churches’ features (ki-bok-shin-ang, functionalisation, and McDonaldization) and the preachers’ God-images. Chapter 4 explored alternative theological aspects, such as local theology, the function of worship, and liturgy of space. Lastly, Chapter 5 provided suggestions on how preachers can proclaim appropriate God-images based on the insights of the research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Christen preke, begryp ons die oneindigheid van God deur die taal van die mens. Dit is dus onvermydelik dat predikers ‘n sekere soort God-beeld in hul verstand vorm. Hierdie gevormde God-beelde kan beide positief en negatief optree in die prediking van God aan ‘n gemeente. In hierdie proses, moet dit nie nagelaat word dat omliggende sosio-kulturele elemente ook ‘n prediker se God-beeld kan affekteer nie. Dus, is die hoofbelang van hierdie dissertasie: om die dominante God-beelde in Koreaanse preke uit te lig, die sosio-kulturele oorsaaklikheid vir God-beelde te ondersoek en om teologiese perspektiewe/voorstelle te maak. As ‘n raamwerk vir hierdie studie, word Osmer (2008) se benadering gebruik; en hierdie take lei elke hoofstuk van die tesis, naamlik: die beskrywend-empiriese taak, die vertolkende taak, die normatiewe taak en die pragmatiese taak. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die uitgesoekte 24 preke en doen ‘n analiese deur die Heidelberg Metode. Met die gevolg dat dit bevind word dat die drie dominante God-beelde, naamlik: “kragtig”, “ontruim” en “ver-cliché” is. Hoofstuk 3 ondersoek drie sosiale kontekste (ekonomiese materialisme, godsdienstige aktivisme en versnelde modernisering) en ses kulturele elemente (bok, Che-myen, Confuciaanse moralistiese tendense, karma, nuttigheidsleer en ppalli-ppalli) wat spesifiek ‘n impak gehad het op kenmerke van die kerk (ki-bok-shin-ang, funksionaliteit en McDonaldsifisering) en predikers se God-beelde. Hoofstuk 4 herbesoek alternatiewe met teologiese aspekte, naamlik: plaaslike teologie, funksie van aanbidding en liturgie van spasie. Laastens, stel hoofstuk 5 voor hoe predikers God-beelde kan verkondig en approprieer.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.