Socio-technical experiments for sustainable energy technology innovation: a gendered perspective

dc.contributor.advisorDe Kock, Imke Hanluen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan der Merwe, Stefanien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In sub-Saharan Africa, energy poverty is not eradicated at a sufficient pace, therefore exacerbating energy insecurity. The impact of this restricted access to sustainable energy sources is more severe in vulnerable urban poor areas. Moreover, most households in these contexts suffer from a lack of any formal energy system to meet the (growing) urban population’s energy needs. Historically, many efforts have been made to counter energy insecurity. However, such efforts have largely ignored the (newfound) statistically significant correlation between gender and energy consumption patterns – specifically the correlation between the gender of the household head and the energy consumption of the home, and the role that gender plays in energy technology innovations. An alternative approach to energy innovations is therefore needed. This is especially relevant in the sub-Saharan African context, as most households are female-headed, but with decision-making responsibilities being mainly male-oriented. It is therefore imperative that energy technology innovations and solutions are co-designed and developed using a bottom-up approach, as social dynamics play a more important role than what may be perceived. This study views energy as a complex socio-technical system and thus argues that innovations at the gender–energy–technology nexus should be approached as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. Principles are borrowed from fields outside of engineering, such as social science, energy justice, socio-economics, gender studies and systems thinking. First, a systematic literature study is conducted to determine the state of the art (i.e. current state) of gendered energy technology innovations. This structured literature study employs the multivocal literature review approach as well as the PRISMA methodology. Gaps are identified and subsequently, a gap analysis literature study is conducted employing the methodology of a conceptual literature study. Next, the intended research product’s requirement specifications are stipulated to guide the structured process of solution development in this study. Applicable and appropriate theoretical constructs are also identified from the literature (e.g., the Energy Value Chain, Technology Development Processes, the Quadruple Helix Model, the energy justice framework, and Scaling Archetypes), informed by the guidance provided through the requirement specifications. A framework for Gendered Energy Technology Innovations (GETI framework) is then developed to facilitate and support the processes of designing, developing, and implementing gendered energy technology innovations (i.e. energy technologies that specifically have a gendered component). Additionally, the GETI framework is specifically developed to be used for socio-technical experimentation in urban poor environments in sub-Saharan Africa. The user of the GETI framework is identified as being a ‘knowledge intermediary’, i.e. a stakeholder that coordinates stakeholders from various spheres of society. The GETI framework is evaluated by: (i) Verification through semistructured subject-matter expert interviews; and (ii) Validation through case study application. Finally, recommendations for future work are provided and it is concluded that there are opportunities for using the GETI framework as a structured and systematic guide to be used for socio-technical experiments in urban poor environments in SSA.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: In sub-Sahara Afrika word energie-armoede nie teen 'n voldoende tempo uitgeroei nie. Die impak van beperkte toegang tot volhoubare energiebronne is erger in kwesbare stedelike arm gebiede. Boonop het die meeste huishoudings in hierdie konteks min tot geen formele energiestelsels om in die (groeiende) stedelike bevolking se energiebehoeftes te voorsien nie. Telke pogings is al aangewend om energie-onsekerheid te oorkom, maar die nuutgevonde tatistiesbeduidende rol wat geslag in energietegnologie-innovasie speel, is tot op hede ignoreer. Geslag is veral in sub-Sahara Afrika relevant, want die meeste huishoudings in hierdie konteks het 'n vroulike hoof. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die alternatiewe sosiale dinamika (met ander woorde, geslag) in ag geneem word om energiestelseloplossings te vind. Hierdie studie beskou energie as 'n komplekse sosio-tegniese sisteem voer dus aan dat innovasie by die geslags-energie-tegnologie-skakel vanuit multidissiplinêre, interdissiplinêre en transdissiplinêre perspektiewe benader moet word. Beginsels word gebruik vanuit velde buite ingenieurswese, soos sosiale wetenskappe, energiegeregtigheidstudies, sosio-ekonomie, geslagstudies en sisteemdenke. Eerstens word 'n sistematiese literatuurstudie uitgevoer om die huidige stand van geslagsenergietegnologie-innovasie te bepaal. Hierdie gestruktureerde literatuurstudie gebruik die multivokale literatuuroorsigbenadering sowel as die PRISMA-metodologie. Gapings in die literatuur word identifiseer en vervolgens word 'n gapingsanalise-literatuurstudie uitgevoer met die metodologie van 'n konseptuele literatuurstudie. Vervolgens word die beoogde navorsingsproduk se vereiste-spesifikasies gestipuleer om die gestruktureerde proses van oplossingsontwikkeling in hierdie studie te bepaal. Toepaslike teoretiese idees word ook uit die literatuur identifiseer (byvoorbeeld die energiewaardeketting, tegnologie-ontwikkelingsprosesse, die ViervoudigeHeliksmodel, die Energiegereigtigheidsraamwerk, en skaal-argetipes), gebasseer op die spesifikasievereistes van die studie. 'n Raamwerk vir geslags energietegnologie-innovasies, oftewel Gendered Energy Technology Innovations (GETI-raamwerk) word dan ontwikkel om die prosesse van ontwerp, ontwikkeling en implementering van geslags energietegnologie-innovasies (d.w.s. energietegnologieë wat spesifiek 'n geslagskomponent het) te fasiliteer en te ondersteun. Daarbenewens is die GETI-raamwerk spesifiek ontwikkel om gebruik te word vir sosio-tegniese eksperimentering in stedelike arm omgewings in sub-Sahara Afrika. Die gebruiker van die GETI-raamwerk word identifiseer as 'n 'kennistussenganger' ('n belanghebbende wat betrokkenes uit verskeie sfere van die sosio-tegniese eksperiment koördineer). Die GETI-raamwerk word geëvalueer deur: (i) Verifikasie deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde vakkundige onderhoude; en (ii) Validasie deur gevallestudies. Ten slotte word aanbevelings vir toekomstige studies gemaak en die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat daar geleenthede is vir die gebruik van die GETI-raamwerk as 'n gestruktureerde en sistematiese hulpmiddel wat gebruik kan word vir sosio-tegniese eksperimente in stedelike arm omgewings in sub-Sahara Afrika.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 201 pages : illustrations.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEnergy industries -- Technological innovationsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRenewable energy sources -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEnergy security -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSociotechnical systems -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleSocio-technical experiments for sustainable energy technology innovation: a gendered perspectiveen_ZA
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