Ongehude moeders se gemoedstoestand voor en na geboorte

dc.contributor.advisorFourie, S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSwart, Alisiaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionTesis (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1993.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was undertaken to investigate the state of mind of the unmarried mother, before and after the birth. In particular, the unmarried mother who decided to make her baby available for adoption was singled out for attention. The role of the social worker before the birth and the grief process following the adoption received scrutiny. The empiric investigation is based on both a literature study and the Hudson scales were used to measure two components, namely self-esteem and generalised contentment. All of the unmarried mothers resided in an institution for unmarried mothers. Specific attention was given to the psychosocial implications of a pregnancy out of wedlock, not only on the family of origin, but also on a broader spectrum of the unmarried mother's life. An antenatal assistance programme was designed for the birth mother who makes her baby available for adoption, particularly with regard to future choices. An attempt was also made to identify antenatal tasks with regard to the preparation for adoption, as well as the practical guidelines and procedures of the open adoption process. Giving a baby up for adoption constitutes a very great loss. The healing process begins only when the birth parents start talking about their loss. If they attempt to block the grief process, the repressed feelings will emerge later in their lives when they again experience a loss. Consequently the steps of the grief process is presented in a framework which the social worker can use as a guideline in assisting the birth parents in this grief process. The conclusion is reached that aftercare therapy is an essential part of the process of rendering assistance to the birth parents. Purposeful grief work and support can give rise to the birth parents being reintegrated in the community and even lead to personal growth.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die gemoedstoestand van die ongehude moeder, voor en na die geboorte, te ondersoek. Daar is veral klem gelê op die ongehude moeder wat haar baba beskikbaar stel vir aanneming. Aandag is gevestig op die rol van die maatskaplike werker voor die geboorte en die rouproses wat volg na die aanneming. Die empiriese ondersoek is gebaseer op sowel 'n literatuurstudie en die Hudson-skale is gebruik om twee komponente, naamlik die eiewaarde en algemene tevredenheid te meet. Meting het op drie verskillende tye plaasgevind. Die ongehude moeders was almal woonagtig in 'n inrigting vir ongehude moeders. Spesifieke aandag is geskenk aan die psigo-maatskaplike implikasies wat 'n buite-egtelike swangerskap het op, nie net die gesin van herkoms nie, maar ook op 'n breër spektrum van die ongehude moeder se lewe. 'n Voorgeboortelike hulpverleningsprogram is opgestel vir die geboortemoeder wat haar baba vir aanneming beskikbaar stel, veral ten opsigte van die toekomskeuses. Verder is gepoog om voorgeboortelike take ten opsigte van die voorbereiding vir aanneming te identifiseer, asook praktiese riglyne en prosedures van die oop aannemingsproses. Dit is 'n baie groot verlies om 'n baba vir aanneming af te staan. Die helende proses begin eers wanneer die geboorte-ouers oor hul verlies begin praat. Indien die rouproses geblokkeer word, sal dit later in hul lewe na vore kom wanneer hulle weer 'n verlies ervaar. Derhalwe is die stappe van die rouproses in 'n raamwerk aangebied wat die maatskaplike werker as 'n riglyn kan gebruik in die hulpverlening aan die geboorte-ouers met hierdie rouproses. Daar word tot die slotsom gekom dat nasorgterapie 'n noodsaaklike deel van die hulpverleningsproses aan die geboorte-ouers is. Doelgerigte rouwerk en ondersteuning kan aanleiding gee tot die geboorte-ouers se herinskakeling by die gemeenskap en selfs tot persoonlike groei.af_ZA
dc.format.extent230 pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial workers -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectUnmarried mothers -- Mental health -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectUnmarried mothers -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectUnmarried mothers -- Rehabilitation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Social worken_ZA
dc.titleOngehude moeders se gemoedstoestand voor en na geboorteaf_ZA
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