Informal red meat marketing : a case study in the Western Cape townships

Karaan, Abolus Salam Mohammad
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Informal red meat trade was investigated as it occurs in the townships of the Cape Town metropole. To achieve this, an interactive research approach was followed, initially involving months of observation before scientific and empirical analysis was conducted. The informal marketing activities were described and analysed with the purpose of establishing its strengths; weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Criteria of efficiency and effectiveness were constantly employed. ln this regard, the prevailing system was tested against consumer needs and preferences. A large degree of consistency was found between the nature of supply by the informal sector and the nature of demand from its target consumer base. On this basis, it was deduced that the informal red meat marketing system has the potential to further contribute to development and township food security. The informal marketing system, how~ver, operates under specific constraints. These were identified and subsequently recommendations were made to alleviate these constraints, in order to maximise the contribution of informal red meat trade to local development.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die informele bemarking van rooivleis, soos dit in die stadswyke (townships) van die Kaapstadse metropolis voorkom, is ondersoek. Deur middel van 'n interaktiewe navorsingsbenadering is daar aanvanklik maande lank net waargeneem voordat 'n wetenskaplike en empiriese analise gedoen kon word. Die werksaamhede van die informele rooivleismark is omskryf en ontleed met die oog op vasstelling van die sterk punte en swakhede, geleenthede en bedreigings van die bedryf. Kriteria van doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit is deurgaans aangewend. In hierdie opsig is die huidige stelsel getoets aan verbruikersbehoeftes en voorkeure. Die wyse van aanbieding van die informele sektor het in 'n ruim mate ooreengestem met die aanvraag van die teikenverbruiker. Op grond hiervan word afgelei dat die stelsel van informele bemarking van rooivleis die potensiaal het om nog 'n groter bydrae te lewer tot die ontwikkeling van voedselsekuriteit in die 'townships'. Sekere faktore werk egter beperkend m op die informele bemarkingstelsel. Hierdie faktore is gei'dentifiseer en aanbevelings is gemaak ter opheffing van die beperkinge om sodoende die stelsel se bydrae tot plaaslike ontwikkeling·te maksimeer.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1993.
Meat industry and trade -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Dissertations -- Agricultural economics, Theses -- Agricultural economics