Lean six sigma and theory of constraints for service: Model definition and validation at ABSA

dc.contributor.advisorVon Leipzig, Konraden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMandaza, Marvelen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lean, Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints, as separate process improvement methodologies, were propounded and promulgated in the traditional field of manufacturing. The evolution of the trend towards the merging of methodologies gave rise to Lean Six Sigma, and later Lean Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints as unified philosophies to enhance process improvement effort yields. Further to the emergence of these hybrid approaches advances have also been made in their application outside the conventional domain of manufacturing. The service industry, and specifically the banking sector, is one such area where the application of these philosophies has made remarkable advancements. Limited proof however exists on the applicability of Lean Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints in the South African banking arena. This work was aimed at developing and defining a Lean Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints framework specific to a South African banking context. This framework is based on the tools of Lean, Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints while taking into cognisance the relevant performance metrics. The framework also had to take particular care to account for the social, economic and cultural influences that are particular to the geography. The framework defined in this work places emphasis on the importance of capability building and crowd sourcing over and above the pure principles of the ideological foundation. Case studies on the application of the process improvement principles at the South African banking institution are included as a way of validating the hypothesis proposed for this non-traditional domain. The examples covered include process improvement efforts in the retail and investment banking space. One theoretical case study also examines how principles of operations research can be applied to process improvement and operational interventions to optimise workforce efficiency. The framework and case studies herein highlighted are therefore used to make the argument for the application of Lean Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints outside the traditional manufacturing environment and further enhance the body of knowledge in this subject area. This work provides a refined roadmap for banks, and indeed other service industry institutions, in the South African market to implement and streamline the application of the hybrid process improvement methodology.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lean, Six Sigma en die Theory of Constraints is op die tradisionele gebied van vervaardiging as afsonderlike prosesverbeteringsmetodieke voorgelê en bekend gemaak. Die evolusie van die tendens tot die samesmelting van metodieke het aanleiding gegee tot Lean Six Sigma, en later Lean Six Sigma en die Theory of Constraints as saambindende filosofieë om die uitslag van prosesverbeteringspogings te verbeter. Wat die opkoms van hierdie hibridiese benaderings betref, is daar ook vordering gemaak met die toepassing daarvan buite die konvensionele sfeer van vervaardiging. Die dienstebedryf, en spesifiek die bankdienstesektor, is een so ’n gebied waar die toepassing van hierdie filosofieë merkbare vordering getoon het. Daar is egter beperkte bewyse van die toepaslikheid van Lean Six Sigma en die Theory of Constraints vir die Suid-Afrikaanse bankdienstetoneel. Hierdie werk is gemik op die ontwikkeling en bepaling van ’n Lean, Six Sigma en Theory of Constraints-raamwerk wat kenmerkend van die Suid-Afrikaanse bankdienstekonteks is. Hierdie raamwerk is op die middele van Lean, Six Sigma en die Theory of Constraints gebaseer, terwyl dit die relevante prestasiemetriek in ag neem. Die raamwerk moes ook veral sorg dat dit die maatskaplike, ekonomiese en kulturele invloede wat kenmerkend van die geografie is, in rekening bring. Die raamwerk omskryf in hierdie werk plaas klem op die belangrikheid van die vermoë gebou en skare verkryging bo en behalwe die suiwer beginsels van die ideologiese grondslag. Gevallestudies oor die toepassing van die prosesverbeteringsbeginsels by die Suid-Afrikaanse bankinstelling word ingesluit as ’n manier om die hipotese wat vir hierdie nie-tradisionele sfeer voorgestel is, se geldigheid te bepaal. Die voorbeelde wat bespreek word, sluit prosesverbeteringspogings op die gebied van die kleinhandel en beleggingsbankdienste in. Een teoretiese gevallestudie ondersoek ook hoe die beginsels van operasionelenavorsing op prosesverbetering en bedryfsingrypings toegepas kan word om die doeltreffendheid van die arbeidsmag te optimaliseer. Die raamwerk en gevallestudies wat hierin uitgelig word, word dus gebruik as argument vir die toepassing van Lean Six Sigma en die Theory of Constraints buite die tradisionele vervaardigingsmilieu en vermeerder die poel van kennis op hierdie gebied verder. Hierdie werk verskaf ’n omskrewe rigtingaanduider vir banke, en inderdaad ander dienstebedryfsinstellings in die Suid-Afrikaanse mark, ten opsigte van die implementering en stroomlyning van die toepassing van die hibridiese prosesverbeteringsmetodiek.af_ZA
dc.format.extent236 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTheory of constraints (Management)en_ZA
dc.subjectSix sigma (Quality control standard)en_ZA
dc.subjectBanking Serviceen_ZA
dc.titleLean six sigma and theory of constraints for service: Model definition and validation at ABSAen_ZA
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