Readiness assessment of selected tourism institutions for electronic business system applications in the Western Cape tourism industry

dc.contributor.advisorFouche, B.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorBotha, Daniel F.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTafane, Zamikhayaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Information Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The tourism sector in the province is regarded as one of the major economic sectors that have been found to have significant growth prospects. Indeed it’s revitalising and captivating to see the provincial tourism industry organizing itself to adapt to the new challenges of the knowledge economy, while also retorting to the new demands emerging from the needs and the expectations of the customers. The Western Cape tourism industry is currently preparing itself for the knowledge intensive marketing of its products and services and is also faced with challenges arising from the need to exploit electronic business systems for the benefits of the entire industry and its role players. In a nutshell, this requires the Western Cape tourism industry to understand the operation of global economic systems and strive towards locating itself strategically within them, and also develop strategic alliances with developing countries in order to reshape the system of global governance to achieve more equitable outcomes. Simultaneously, it requires that it equip the provincial economy as a whole, its sectors and enterprises to meet the challenges facing it in becoming sustainable competitive environment. This is an exploratory study of which the research problem is whether the selected tourism institutions are ready to implement electronic business systems. The proposed research study findings indicate the readiness level of the selected institutions in implementing electronic business systems. The research methodology instruments of the study were twofold. Both a modified questionnaire designed by Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to evaluate companies’ readiness in electronic business systems application was used, as well as a structured interview to acquire qualitative data was also used. The paper is not only a result of my personal interest in electronic business field, most importantly, it is of necessity to understand the concepts and principles of ‘electronic business’ and ‘Destination Marketing Organisation’ as they apply to the Western Cape tourism industry.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toerismesektor in die provinsie word beskou as een van die vernaamste ekonomiese sektore wat beduidende groeivooruitsigte toon. Dit is inderdaad opwindend en fassinerend om te sien hoe die provinsiale toerismebedryf homself organiseer om by die nuwe uitdagings van die kennisekonomie aan te pas, terwyl daar ook voldoen word aan die nuwe eise wat uit die behoeftes en die verwagtinge van die klante voortspruit. Die Wes-Kaapse toerismebedryf berei homself tans voor vir die kennis-intensiewe bemarking van sy produkte en dienste en kom ook te staan voor uitdagings wat spruit uit die behoefte om elektroniese besigheidstelsels tot voordeel van die hele bedryf en sy rolspelers te ontgin. Kortom vereis dit van die Wes-Kaapse toerismebedryf om die bedrywighede van wereldwye ekonomiese stelsels te verstaan en daarna te streef om homself strategies daarin te plaas, en ook om strategiese alliansies met ontwikkelende lande te vorm ten einde die stelsel van wereldwye bestuur te hervorm om billiker uitkomste te lewer. Terselfdertyd moet die provinsiale ekonomie as geheel, sy sektore en ondernemings toegerus word om te voldoen aan die uitdagings waarvoor dit te staan kom terwyl dit ’n volhoubare mededingende omgewing word. Hierdie is ’n verkennende studie waarvan die navorsingvraagstuk is, of die geselekteerde instellings gereed is vir die implementering van elektroniese besigheidstelsels. Die bevindings van die beoogde navorsingsondersoek sal die gereedheidsvlak aandui van die geselekteerde instellings om elektroniese besigheidstelsels te benut. Die navorsingsmetodologie het tweeledig van instrumente gebruik gemaak. Een daarvan was ‘n spesiaal aangepaste vraelys wat deur BDC ontwerp is om maatskappye se gereedheid vir die toepassing van elektroniese besigheidstelsels te evalueer, en die ander ‘n gestruktureerde onderhoud. Die studie is nie bloot ’n gevolg van my persoonlike belangstelling in die veld van elektroniese besigheid nie, maar die belangrikste is om die konsepte en beginsels van ‘elektroniese besigheid’ en ‘Destination Marketing Organisation’ te begryp soos dit op die Wes-Kaapse toerismebedryf betrekking het.af_ZA
dc.format.extent124 p. : ill., map
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTourism -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectTourism -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Computer network resourcesen_ZA
dc.subjectElectronic commerce -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Information scienceen_ZA
dc.titleReadiness assessment of selected tourism institutions for electronic business system applications in the Western Cape tourism industryen_ZA
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