Utilisation of performance analysis amongst Western Province club rugby coaches

dc.contributor.advisorKraak, Wilburen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorHendricks, Shariefen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPainczyk, Heinrich Franciosen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of performance analysis (PA) by coaches has significantly increased across many sporting codes around the world. The demand for effective feedback due to memory retention limitations in the coaching process is a main contributing factor. Researchers have investigated the utilisation of performance analysis within certain coaching populations and found that it is used extensively in the coaching and feedback process. Its popularity and importance in drawing accurate conclusions regarding athletic performance has led to the investigation of the inter- and intra-coder reliability of the computerised notational systems used to produce this data. However, there are many systems that are available to coaches that have not yet been tested. The first objective of this study was to determine and compare the utilisation of performance analysis by Western Province Rugby Union club rugby coaches. This was carried out with the aim of providing insight into the extent to which PA is currently being used in a practical setting. The second objective of this study was twofold: firstly, to determine the inter- and intra-coder reliability of the EncodeProRX performance analysis software and secondly to compare coding done by novice coders and an experienced coder. This thesis is structured as a series of research articles. Article 1: ‘Utilisation of Performance Analysis among Western Province Rugby Union Club Coaches’ addresses the first objective: it highlighted that only 16% of coaches in the Super League have access to video footage after every game, with 39% of coaches never having access to video footage. It also highlighted that 80% of coaches value performance analysis strongly, yet 82% do not have access to a computerised notational system. The number of coaches that do not have access to video and computerised notational systems can be attributed to the fact that 80% of coaches do not receive a budget for performance analysis resources from their clubs. Despite this, 76% of coaches perform their own analysis, to some extent, indicating that they are aware of their memory retention issues but lack the resources to do this effectively. Article 2: ‘Reliability of EncodeProRX performance analysis software to assess rugby performance’ addresses the second objective. The EncodeProRX system showed very good inter-coder reliability agreement among most of the performance indicators measured, namely scrums (К=.93), lineouts (К=.93), handling errors (К=.90), tackles Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za v (К=.83), mauls (К=.92) and rucks (К=.92). There was an average agreement of К=.79 across all the performance indicators. Furthermore, the intra-coder reliability showed an average agreement of К=.82 which shows that coders can use this system consistently. When comparing an experienced coder to the novice coders, there was some variability with two coders yielding very good agreement (К=.81 and К=.84) and three coders with good agreement (К=.69, К=.72 and К=.79). This study concluded that there is an unfavourable situation in Western Province club rugby where many coaches do not have access to performance analysis resources. The primary contributing factor of this was budget related issues. The EncodeProRX performance analysis system was proven to have good inter- and intra-coder reliability meaning that it is an affordable computerised notational system available to coaches that can be used to determine effective training protocols and provide precise operational definitions.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wêreldwyd het die gebruik van prestasie analise (PA) betekenisvol oor baie sport kodes heen toegeneem. Die hoof bydraende faktor is die behoefte aan effektiewe terugvoer as gevolg van geheue beperkings in die afrigtingsproses. Navorsers het die gebruik van PA binne sekere afrigtingspopulasies ondersoek en tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit omvattend in die afrigting en terugvoer prosesse gebruik word. Die populariteit en belangrikheid van PA om tot akkurate gevolgtrekkings aangaande sport prestasie te kom, het aanleiding gegee tot die ondersoek na die eksterne- en interne- kodeerder betroubaarheid van die gerekenariseerde notering sisteme wat gebruik word om hierdie data te produseer. Daar is egter baie sisteme tot die beskikking van afrigters wat nog nie getoets is nie. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om die gebruik van PA deur Westelike Provinsie Rugby Unie afrigters te bepaal en te vergelyk. Dit is uitgevoer met die doel om insig te bekom in die mate waartoe PA huidig in praktiese situasie gebruik word. Die tweede doelwit van die studie was tweeledig van aard: eerstens om die eksterne- en interne- kodeerder betroubaarheid van die "EncodeProRX" PA sagteware te bepaal en tweedens om die kodering wat deur beginner kodeerders en ‘n ervare kodeerder uitgevoer word, te vergelyk. Die struktuur van hierdie tesis bestaan uit ʼn reeks artikels. Artikel 1: ‘Utilisation of Performance Analysis among Western Province Rugby Union Club Coaches’, spreek die eerste doelwit aan. Die bevindinge toon dat slegs 16% van die afrigters in die Super Liga toegang tot video opnames na afloop van elke wedstryd het, terwyl 39% van die afrigters geen toegang tot video opnames het nie. 80% van die afrigters heg baie waarde aan PA, maar 82% het nie toegang tot ʼn gerekenariseerde notering sisteem nie. Die aantal afrigters wat nie toegang het tot video en gerekenariseerde notering sisteme kan toegeskryf word aan die feit dat 80% van die afrigters nie ʼn begroting vir PA hulpbronne van hulle klubs ontvang nie. Afgesien hiervan voer 76% van die afrigters, tot ʼn sekere mate, hulle eie analise uit. Hulle is terdeë bewus van hulle geheue beperkings kwessies, maar het nie die hulpbronne om dit effektief uit te voer nie. Artikel 2: ‘Reliability of EncodeProRX Performance Analysis System to Assess Rugby Performance’ addresses the second objective. Die "EncodeProRX" sisteem het baie goeie interne-kodeerder betroubaarheid ooreenkomste tussen meeste van die gemete prestasie indikators getoon, naamlik: skrums (К=.93), lynstane (К=.93), hanteringsfoute (К=.90), duikslae (К=.83), losgemale (К=.92) en losskrums (К=.92). Daar was ʼn gemiddelde ooreenkoms van К=.79 oor al die prestasie indikators heen. Aan die ander kant het die interne-kodeerder betroubaarheid ʼn gemiddelde ooreenkoms van К=.82 getoon, wat daarop dui dat kodeerders die sisteem konsekwent kan gebruik. Die vergelyking van ’n ervare kodeerder met beginner kodeerders, het ʼn mate van inkonsekwentheid getoon met twee kodeerders wat baie goeie ooreenkomste getoon het (К=.81 en К=.84) en drie kodeerders met goeie ooreenkomste (К=.69, К=.72 en К=.79). Die studie het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar ʼn ongunstige situasie in Westelike Provinsie klub rugby heers, aangesien baie afrigters nie toegang tot PA hulpbronne het nie. Die primêre bydraende faktor hiertoe is begrotingskwessies. Daar is bevind dat die "EncodeProRX" PA sisteem goeie eksterne- en interne-kodeerder betroubaarheid toon. Dit impliseer dat die "EncodeProRX" ʼn bekostigbare gerekenariseerde noteringsisteem is wat deur afrigters gebruik kan word om effektiewe inoefening protokolle te bepaal en om presiese operasionele definisies te voorsien.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 140 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCoaching processen_ZA
dc.subjectCoder reliabilityen_ZA
dc.subjectComputerised notational systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectPerformance anlaysisen_ZA
dc.subjectVideo analysisen_ZA
dc.subjectClub rugby coachesen_ZA
dc.titleUtilisation of performance analysis amongst Western Province club rugby coachesen_ZA
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