Determinants of savings in the SADC region : the role of foreign capital and financial development

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The Clute Institute
The study examines the determinants of savings in the SADC region, mainly focusing on the roles played by external financial flows and financial development in mobilising domestic savings utilising panel cointegration method and the Dynamic ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) approach from 1980 to 2009. Following the review of literature, the empirical model adopted established that there is a long-run relationship between the variables of interest. The results indicate that income, proxied with GDP, financial sector development and foreign capital have a positive relationship with savings. The results also suggest that financial sector development has played a very important role in influencing savings in the region. However on the other hand the results indicate that interest rate and dependency ratio have influenced savings negatively. The empirical results support the hypothesis that foreign savings bridges the gap between domestic demand and supply of finance in the SADC countries. There is need to attract more foreign capital given that it compliments domestic savings. At the same time policies aimed at financial deepening should still be pursued to further deepen the financial system in the SADC countries to further enhance savings.
CITATION: Kapingura, F. M., Ikhide, S. & Tsegaye, A. 2015. Determinants of savings in the SADC region : the role of foreign capital and financial development. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31(6):2107-2122, doi:10.19030/jabr.v31i6.9470.
The original publication is available at
SADC, Gross domestic product, Cointegration, Saving and investment -- Developing countries, Econometrics
Kapingura, F. M., Ikhide, S. & Tsegaye, A. 2015. Determinants of savings in the SADC region : the role of foreign capital and financial development. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31(6):2107-2122, doi:10.19030/jabr.v31i6.9470.