Investigating the human condition through the sculpted figure: exploring the artworks of Jane Alexander, Camille Claudel, Rook Floro, and William Kentridge

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: “Investigating the Human Condition through the Sculpted Figure” examines the expression of the human condition through the sculpted medium. This thesis will explore the notion of the shadow in the writings of Plato, Nietzsche and Jung. These philosophical texts will reveal the aspects of self-doubt, insecurity, and anxiety inherent to the human condition. These texts will also provide context and background to my own sense of autobiographical unease and anxiety in my practical work titled Shadow Series. Following the investigation of the shadow, a background on existentialist philosophy is explored through Jean-Paul Sartre’s writings, namely Existentialism is a Humanism (1947) and Nausea (1965). These texts provide context to the emotions of anguish, forlornness and despair, concepts that are inherent in my series of work titled Nude Existence and the Shadow Series. This section includes the work of four artists who have addressed similar themes in their artworks. The thesis will conclude with reflections on how these works grapple with the fundamental questions of the human condition, the human psyche and the use of the human form to express these narratives of singular and collective anguish through the sculpted body.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: “Investigating the Human Condition through the Sculpted Figure” is ‘n studie in die uitdrukking van die menslike toestand deur beeldhou as medium in die kunste. Die proefskrif ondersoek die idee van die skaduwee in die tekste van Plato, Nietzsche en Jung. Hierdie filosofiese tekste sal ‘n verskeidenheid aspekte van self twyfel, onsekerheid en angs as inherent tot die menslike toestand onthul. Dié tekse sal ook konteks en agtergrond verskaf tot my eie sin van outobiografiese ongemak en angs in my praktiese werk getiteld Shadow Series. Na die ondersoek na die skadu, verken ek die agtergrond van eksistensiële filosofie in Jean-Paul Sartre se skryfwerk, naamlik in Existentialism is a Humanism (1947) en Nausea (1965). Hierdie tekste verskaf konteks aan die emosies van angs, verlatenheid en wanhoop inherent in my series getiteld Nude Existence series en Shadow Series. Die afdeling sluit in die kuns van vier kunstenaars wie soortgelyke temas adresseer in hulle kunswerke. Die samevatting sluit af met nadenke oor hoe dié werke worstel met die fundamentele vraag na die menslike toestand, die menslike psige en die gebruik van die menslike vorm om hierdie narratiewe rondom individuele en kollektiewe angs deur die gebeeldhoude liggaam.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Shadows, UCTD, Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900, Plato, Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961, Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980, Human body in art, Scupture, Human condition, Existentialism