End-of-trip facilities for cyclist and realignment of current South African bicycle legislation

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Stellenbosch : Stellrnbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, the need to provide more End-of-Trip Facilities (EOTF) for cyclists (and/or other Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) users) is highlighted. Almost all Government sectors (national, provincial and local) have developed some form of NMT Plan, Policy, Strategy or Masterplan to address Travel Demand Management (TDM) and to promote the use of Public Transport and NMT. The level to which these policy documents address the needs of cyclists is however substandard. The current planning legislation requires all new developments to provide vehicular parking to cater for the anticipated use. However, at present, little legislation exists to encourage/compel new developments to provide bicycle parking and bicycle facilities, which could greatly promote the use of NMT. All major cities within South Africa are currently investing in NMT infrastructure or associated awareness programmes, but very little is being done regarding EOTF, which (apart from travel distance) is believed to be one of the most important criteria influencing whether commuters chose to cycle to work versus continue to use their private vehicles. This thesis therefore explores the current South African legislation and highlights potential inhibiters to creating a commuter modal shift towards NMT. The thesis draws from guidelines and literature from international cities to support arguments and recommendations made within this thesis. The international examples were chosen to highlight the fact that South Africa cities are not unique in their pursuit to create a modal shift towards more sustainable transport modes, especially cycling. A South African case study of an existing business complex without end-of-trip facilities is given, and measures the behavioural change following the introduction of some end-of-trip facilities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die noodsaaklikheid vir eindpuntbewaringsfasiliteite (EBF) vir fietsryers of enige ander Nie-Gemotoriseerde Vervoer (NGV) word in die tesis uitgewys. Die drie regerings vlakke (nasionaal, provinsiaal en munisipaal) het omtrent almal een of ander NGV beplanning of strategie ontwikkel om die Vervoer Aanvraagbestuur te ondersteun asook die bevordering van openbare vervoer and NGV. Ongelukkig is die bevordering vir die gebruik van fietse nie goed ondersteun nie. Die huidige wetgewing vir beplanning vereis dat alle nuwe ontwikkelings voorsiening maak vir genoegsame parkering van voertuie. Daarenteen bestaan daar bitter min wetgewing om nuwe ontwikkelings aan te moedig of vereistes te stel om voorsiening te maak vir EBF vir fietse, wat die gebruik van NGV sou bevorder. Huidiglik investeer al die groot stede in Suid Afrika in NGV infrastrukture of bewusmaking programme maar min word gedoen in verband met EBF. Afgesien van vervoer afstande is EBF een van die mees belangrike faktore om te bepaal of 'n pendelaar eerder 'n fiets sou gebruik instede van sy voertuig. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die huidige wetgewing te ondersoek en hindernisse uit te wys wat sal help om die NGV te laat slaag. Hierdie tesis gebruik riglyne and literatuur van internasionale stede om die argumente en voorstelle wat in die tesis verskyn, te ondersteun. Som internasionale voorbeelde was gebruik om te bewys dat Suid Afrikaanse stede nie uniek is in hul soektog na 'n modale verskuiwing na meer houbare vervoerstelsels, veral die gebruik van fietse. 'n Gevallestudie van 'n huidige besigheids kompleks in Suid Afrika sonder EBF word gebruik en die gedragsverandering word gemeet nadat verskeie EBF's ingestel is en word dan ontleed.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Cycling, Bicycle trails -- Planning, Cycling -- equipment and supplies, Bicycle communiting -- Planning, Bicycle trails -- Design and construction, UCTD, Bicycle parking, Transportation demand management