Recomposition in the music of Kevin Volans: A comparative study investigating three settings of Chakra

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The art of borrowing and recomposition is an age-old practice, representing a well of inspiration that many composers have drawn from. Kevin Volans, one of South Africa‟s most successful musical exports, has long been a practitioner of this. Many of his compositions confirm this fascination with developing and transforming pre-existing materials. This study presents an investigation into the meaning of the word „recomposition‟, tracking how certain methods of recomposition have developed throughout the history of music up to the oeuvre of Kevin Volans. With this foundation the thesis proceeds with an analytical examination of Volans‟s transformation of his percussion trio Chakra (2003) into String Quartet No. 11 (2011) and later Chakra for percussion trio and orchestra (2012). Through a comparative analysis, this research uncovers the various methods employed in achieving these creative recompositions. This includes a thorough investigation of Volans‟
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kuns van leen en herkomposisie is ʼn eeue oue praktyk, en verteenwoordig ʼn bron van inspirasie waaruit talle komponiste put. Kevin Volans, een van Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste internasionale komponiste, voer dit lank reeds in sy praktyk uit. Talle van sy komposisies getuig van hierdie fassinasie met die ontwikkeling en transformasie van bestaande materiaal. Hierdie studie behels ʼn ondersoek na die betekenis van die woord „herkomposisie‟, en ondersoek hoe sekere metodes daarvan deur die geskiedenis van musiek ontwikkel het, en eindig uiteindelik by die oeuvre van Kevin Volans. Met hierdie grondslag behels die tesis ʼn analitiese voorstelling en ʼn ondersoek na die transformasie van Volans se perkussietrio, Chakra (2003) tot String Quartet No. 11 (2011) en, later, Chakra for percussion trio and orchestra (2012). Deur ʼn vergelykende ontleding is die verskeie metodes wat gebruik is om hierdie kreatiewe herkomposisies te skep, ontdek. Dit sluit ʼn diepgaande ondersoek van Volans se serialisme in wat as ʼn belangrik strukturele, ekspressiewe en transformatiewe middel dien.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Volans, Kevin, 1949-, Recomposition, Chakra, UCTD