Nasionale Sertifikaat (Beroepsgerig)-studente se verwagtinge van akademiese ondersteuning

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegniese en Beroepsgerigte Onderwys en Opleiding (TBOO)-kolleges word gerig deur beleid om akademiese ondersteuning aan alle studente, insluitende Nasionale Sertifikaat Beroepsgerig (NSB)-studente, te bied. Kolleges implementeer akademiese ondersteunings-geleenthede, soos ekstra klasse, maar dit word gewoonlik nie goed deur studente bygewoon nie. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om die persepsies, verwagtinge en behoeftes van studente by ‘n TBOO-kollege ten opsigte van akademiese ondersteuning te verken sodat aandeelhouers insigte kan verkry in die behoeftes van studente. Die studie word omraam deur die sosiale konstruktivistiese teorie van Vygotsky deur ʼn teoretiese grondslag vir die navorsing te lê. Die studie is uitgevoer by ʼn plattelandse TBOO-kollege. Agtien NSB-studente het aan ʼn fokusgroepaktiwiteit deelgeneem waar hulle ʼn denkbeeldige webblad ontwerp het om sodoende hulle verwagtings van akademiese ondersteuning te verken. Na afloop van die aktiwiteit het hulle deelgeneem in ses groepe aan fokusgroepbesprekings waar die webbladontwerp en hulle verwagtings van akademiese ondersteuning bespreek is. Uit dieselfde groep het sewe studente deelgeneem aan individuele onderhoude. Alle onderhoude is opgeneem en verbatim getranskribeer. Die data is geanaliseer en in temas georganiseer deur die konstante vergelykende metode te gebruik. Bevindinge wys dat hierdie NSB-studente van akademiese ondersteuning verwag om ʼn sosiale behoefte te vervul. Studente wil in beheer wees van hulle eie leer en sien die rol van die lektor as dié van motiveerder en ondersteuner. Hulle verwag van akademiese ondersteuning om hulle taal- en studievaardighede te ontwikkel en om loopbaanvoorligting te verskaf. Studente het ʼn behoefte aan voldoende infrastruktuur en hulpbronne, soos ʼn studiesentrum, biblioteek en rekenaars om hulle studies te voltooi en beskou dit as akademiese ondersteuning. Hulle het ook ʼn behoefte aan ekstra klasse, maar wil toegang tot ʼn tutor hê wat vrae individueel kan beantwoord eerder as ʼn lektor wat klasgee tydens ekstra klasse.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)-colleges are guided by policy to provide academic support to all students, including National Certificate Vocational (NCV)-students. Colleges implement academic support events, like extra classes, but these are not usually well attended by students. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions, expectations and needs of NCV-students at a TVET-college of academic support in order to provide stakeholders insights into the needs of students. The study is framed by the social constructivist theory of Vygotsky, providing a theoretical grounding for the inquiry. This study was conducted at a rural TVET-college. Eighteen NCV-students took part in a focus group activity where they designed a fictitious webpage to explore their expectations of academic support. After the activity, they participated in six groups in focus group discussions where they discussed the webpage design and their expectations of academic support. From the same group, seven students participated in semi-structured individual interviews. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data was analysed and organised into themes using the constant comparative method. Findings showed that these NCV-students expected academic support to fulfil a social need. Students want to be in control of their own learning and see the role of the lecturer as a motivator and supporter. They expect academic support to develop their language skills, study skills and to provide career guidance. Students need sufficient infrastructure and resources, like a study centre, library and computers to complete their studies and regard this as academic support. They also expressed a need for extra classes, but want a tutor who can answer individual questions, rather than a lecturer lecturing during these classes.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Vocational guidance -- South Africa, Vocational education -- South Africa, Occupational training -- South Africa, Educational assistance -- South Africa, UCTD