Supply chain management : a framework of understanding

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
The topic of supply chain management (SCM) is complex to understand because it encompasses many different flows of activities, components, functions, and role-players. The literature is scattered across multiple functions, varies in scope, and is often confined to certain elements within SCM. This article aims to provide a literature overview of SCM. It is explained with the aid of a newly-developed framework of understanding that offers a graphical representation of the term. It unifies and condenses different components within SCM and shows the relationship between them. The framework was developed by identifying the main themes in the definitions for SCM, examining existing categorisations and frameworks in SCM, and analysing frameworks in other disciplines. The outcome of this article can be used as a guide to explain and orientate researchers and practitioners in the field.
Die onderwerp van voorsieningskettingbestuur (VKB) is kompleks om te verstaan omdat dit baie verskillende komponente, vloei van aktiwiteite, funksies, en rolspelers insluit. Die literatuur oor VKB is versprei oor verskeie funksies, wissel in omvang, en word dikwels beperk tot sekere elemente binne VKB. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om ’n literatuur oorsig oor die onderwerp van VKB te voorsien. VKB word verduidelik met behulp van ’n nuut-ontwikkelde raamwerk van verstaan: ’n grafiese voorstelling van die term. Dit verenig die verskillende komponente binne VKB, en toon die verwantskap tussen hulle. Die raamwerk is ontwikkel deur die belangrikste temas in die definisies van VKB te bestudeer, en bestaande kategorisering en verwysingsmodelle te ontleed. Die uitkomste van die artikel kan gebruik word as ’n gids om navorsers en praktisyne te oriënteer in die veld.
CITATION: Du Toit, D. & Vlok, P. J. 2014. Supply chain management: a framework of understanding. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 25(3):25-38, doi:10.7166/25-3-743.
The original publication is available at
Supply chain management, SCM, Business logistics
Du Toit, D. & Vlok, P. J. 2014. Supply chain management: a framework of understanding. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 25(3):25-38, doi:10.7166/25-3-743.