A sample survey of computer-based training with reference to success criteria and remedial procedures

Du Preez, Ronel
McElligott, D.
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AOSIS Publishing
The aim of the study is to conduct an investigation into the status-quo of computer-based training (CBT) at one of the leading Life Assurance companies in South Africa. The investigation comprises the development of a generic theoretical taxonomy of successful CBT which identi¢es the theoretical macro and micro criteria for successful CBTand its implementation. Core di¡erences between the ideal and actual CBT in practice are identi¢ed. Results indicate that the CBTat the company satis¢es the majority of the micro and macro success criteria. A few inadequacies are identi¢ed. Recommendations are made with regards to various remedial procedures.The incorporation of the theoretical taxonomy and the remedial procedures would serve to increase the success of companies CBTand could result in a highly e⁄cient and e¡ective CBT programme.
Die doel van die studie is die ondersoek na die huidige status van rekenaar-gesteunde-opleiding aan een van die vooraanstaande Lewensversekeringsinstansies in Suid-Afrika. Die studie sluit die ontwikkeling van ‘n generiese teoretiese taksonomie vir suksesvolle rekenaar-gesteunde-opleiding in, ten einde teoretiese makro en mikro sukseskriteria van rekenaar-gesteunde-opleiding daar te stel. Kernverskille tussen die¤ ideaal en rekenaar-gesteunde opleiding in die praktyk word ge|«denti¢seer. Resultate toon dat rekenaar-gesteunde-opleiding by die betrokke instansie grootliks aan die meeste mikro en makro sukseskriteria voldoen.‘n Aantal tekortkominge word ge|«denti¢seer.Verskeie aanbevelings ten opsigte van regstellende prosedures word gemaak. Die implementering van die teoretiese taksonomie en regstellende prosedures in organisasies wat tans van rekenaar-gesteunde-opleiding opleiding gebruik maak, kan lei tot ‘n meer e¡ektiewe en doeltre¡ende rekenaar-gesteunde-opleidings program.
CITATION: McElligott, D. L. & Du Preez, R. 2000. A sample survey of computer-based training with reference to success criteria and remedial procedures. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 26(1):11-17, doi: 10.4102/sajip.v26i1.693.
The original publication is available at http://www.sajip.co.za/index.php/sajip/article/view/693
Computer-based training, success criteria
McElligott, D. L. & Du Preez, R. 2000. A sample survey of computer-based training with reference to success criteria and remedial procedures. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 26(1):11-17, doi: 10.4102/sajip.v26i1.693.