Benefits, business considerations and risks of big data

Smeda, Jorina
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Big data is an emerging technology and its use holds great potential and benefits for organisations. The governance of this technology is something that is still a big concern and as aspect for which guidance to organisations wanting to use this technology is still lacking. In this study an extensive literature review was conducted to identify and define the business imperatives distinctive of an organisation that will benefit from the use of big data. The business imperatives were identified and defined based on the characteristics and benefits of big data. If the characteristics and benefits are clear, the relevant technology will be better understood. Furthermore, the business imperatives provide business managers with guidance to whether their organisation will benefit from the use of this technology or not. The strategic and operational risks related to the use of big data were also identified and they are discussed in this assignment, based on a literature review. The risks specific to big data are highlighted and guidance is given to business managers as to which risks should be addressed when using big data. The risks are then mapped against COBIT 5 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) to highlight the processes most affected when implementing and using big data, providing business managers with guidance when governing this technology.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘Big data’ is 'n ontwikkelende tegnologie en die gebruik daarvan hou baie groot potensiaal en voordele vir besighede in. Die bestuur van hierdie tegnologie is egter ʼn groot bron van kommer en leiding aan besighede wat hierdie tegnologie wil gebruik ontbreek steeds. Deur middel van 'n uitgebreide literatuuroorsig is die besigheidsimperatiewe kenmerkend van 'n besigheid wat voordeel sal trek uit die gebruik van ‘big data’ geïdentifiseer. Die besigheidsimperatiewe is geïdentifiseer en gedefinieer gebaseer op die eienskappe en voordele van ‘big data’. Indien die eienskappe en voordele behoorlik verstaan word, is 'n beter begrip van die tegnologie moontlik. Daarbenewens bied die besigheidsimperatiewe leiding aan bestuur sodat hulle in staat kan wees om te beoordeel of hulle besigheid voordeel sal trek uit die gebruik van hierdie tegnologie of nie. Die strategiese en operasionele risiko's wat verband hou met die gebruik van ‘big data’ is ook geïdentifiseer en bespreek, gebaseer op 'n literatuuroorsig. Dit beklemtoon die risiko's verbonde aan ‘big data’ en daardeur word leiding verskaf aan besigheidsbestuurders ten opsigte van watter risiko's aangespreek moet word wanneer ‘big data’ gebruik word. Die risiko's is vervolgens gekarteer teen COBIT 5 (‘Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology’) om die prosesse wat die meeste geraak word deur die gebruik van ‘big data’ te beklemtoon, ten einde leiding te gee aan besigheidsbestuurders vir die beheer en kontrole van hierdie tegnologie.
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
UCTD, Big data, Business enterprises -- Computer networks, Business enterprises -- Computer networks -- Security measures, COBIT (Information technology management standard), Big data -- Risk management