Perceptions of stakeholders in education on the distribution of condoms to secondary schools learners in the Oshana region

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch -- Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV and AIDS is the most catastrophic epidemic affecting the entire world. Worldwide HIV and AIDS has become the single largest cause of death among populations. It has reached an acute stage and continues its deadly course. Despite the effort situation that people in different parts of the word and sectors have made and still making to better the condition, HIV and AIDS is still increasing on a daily basis particularly among the youth. Since its existence, the epidemic has claimed lives of many family members, learners, and colleagues regardless the age, gender and race. It has become the daily news in every media, affecting majorities in one way or another. The fight against HIV and AIDS demands huge collective responses from individuals, communities and governments at large and continuous education has a major role to play in this fight. The study investigated the perception of stakeholders in education mainly the teachers and learners on the issue of condoms distribution to secondary school learners in the Oshana Region as a preventative method. The study was stimulated by a higher number of learners‟ drop-outs due to teenage pregnancies in most secondary schools in the Oshana Region. The study confirmed that condoms are needed to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reducing HIV transmission among learners. Most learners are not yet sexually, emotionally and physically-matured to make comprehensive decision on sex practices. Some teachers felt that the availability and accessibility of condoms in schools might increase promiscuity among learners. Therefore before condoms‟ availability and accessibility, there is a need of massive awareness on sex education in order to save our learners. Interestingly, learners who participated in the study were happy if condoms could be made available and accessible in their schools. Furthermore they felt that the sexual active learners would be able to complete their secondary education free from unwanted pregnancies and HIV transmission. From the research findings, recommendations are made to the education policy makers to provide guidelines to the stakeholders on whether the condoms availability and accessibility was necessary in the secondary schools. The research had shown that the use of condoms was safe with no hormonal or medical side effects. Therefore strategies on how to make them accessible and available to our learners should be treated as a matter of urgency. Finally, “prevention is better that cure”.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV/Vigs is die mees katastrofiese epidemie wat 'n invloed het op die hele wêreld vandag. MIV/Vigs is die grootste enkele oorsaak van dood onder bevolkings wêreldwyd. Ondanks die beste pogings om die pandemie te bekamp verprei dit nog steeds op 'n daaglise basis en is dit veral onstellend om te sien in watter mate dit onder die jeug versprei. Sedert sy ontstaan het die epidemie lewens van talle familielede, leerders en kollegas geneem ongeag hulleouderdom, geslag en ras. Dit verskyn in die daaglikse nuus in elke media, wat die meerderheid op een of ander manier beinvloed. Die stryd teen MIV/Vigs eis groot kollektiewe antwoorde van individue, gemeenskappe en regerings op groot en voortgesette skaal en opleiding het 'n belangrike rol om te speel in hierdie stryd. Die studie ondersoek die waarneming van belanghebbendes in die onderwys, hoofsaaklik die onderwysers en leerders, oor die kwessie van die verspreiding van kondome verspreiding aan sekondêre skool leerders in die Oshana-streek as 'n voorkomende metode. Die studie is gestimuleer deur 'n groot aantal skoolverlaters weens tienerswangerskappe in die meeste sekondêre skole in die Oshana Die studie het bevestig dat kondome nodig is om ongewenste swangerskappe en die vermindering van MIV-oordrag onder leerders te voorkom. Die meeste leerders is nog nie seksueel, emosioneel en fisies volwasse om omvattende besluite oor seks te neem nie. Sommige onderwysers het gevoel dat die beskikbaarheid en toeganklikheid van kondome in skole losbandigheid onder leerders kan verhoog. Daar is dus 'n behoefte vir massiewe bewusmakendheid oor seksopvoeding voordat kondome beskikbaar gemaak word ten einde ons leerders te red. Interessant genoeg, die leerders wat deelgeneem het aan die studie was tevrede as kondome beskikbaar en toeganklik in hul skole sou gemaak word. Verder het hulle gevoel dat die seksuele aktiewe leerders instaat sal wees om hul sekondêre opvoeding vry van ongewenste swangerskappe en MIV-oordrag te voltooi. Aanbevelings word aan onderwys beleidmakers gemaak, om riglyne aan die belanghebbendes te verskaf op die vraag of die kondome beskikbaarheid en toeganklikheid nodig was in sekondêre skole, na aanleiding van die studie se bevindinge. Navorsing het getoon dat die gebruik van kondome veilig is met geen hormonale of mediese newe-effekte. Strategieë oor hoe om dit toeganklik en beskikbaar vir leerders moet daarom as 'n saak van dringendheid beskou word. Ten slotte, "voorkoming is beter as genesing".
Thesis (MPhil) – Stellenbosch University, 2014.
UCTD, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, AIDS (Diesease) in adolescents -- Namibia -- Oshana -- Prevention, HIV infections -- Namibia -- Oshana -- Prevetion, Condom use -- Namibia -- Oshana -- Public opinion, Teenage pregnancy -- Namibia -- Oshana -- Prevention