Organisational learning through scarce skills transfer : a case study in the Eastern Cape Province

Zola, Nazo
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Knowledge Transfer is one of the key knowledge management practices that organisations employ to ensure cross-pollination of knowledge across their various divisions. It should be a cornerstone of a learning organisation and should pervade the entire organisation in all its manifestations. In general it is a question whether public sector organisations in South African are employing such practices in their quest to render services effectively, efficiently and economically. This thesis focuses on an attempt at knowledge transfer in a department in an underdeveloped province, i.e. the Department of Roads and Public Works in the Eastern Cape. It centres on a case study of Cuban engineers who were contracted by the South African government to design and build infrastructure. The thesis is divided into the following chapters: Chapter 1: deals with the problem of knowledge transfer in a developing context. The chapter focuses on the objectives of the research and sketches a contextual backdrop to the study. Chapter 2: discusses the key concepts of Learning, Organisational Learning, Knowledge, Knowledge Transfer, and Knowledge Transfer Strategies. It also identifies barriers to knowledge transfer and highlights a few suggestions on how to deal with those barriers. Chapter 3: deals with the case study of six Cuban engineers and presents the results of the case study. Chapter 4: describes some of the local initiatives taken by the Department to cater for the needed skills in their sector. Chapter 5: evaluates the topic by bringing the literature discussed in chapter two to bear on the findings of the case study.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kennisoordrag is een van die kern kennisbestuurspraktyke waardeur organisasies kruisbestuiwing van kennis oor ‘n verskeidenheid onderafdelings moontlik maak. Dit behoort die basis van ‘n ‘learning organisation’ te wees en die hele organisasie te deursuur. In die algemeen is dit ‘n vraag of publieke sektor organisasies in Suid-Afrika sodanige praktyke aanwend in hulle pogings om dienste te lewer. Hierdie tesis fokus op ‘n poging tot kennisoordrag in ‘n departement wat in ‘n onderontwikkelde provinsie in Suid-Afrika geleë is, naamlik die departement Paaie en Openbare Werke in die Oos-Kaap. Die tesis draai om ‘n gevallestudie van Kubaanse ingenieurs wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering gekontrakteer was om infrastruktuur te ontwerp en te bou. Die tesis is verdeel in die volgende hoofstukke: HOOFSTUK 1 handel oor die probleem van kennisoordrag binne ‘n ontwikkelingskonteks. Dit sit die doel van die studie uiteen en beskryf die sosiale konteks daarvan. HOOFSTUK 2 bespreek die kernkonsepte, naamlik Leer, Organisatorise Leer, Kennis, Kennisoordrag en Kennisoordragstrategieë. Dit identifiseer ook faktore wat kennisoordrag teenwerk en bespreek moontlike oplossings vir laasgenoemde probleem. HOOFSTUK 3 behels ‘n gevallestudie van 6 Kubaanse ingenieurs en bied die resultate daarvan aan. HOOFSTUK 4 beskryf sommige lokale inisiatiewe deur die Department om kennisoordrag te bevorder. HOOFSTUK 5 evalueer die onderwerp deur die literatuur in hoofstuk 2 in verband te bring met die gevallestudie.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Organisational learning, Knowledge transfer, Employees -- Training of, Mentoring in business