Bibliotuiste as veronderstelde tussentuiste

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: House, home, to be at-home-in-the-world and the need for a mobile home that accompanies us through our everyday life, are concepts upon which this thesis is built. I am of opinion that the constant mobility of globalization and each individual’s journey of finding a place to belong to, dictates a complementary conceptualization of a home. My study focuses on the possibilities that books present, physically and psychologically, as a possible complementary term to a house and a home. The theoretical structure of this thesis is based on Doreen Massey and Martin Heidegger’s view on modes of habitation. They outline a framework in which this phenomenological text of an everyday phenomenon, namely: to-be-at-home-in-the-world, is discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huis, tuiste, tuis-wees-in-die-wêreld en die behoefte na ’n mobiele tuiste wat saam swerf deur ons alledaagse leefwêreld, is onderwerpe waarmee hierdie tesis bemoei is. Ek is van mening dat hedendaagse mobiliteit gevind in globalisasie en soektog na ’n eie plek, vra na 'n komplementêre konseptualisering van tuiste. My studie fokus op boeke en hul fisiese en psigiese eienskappe om as moontlike komplementêre tuiste tot huis en tuiste aangewend te word. Doreen Massey en Martin Heidegger se teorieë rondom wyses van bewoning op aarde dien as spilpunt wat deur aanvullende teoretici gekoppel word aan 'n fenomenologiese teks wat die alledaagse ervaring van tuis-wees-in-die-wêreld op die voorgrond plaas.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Home, Belonging (Social psychology), Books and art, Dissertations -- Art, Theses -- Art, Dissertations -- Visual arts, Theses -- Visual arts, UCTD